
OT: True Detective

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Sunday, April 6, 2014 8:21 AM
Well, I just finished watching the entire first season of "True Detective". I only decided to watch it after hearing various people say "it's probably the best thing ever in the history of television". Hmmm....it was okay. Even good. But certainly not the best thing ever. Not even the best thing this year. That's "The Walking Dead". It's not as good as Breaking Bad or LOST. Not even close. Those who oversold it set me up for disappointment. (There were a couple of hot sex scenes).


  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    I've only seen the scene with the Daddario tit-TAYZ and that alone said "good MOTHAFUCKIN' television". Fuck, I'd watch that chick do jumping jack for a good 10 or 15 min. As long as a box of Kleenex was nearby...
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @motor - just wait till next season! [view link]
  • ime
    10 years ago
    I thought overall it was good but there were some great episodes. I gotta disagree with this season of walking dead, the last episode was about the only good one this season was kind of disappointing.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    True Detective was good but not the best. I like Game of Thrones.
  • ReadyPayerOne
    10 years ago
    I'll out myself as a rabid fan of season 1 of True Detective. I don't think it can compete with multi-season shows that can take their time developing characters and plots, but what it did in a self-contained story arc of 8 episodes was pretty special, in my book. This was a character study first, and, distant second, a serial killer mystery. I also think that 6 min single-take scene at the end of episode 4 - the heist in the ghetto - was epic. "What's scented meat?"
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Final season of Golden Girls-best ever.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    @jackslash its back on tonight I cant wait. I read all the books a couple years ago and should probably reread them The last 3 books especially the 5th get kind of crazy with just all the added characters and back stories its hard to keep everyone straight sometimes
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @IME-What do we say to the the God of Death? Not Today.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Haha Yes, Syrio was one badass dude
  • ime
    10 years ago
    he is like the older version of Inigo Montoya from Princess Bride
  • rentz2
    10 years ago
    The Walking Dead isn't even in the same ballpark. It is bad writing and acting and is the opposite of True Detective. Walking Dead? Get the fuck out of here
  • Draper
    10 years ago
    Walking Dead's current season was weak, but the series as a whole is quality. Thoroughly enjoyed True Detective, curious how next season will go. And the women they casted are among the hottest of any recent show out their.
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