
Why a Dancer Disliked another Club

Detroit strip clubs
Wednesday, April 9, 2014 11:11 PM
Since my CF was not working today at my favorite club, I was on the lookout for someone new. I spotted Sansa, a dancer in her early 20's with big boobs, tipped her, and invited her to my table when she got off stage. I bought her a couple drinks, and we conversed for a while. I asked her if she had danced anywhere else. She told me she had worked for a week at the P***h**** Club, but did not like it because "guys would proposition me like I was a prostitute." This did not bode well for extras, but I took her upstairs to VIP anyway. I had no great expectations. In VIP Sansa gave me BBBJ and CFS for $300. I'm so glad she no longer works at a club where guys treat her like a prostitute.


  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Jack-That's cause your the King and Sansa is your queen. Or was. How's Margery Tyrell doing?
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Don't you just love stripper shit.
  • Michellemarie
    10 years ago
    It might seem silly to all of you, but every girl likes to feel as if she has a choice in who she hooks up with. I think a lot of dancers have done/will do extras, but they don't consider it prostitution if they are picky about who they give those extras to (even if "picky" just means holding out for polite guys who don't smell horrible). You can't imagine how miserable it is to feel as if you have to have sex with every repulsive, rude guy you talk to. It would be incredibly depressing. I steer clear of those clubs too and, as a result, love dancing.
  • Michellemarie
    10 years ago
    Side note: I never mind when guys ask me for extras. I definitely take it as a compliment!
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @Michellemarie - thanks for the dancer perspective. FYI, I'm polite, smell nice and have soft hands...
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    FYI-I'm polite, smell great, and know how to roll my R's. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    It's not the guy's fault if a dancer feels compelled to give him extras if she doesn't like him. Everyone knows which clubs are "extras" clubs and women shouldn't work in them if they have a problem with it.
  • ReadyPayerOne
    10 years ago
    @jackslash - rotfl
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Michelle, good input from a dancer perspective. I wouldn't have thought of it that way. I also have a question for you. Besides smelling decent and being polite, does clothing really matter to most dancers ? I strongly prefer to dress very casual to go to a club, but sometimes I wonder if that reduces my chances of extras with some girls.
  • Anabellaohio
    10 years ago
    If she didn't recognize you, she may have also just been sending a signal in case you were a cop or liquor control agent.
  • ReadyPayerOne
    10 years ago
    @michellemarie / @ johnsmith - so true. I had a fave one day just start talking about sex - for money and for free. Like twice she said "I decide who I have sex with." It sounded important to her that she have agency, the choice, etc. Dancers open up and say some interesting things if you're a "good listener."
  • Dain
    10 years ago
    That's been my experience at clubs, too. The girl, like me, wants to be able to decide. We both have "rules."
  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago
    Strippers can come up with some of the most amazing rationalizations. Anyway, a prostitute is a prostitute.
  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago
    michelle These girls do have a choice, they choose to trade sex for cash. No one's forcing them to do this, if they don't want to then they don't have to. Also, the strip club is not the only place to make money. Furthermore everyone knows which clubs are clean and which ones are dirty, it takes literally 5 minutes of research online. If you have sex with someone in a strip club it's because you wanted to.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Many, if not most, women see sex as far more useful as a way of getting what they want from men, as opposed to a source of pleasure directly. Part of that is culture, but it may well be also biological. Who is or isn't a prostitute is a matter of perception of others, and self-perception. It's like the difference between pick-pocketing, and selling your car on craigslist after the mechanic says it will probably be headed for the junk yard within three months.
  • Michellemarie
    10 years ago
    I've always thought that it was silly to be insulted by "sex for money" offers. Some dancers don't do extras, some do. Some times the decision is based on the situation. I don't hold any of those things against anybody in this business. To "Hard": I've been trying to think of a good comparison and I think I have one: customers demanding "extras" would be analogous to your boss walking up to you and saying "You better work over time tonight or you're fired," as opposed to "I would appreciate it if you worked over time tonight." You still have to work over time, if you want to keep your job there, but one of those approaches will make you look for a new place to work.
  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago
    But no one HAS to work overtime, just like no one has to work as a stripper. So complaining about constantly being solicited for extras is moot because you can switch careers at any time for any reason. Here's a better analogy. I like blowjobs. I think all blowjobs should cost $20. Now, I'd love to be able to pay $20 for a blowjob, but no stripper seems to be willing to do it at that price. Meanwhile, most of the other customers are willing to pay $200 for a blowjob, so when the strippers drop by to see me, that's what they will agree to do it for. So does it accomplish anything for me to be annoyed that no one will sell me a blowjob for $20? No, because that's not what the market price is and there are other ways to obtain blowjobs. If a stripper's expectations are not in line with market supply and demand, that is not the market's fault--that's the stripper's fault. Customers request extras in strip clubs because they can. There are plenty of women willing to perform those services even if one or two aren't. So it's irrelevant to be bothered by it because it's not going to change anything; either adapt or find a new line of work.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    I think much of stripper panty-bunching about being asked for extras is a tactic. If they can make guys afraid to ask for it, they don't have to compete with it. But some are genuinely worried about the club being closed/raided because extras are going on. Some hate on extras girls as whores, apparently mindless of whether they are being hypocritical.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I work in an industry where MANDATORY OT is part of life.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @Michellemarie: Excellent point about the approach. Maybe that's why I don't get any hand wringing when I ask. Well, that and I seldom just ditch a dancer I find interesting or attractive just because she won't fuck me. Mind you, I don't spend *lots* of money, but few of the dancers in my regular clubs fun away from me when I walk in, even though the vast majority of them know exactly what I want.
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