
Comments by ReadyPayerOne (page 2)

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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    'They look like strip club ads': Racy Subway poster promoting breast enhancement
    @club_goer - in crowded subway cars people generally avoid eye contact and thus tend to look everywhere but eye level. That often means diagonally up, where the subway ads are. @steve229 - a huge percentage of taxi cabs in NYC have strip club ads on the part that sticks out of the roof - the part with the cab's dispatch number and light to indicate whether they're free or not. There are also a few large billboard ads along the west side highway.
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    10 years ago
    When Do You Read TUSCL Reviews?
    While sitting on the throne.
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    10 years ago
    What is your preferred type of lapdance?
    Hmm, I like slow and sensual. But my ATF is a fast and physical dancer. And she's 5'10" barefoot which is a lot of girl to have moving on you like that. Not sure what it means her not dancing in my preferred style and still being my ATF. I guess I really like her personality.
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    10 years ago
    Never have. I wear work slacks or khakis. I do however want to get a pair of those betabrand sweats which are cut like dress slacks.
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    10 years ago
    RE: wait time for dances
    "Maybe wear a diamond & gold belt like the Million Dollar Man" I think you'd have to then tip dancers Ted DiBiase style - by stuffing $100 bills in their mouths!
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    10 years ago
    Is Your Lap Taken?
    I hate it when a dancer sits on my lap without introducing herself. Introducing herself and asking if I want company, and then sitting on my lap after I say yes is ok. That I said yes indicates a very high likelihood on my part of spending, so it's very unlikely I'll have to awkwardly invite her off my lap a few minutes later. I prefer when a dancer asks if I would like company and sits at my table in the seat next to me. I find these dancers to typically be more professional and easy to deal with. And, I don't find it means less mileage or less likely to do more than dance.
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    10 years ago
    RE: wait time for dances
    I think we're all familiar with general SC profiling: - frat boy - wallet probably only has $1, $5, and $10 bills - good looking guy in his late 20s - wants attention for free, wants to date you, might neg you, high PITA risk - nerdy young guy - not used to attention, so will probably pay for it, but probably cash constrained - 30 something year old guy in tan dockers and a blue oxford - a decent catch - fat, bald, 50 something year old guy in wrinkled suit with a wedding band = chum in the fucking water. All well and good, but I love when strippers on stripperweb go into advanced profiling. Like of the "guy in the suit": - The watch - does the second hand tick, or glide - The suit - is it boxy fitting with no venting in the back? Or does it drape well and is double vented? - the tie - synthetic or silk? - shoes - chunky rubber soles, or thin leather soles? My ATF told me she determines how many dances she'll do in a row for a new face before collecting money based on her profiling and how much money she thinks you have in your wallet. I should ask her how much money she thinks all these types bring.
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    10 years ago
    RE: wait time for dances
    @clubber - your drink choice might have made a difference. There are all kinds of threads on stripperweb on how to profile customer spending potential based on age, dress, ethnicity, body language, and drink of choice. - Glass of water - super cheap, or recovering alcoholic, or driving and responsible - glass of soda - similar to above - draft beer / bottle beer - are you nursing it? Cheap. - mixed drinks - good sign - hard liquor, neat - better sign What do I think trumps all of these? The guy who buys the bottle of water. Especially if it's Pellegrino, or Voss (which I only see in strip clubs and thus think of as "strip club water"). That's $6-8 a pop. A stripper who profiles this way and sees you drinking this will hypothesize that a) you're not in the club to drink and b) you have money to spend. Time for her to walk on over and say "Hi! Would you like some company?" Of course, it may have not had anything to do with your drink of choice. Maybe on your second visit you got served by a waitress who saw the contents of your wallet, is the type that provides intel to the dancers for kickbacks, and told them "go after that guy."
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    10 years ago
    Tax Day Quiz
    I got a state refund but a federal tax bill that was 2x that amount. Bonus pushed me into a tax bracket higher than the withholding rate on my salary. Typically happens, which I'm fine with. I don't like loaning the government money at 0%.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Songs that SHOULD be played in strip clubs
    @how - I like the way you think about the songs and what response that could get from a dancer in synch with the music, and what overall lap dance experience that would shape. I'm on the same page as you are!
