do I fire dancer #2?

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I haven't had a chance to meet yet with dancer #1 that I described in the first post, but that thread did help me clean my stripper house tonight. Thanks TUSCL friends.

I cleared the air with dancer #2 who works at a different SC than dancer #1. Dancer #2 claims to read TUSCL too. I dont know her name on here but she has pulled up the site on her phone and showed me a review of herself on TUSCL where someone namechecked her and she was so happy someone did and asked me to write a review about her. I went to the SC kindda depressed that I know that I will have to terminate #1 the next time I see her. Its like an execution or funeral. Amazing Grace is playing in my head thinking about dancer #1 while I walk into the SC (but its not #1's SC). I started to think if #2 needs to be executed too. I talked unusually much with dancer #2 this time. I knew dancer #2 will be at the SC, but unlike normal, I didn't text her ahead, since I wanted to test her if is she is even a proper stripper and would recognize me by face, or for a regular customer, I am trash to her. I had a mission, if she never approaches me without me

1. walking up to her
2. me texting her

I wont buy any LDs from anyone at the SC tonight, give no pole tips and just go home with a full wallet. After 2 hours of me watching dancer #2 LDing and VIPing other customers, I gave in and texted her a cryptic joke, it didn't say I was in the SC. She responded with "are you here? where are you? I didn't see you", I didn't respond. Half an hour later she finally sat down on my lap (doesn't happen every time, playing hard to get is working), and we small chatted a little bit. This time with my TUSCL knowledge, and knowing I have to clean my stripper house, I asked about "more" in a couple words, very quickly, without mentioning tip. She responded with a "I do not X". I did ask Dancer #2 before for an extra, she very reluctantly offered a $100 extra at her former SC, but I declined at the time and bought LDs instead. tip+room price at that SC wasnt worth it. I can get GFE on TER for the same price. I wasn't obsessed with #2 at the time. IDK if #2 even remembers that conversation this many months later. I didn't talk about tips this time for X. Because of #2's negative response, I skipped the VIP room and went for 2 corner LDs and gave no tip. 1 hour later, she comes back, sits down again on my lap, and this time we have a super long discussion, about her SC work, her other regulars, her transportation to SCs, why she quit her former SC. At one point she asks me if I've ever bought extras at a SC. I gave her the truth. She didn't comment and changed the topic. She joked around and said shit about the dancers at her former SC, and we swapped stories from the dressing room (her), and front rail sides (me) about the same low end dancers at her former SC. "there were so many crackheads there, like X, I couldn't stand her" I told her "X offered to fuck me if I bring an oz of weed and wanted to smoke it with me". I turned down X's OTC and ITC offers that night, and X really said that to me. I didnt tell #2 X made ITC offers. Dancer #2 spat up her drink laughing so hard after I told #2 what X said after sitting down with me the first time. At her current SC, the one this talk happened in, she is one of the very few white girls at a mostly black club. She suggested another former SC she worked at in the past "if you want more girls who look like me". Is that another code "I am not the stripper you want" or is she just being honestly helpful? She mentioned her biggest fear is dancing for a cop in a VIP room, or being violently raped in a VIP room and she is thankful for cameras. She also discussed a notoroius 2AMer at a different SC in my town and how that scared her (I already read the article thanks to TUSCL when it happened). She also said she is very careful to never promise anything in the VIP room, or lead on guys, "these other girls make promises about the VIP room and they say in the dressing room how much $ they will get, and they will make more than all the other girls tonight, I hope I never make a guy think I gave him a promise before the VIP room, they can hurt me if I do that". We then go for 2 more dances (she is on a $ diet now, no VIP room without extras now). It is either the dances or I tip her for the super long 2nd talk we had with her sitting on my lap. I decided the dances option. This time she titty fucked me, she never did that before.

After the 2 dances, after thinking about her graphic VIP room rape story, I told her that my biggest fear with an OTC stripper, her opening the hotel door, and her BF and his buddy coming with a gun into the hotel room, driving me to an ATM, withdraw money, shooting me, then dumping my body in the swamp. Her answer was "maybe you should get an escort". Does her last answer, answer everything, on whether I have any hope with dancer #2? Does her saying "get an escort" mean anything about her, or it was a joke that was specific only to the last thing I said? A PL robbed in hotel room by pimp at gunpoint.

