avatar for jester2I4

Comments by jester2I4

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10 years ago
avatar for Duke69
Top 3 Intellectuals on Tuscl.net
Fuckin' fuck you, Duke! My BFF steve229 should obviously be on the list. She is so smart. Especially for a 16 y/o girl. She spends 1 to 2 minutes a day reading headlines in the financial media so she knows exactly where the economy is heading - i.e. for DOOM. She can also quote song lyrics most people don't even know existed. Is never more than a minute off keeping up with the latest celebrity gossip either. jerikson40 is another close call. But I fuckin' hate 'em because he is too much like me. Fuckin' fuck everything!
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10 years ago
avatar for Caprisun69
Fuckin' fuck you, caprisun! Everybody knows that txtittyfag is just one of Dugly's hundreds of multiple aliases. Dugly hasn't been posting so much though after I revealed that he was txtittyfag and I slaughtered him in a debate about the Winter War by showing Finland could have avoided it altogether if they had simply acquiesced to Stalin's very reasonable pre-war demands. Fuckin' fuck everything!
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10 years ago
avatar for kingjoe69
las Vegas suggestions
I highly recommend the Olympic Garden. Place is a dump with a bunch of end of the line girls mostly in their mid-40s. Totally my type and the place for me! Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for LMN
OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
JohnSmith69: " I'm really a dishwasher at waffle house, " I fuckin' wish I could get a fuckin' job like that. Would pay alot more than I currently make as a janitor. Do they hire people with art history degrees? Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for trickystick
Yankee in enemy territory
Pussy Appearance
Hi, I'm a pussy. This is me making my appearance.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for Osyrus
My new booklet will get your dick sucked in a strip club
Henry: "So what is a 12 year old girl doing on a strip club site anyway?" Hey, hey! Don't insult cflock. I'm the only 12 y/o girl on this site. Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: Seattle approves highest US minimum wage, $15/hour
Fuckin' fuck you, you do, Duke! You have called people "fagz" before, and it's impossible that anyone who calls someone else a "fag" could make that much. Why? Because then they would make over 8 times my janitor's salary which would be unfair. I'll hurdle my bile and false accusations at all kinds of people, especially when I'm jealous, but I don't call them "fags" so I deserve to make more than them. That's how the world ought to work. So I'll believe that they are lying rather than think about the injustice of it all and get even more depressed than I already am. Maybe if I gone into something different than art history... Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
What Kind of Suit Do You Wear To The Clubs?
I can't afford a suit on my janitor's salary. So what I do is save up for six months and buy a nice sweater from Abercrombie and Fitch. Makes me look like a homo, I know, but it is what it is. Fuckin' fuck everything!
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11 years ago
avatar for sagevincent
Feel depressed leaving ATF
Depressed? Like me? The jestie-girl. I should give you my doctor's number. He could probably hook you up with some good SSRIs or something. Would probably really help you out. Not that I would know since I refuse to take my own, but hopefully you would do better. Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for Dougster
RickyBoy is a Faggot Who is Gay
Fuckin' fuck you, Dugly! Apparently not only is your reading comprehension bad, but you can't even see that your subject line is redundant. No way you could ever achieve an art history degree like I did. So there! Fuckin' fuck everything!
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11 years ago
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
How Come Nobody Use My System?
Sorry, RickyBoy, but I don't use your system because I invented my own system. The "JestieGirl System". Check it out https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=26729 Fuckin' fuck everything!
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11 years ago
avatar for zipman68
the speed force!
Ilbbaicnl says the craziest shit
Fuckin' fuck you, Dugly! I got the joke. Sure I had to consult Wikipedia first but I did, eventually get it. And fuck you for saying my knowledge of history is spotty. Maybe regarding military history it is, but my knowledge of art history is excellent, as is my reading comprehension. Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for Clackport
Who is the most like you?
For me it's a toss up between jerkoffson40 and omega22. jerkoffson was a whiny little bitch, just like me. We didn't get along and fought all the time I guess because we are so similar. omega22 was a depressive but aggressive little fuck, just like me. So it's a real horse race.
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11 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
what was your favorite subject in school?
Almost forget - Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
what was your favorite subject in school?