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    10 years ago
    Raining Money
    I'm white, mid 30s, and I've done this a few times so I'm happy to give my take on it. I like strippers. They make me happy. Strippers like money. It makes them happy. To me, making it rain is just tipping generously. Have you ever gone out to dinner and very generously tipped (25-50%) a server who was attentive, helpful, and entertaining? This is how I occasionally tip a dancer after she gives me a great set of lap dances, after she did an incredible stage set, or both. I use a $100 strap of $1s to make it rain, using anywhere from half the strap to all of it. Attitude matters. I've seen the guys who make "making it rain" an ugly power thing. These are the guys who throw dollar bill stacks at the dancers' faces like they're throwing a brick at them. That's not me. I prefer to stand stage side and ATM it onto the girls one bill at a time. I find it incredibly hot to watch a girl writhe around on a pile of money, with dollar bills sticking to her skin, while more dollar bills are floating down onto her. Don't be an asshole about it, and I think it puts a genuine smile on these girls' faces. They're being valued highly and publicly. What woman doesn't like that? Sometimes you get some great unexpected results. I once saw this dancer at a club that was a 9. Tall, athletic, white, brunette, firm ass and small perfectly shaped boobs. Beautiful face. I'd been watching her stage sets all night. Great pole skills and overall classy vibe. I spotted her dancing on a small satellite stage, surrounded by PLs, and decided to make it rain on her because she was so hot and had great dance skills. I walked up to the stage and took out my $100 stack of bills. Once she made eye contact, I put the stack in my palm with the other hand on top ready to start dispensing. She totally understood what I had in mind and she crawls over to me on all fours. Here's where she pleasantly surprised me - she turns around, facing away from me, and while on all fours proceeds to shake her ass up and down like she was getting fucked doggy style. As long as dollar bills were falling on her ass, she kept shaking it. Other dancers noticed what was happening and started cheering. This one stripper stopped in the middle of giving a guy a lap dance (sorry dude!) to yell "Again! ... Again! ... Again!" About $50 later, the stripper I was raining it on started laughing and looked back at me to say "oh my god, this is so tiring!" Overall, a fond memory and totally worth it. Is it about more than making a dancer happy after she made me happy? Is there an ego thing in it for me? Honestly? Yeah, a little. A lot of things that matter in competing for women in the real world don't really matter in the club - looks, dick size, charm, personality, intelligence, etc. What matters is money. Now, I'm not a loud character in the club. I'm not hooting an hollering or getting super drunk and noisy. But, I do get a small kick out of standing up at a stage surrounded by fellow PLs and making it rain after the other guys have made her work for their dollar. Is it silly male peacock behavior? Yes. Is it a subtle "fuck you and your $2" to the other guys? Yeah. What can I say? Being an asshole sometimes can be fun. Does it spoil girls for anyone else in the club, or for the rest of the night? I don't think so. I imagine it happens infrequently for most girls and that they see it as having lucked out getting a very profitable 10-30-60 seconds of work. But they still have to hustle for the rest of the night to hit their financial goal. Is this a bad use of money? I probably do it once a year and I club way more often than that. I can afford it and it entertains me. So I see it as consuming a luxury product. Most of us probably spend money in ways that others find puzzling - collectibles, expensive hobbies like golf, cars, clothes, etc. Whether those things are worth it is a personal decision. One caveat, I would probably never do this with a dancer I see regularly. That would spoil her and raise her expectations on what she can get off me financially. I do care about value and cost control with dancers I see regularly. I only do this while traveling and with girls I'll probably never see again. So, there it is. I may have contradicted myself with some things, and acknowledged my inner douche bag, but what the hell. I'm being honest.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Songs that SHOULD be played in strip clubs