At this point, I think I got the message. I made my peace with dancer #2. We are over. Babe, I lusted you, but all good things must come to an end.


last comment
Ya you need an escort bad. Girls don't like guys who are needy for sex (or anything else actually ) . Right now you are needy, best to get that need fulfilled so you can operate under less desperate circumstances.

Obviously you're a well thought out person. But your assumptions are flawed. @Subra and JamesSD are probably good peeps for you to PM.

But ya, you need a lust release, strippers are always gonna use that to there advantage. Remember they work in the clubs because they have the control don't.
Remember, there are plenty of strippers out there, once again give this one the door ( like stripper #1) and move on!
"Her answer was "maybe you should get an escort". Does her last answer, answer everything, on whether I have any hope with dancer #2? Does her saying "get an escort" mean anything about her, or it was a joke that was specific only to the last thing I said?"

I did the best I could to slowly read and understand what all you wrote. The part I quoted, may be the most important part. It seems that you are seriously hung up with the "extras" that you feel you are missing out on. This dancer number 2 basically is telling you the same thing I would be telling you if you were telling me your woes over a couple of beers. It sounds like you are in a club that really does not offer extras to start with, but a few of the girls may be engaging in them on their own. In your last thread, you stated that dancers #3 and #4 offered you a BJ. Yet you did not pursue them this time either. You never mentioned dancer #2, yet now she is your desired ATF. You got this SC soap opera thing going on. Maybe you need to research the escorts on TER site in your area, and just have a relaxing fuck you brains out session in the comfortable confines of a hotel room. I may be the only one who will tell you that here on TUSCL, since most abhor whores.
^^^"I may be the only one who will tell you that here on TUSCL, since most abhor whores."

Okay, I stand corrected. GACA beat me to it.
I'm sorry. I tried but I'm too high to understand this.

Just remember the three fundamental rules of strip clubbing. They answer most questions.

1. do whatever is the most likely to get you pussy. Even if it's the wrong thing, maybe you'll get pussy out of it.

2. If it costs a lot, ask yourself what would js69 do, and then do that.

3. If it doesnt cost much, ask yourself what would the Lap dance king do, and then do that.

Good luck.

Try more paragraphs. The words of your post all merge into one another.

Good news though. I'm in the hot tub and I'm not lost. Yet.
s88, I think GACA's and IWillLap's advice is good -- an escort might be just the ticket. I have trouble relating with a lot of the things you do, like the little test to see if she'd run over to you without you texting her first, so it's not easy to give you advice, I can't relate to your thinking at all. With an escort, it's just simple and straightforward .... if you can hold it together long enough to have a respectful and not-too-odd initial contact and screening.
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
I agree with GACA
I agree with Juice.

Never said that before.
Yeah, desperation is bad. Agree with the others. Go get laid. And consider why you're focusing on the "extras" you feel you may be missing out on. Again, desperation is bad. Women can smell it and it turns them off.
Too. Much. Drama.

Let's not pretend that there's acres of ethical/moral real estate between an escort and a stripper that provides sex ITC or OTC.

If anything, escorts have a greater level of honesty about what they do, while many extras dancers go through a wide range of mental and emotional acrobatics to convince themselves (and their customers...) that they don't have the exact same basic job description as an escort.

If you just want/need the pot of gold and can't cope with leprechaun chasing, then hire an escort. They fill that need specifically.
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New York
9 years ago
@IwillLapAdancer Dancer #1 #3 and #4 are in one strip club. Dancer #2 is a different strip club. Keeping my options open and my sanity in check. #1 and #2 are my favorites of the 2 different SC they work at. So each is my favorite of that particular club.
^^^Thanks for explaining. From the way you describe them, I would take #2 over #1, but that's just me. Good luck to you, in whatever you decide is best for you, s88.
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