@club_goer - in crowded subway cars people generally avoid eye contact and thus tend to look everywhere but eye level. That often means diagonally up, where the subway ads are.
@steve229 - a huge percentage of taxi cabs in NYC have strip club ads on the part that sticks out of the roof - the part with the cab's dispatch number and light to indicate whether they're free or not. There are also a few large billboard ads along the west side highway.
Fuck breasts. I wanna see mounds of deli meats and cheese.
I can't remember seeing any strip club ads lately, other than on a website like Strip Club List. Maybe they advertise in NY?
I think Paper Moon used to have some billboards off the interstate near Richmond, have to ask GoViking if they still have them.
You're right, they did use to have billboards advertising the Paper Moon. Pure Pleasure had billboards too. I haven't seen any lately though.
@steve229 - a huge percentage of taxi cabs in NYC have strip club ads on the part that sticks out of the roof - the part with the cab's dispatch number and light to indicate whether they're free or not. There are also a few large billboard ads along the west side highway.
It's fairly tame. Google "seeking arrangement billboard" to see some of the billboards in other cities like Chicago.
Blows my mind that there are billboard ads for that. What's next - Asian massage parlors?