    Music. Oh boy, heads up, this don't going to be a short post. I'm going to approach this from a few angles. I like many different music genres - rock, punk, metal, alternative, rap, and electronic. Beautiful things happen when the right dancer is paired with the right music. I was in a club one time and saw a girl do a two song set consisting of: - The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the name of It was love at first sight for my wallet. I only see this dancer like once a year because she lives 1,500 miles away, but I consider her a fave in large part because of the music she dances to. I like dark propulsive alt/hard rock, which clubs don't play enough of, in my opinion. When they do, the stage gets my attention. In fact, I recall one time stopping my ATF mid-lap dance (which i still paid her for) because Tool's Stinkfist came on and I wanted to just sit back and enjoy the song. The DJ was in fine form that evening as he followed that with Alice in Chains' would? I've seriously considered arranging a 1-2 hr session in a hotel room with a fave dancer so she could dance to a playlist of my choosing. And I truly mean dance, not "dance". It'd have to be a girl who could get in synch with the music. What would be on that playlist? A sampling: - Led Zeppelin - d'yer mak'er - no doubt - hellagood - burial - street halo - sleigh bells - run the heart - black keys - everlasting light - Salem - trapdoor - cat power - the greatest - cults - you know what I mean - daft punk - face to face - Interpol - c'mere - kavinsky - nightcall Now these, to me, are good lap dance songs, but they don't necessarily make good stage dance songs. I think a girl with energy that actually knows how to dance could bring the fucking house down to any of these songs: - ice cube - when will they shoot? - outkast - BoB - the dead weather - new pony If I were to ever see a stripper do a set to these three songs, I think I'd just have to rain $20 bills on her until I emptied my wallet.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill: Pop Tarts Edition
    F - Taylor M - Katy K - Miley Taylor is the hottest but seems like a truly annoying human being. One night stand then sneak out in the morning. Katy is very hot and I'm not sure I have anything against her other than that she makes crappy Auto-Tuned music and dates douchebags - Russell Brand, John Mayer... Miley - I agree with Doc, I think she is hustling America rather than having a Britney style meltdown. She'd probably be the craziest in bed, but I think she's the least attractive. Just google Miley Cyrus Chicken Cutlet Ass. *shudder*
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Having the OTC conversation even when you probably won't do it
    ^lol. Sorry your hypothesis was confirmed!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why a Dancer Disliked another Club
    @michellemarie / @ johnsmith - so true. I had a fave one day just start talking about sex - for money and for free. Like twice she said "I decide who I have sex with." It sounded important to her that she have agency, the choice, etc. Dancers open up and say some interesting things if you're a "good listener."
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why a Dancer Disliked another Club
    @jackslash - rotfl
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    10 years ago
    OT:Road Meal
    I don't eat fast food often, so one meal takes care of me on the road and at home. I get to eat a tasty burger with greasy fries (or onion rings) in the car, and experience the runs when I get home. Whenever I'm west of the Mississippi, I look for the following chains that are lacking on the East coast, in this order: 1) in-n-out 2) jack in the box 3) Carl's jr (aka Hardee's)
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    10 years ago
    Bad news
    I think it's awesome that the Ultimate Warrior legally changed his name to "Ultimate Warrior". Now that's commitment.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: True Detective
    I'll out myself as a rabid fan of season 1 of True Detective. I don't think it can compete with multi-season shows that can take their time developing characters and plots, but what it did in a self-contained story arc of 8 episodes was pretty special, in my book. This was a character study first, and, distant second, a serial killer mystery. I also think that 6 min single-take scene at the end of episode 4 - the heist in the ghetto - was epic. "What's scented meat?"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Non-dance activity during a lap dance
    @ranukam - I was going to post, but there's no topping what you wrote. Good lord.
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    10 years ago
    First trip to Follies
    It's cool to have you on this site.
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    10 years ago
    Phoenix for a night
    I reviewed BSC, Hi-Liter, Centerfolds, and GABC in January. And I've been to Christies in the past. I think dancer quality top to bottom is BSC, CC, CFs, HL, and GABC. BSC is like 5 mins away from the airport. Cabs usually hover round these places, especially at closing time. Note that GABC and CFs are kind of in the middle of nowhere. Have you ever used Uber? It's available in PHX, reliable, and much cheaper than cabs.
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    10 years ago
    New Jersey
    Evidence Checklist?
    Free entry passes
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    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    Dress Code
    I need to get myself a pair of those beta brand sweat pants that are cut, and look like, dress pants.
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    10 years ago
    CF wants a date?!?!?!?!