I liked art and history. I wasn't very good with the military, economic, cultural, and political aspects of history though, so I went with an art history degree when I went to college.
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11 years ago
avatar for Dougster
Are You a Juice Alias?
Fuckin' fuck you, Dugly! We all know that you have hundreds of multiple aliases yourself. People who use multiple aliases suck. Just like so many other things in the world. I, myself, am another rickdugan alias. Fuckin' fuck everything!
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11 years ago
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
Real Men Drink and Drive
Look I got nothing against people drinking. In fact I'll up it a notch and say many of the schedule I substances should be made legal. But driving afterward? Show some responsibility in life! Is that hard to call a cab? Don't have any friends so you can't find a DD? Or is it a financial burden on RickyBoy and others who lost all their money following txtittyfan's financial advice?
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11 years ago
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
I Don't Pay Hookers For Sex...
Fuckin' fuck you Dugly! You know that passive-aggressives like me hate things they can't control. Like staxwell's post and whomever is using this multiple alias. I'll say anything to make you stop. Even if it doesn't make sense. But it's not working. Fuckin' fuck everything!
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11 years ago
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
I Don't Pay Hookers For Sex...
Fuckin' fuck you Dugly! I've been hiding under rock after staxwell's post which humiliated me. Anyway, I only came back because of thrashing you were laying on RickyBoy. You attack one of my aliases you attack them all. Fuckin' fuck everything. Especially staxwell. Probably one of your aliases anyway.
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11 years ago
avatar for Leonard313
My favorite club is the OG. It's a total dive and the women who work there are all 40 y/o+ end of the liners. It's the perfect club for me and I would highly recommend it to others!
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11 years ago
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
Stocker Ticker RICK Forced to Sell Their Planes
Fuckin' fuck you Dugly! You're right, I am pissed because whomever is using this alias won't stop no matter how much I whine. Us passive-aggressive hate things we can't control. Since there is such in the world we can't we end up hating alot of things. As you probably noticed. And don't forget I not only duck out on your challenge to pick a stock that would outperform it this year, I also ran when you said you would prove to me in real time about the size of trades you make. I'll squawk alot here, but if you ask me to put up or shut up, I'll just run like the little girl that I am! Fuckin' fuck everything!
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11 years ago
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
Stocker Ticker RICK Forced to Sell Their Planes
Fuckin' fuck you Dugly! Just because the stock went up over 30% in a year after RickyBoy said it would crater in a couple of months doesn't mean he is wrong. Did you ever consider these possibilities? a) me and tittyfuck will agree with him no matter what, so he has to be right b) in his fantasy world it IS cratering c) like he said it is all all market manipulation which the SEC will be right on d) no matter what happens when can think of a conspiracy theory to explain it away See bet you never thought of any of that, loser! Fuckin' fuck everything!
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11 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
Ugly? Oh for a minute I thought this thread was about that fuckin' loser Dugly. Btw, is the fact that I am so concerned about other males attractiveness a dead give away about what a homo I am? That and that I blow what little I make working as a janitor by shopping at Abercrombie?
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11 years ago
avatar for steve229
Multiple Aliases
It's fuckin' unfair! Just like most things in the world. I fuckin' worked hard for my art history degree and, in my imagination, I have excellent reading comprehension. I should have a much better job than being a mere janitor which I am! Then there is Dugly who makes at least 8x as much as me, has all this free time, uses multiple aliases and calls people fags! No way I can accept that, so I just deny the reality of it all. Just like anything I don't like. I've definitely learned from RickyBoy that a conspiracy theory is a great defense mechanism. Oh, just fuckin' fuck everything!
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11 years ago
avatar for Alucard
EITHER / or?
@H4D and ime: Asperger's and Autism used to be separate diagnoses, but as of DSM-V Asperger's is gone and now there is just "autism spectrum disorder". So a person (like alutard) who would have got Asperger's before now gets "autism spectrum disorder". It's all part of a continuum, with Asperger's being a relatively mild form of the disorder. (There are people with even milder forms who would formerly have formerly been called either high functioning autistics or, also, aspies.) There used to be a distinction made between ASD and Asperger's based on language acquisition/skills, but that is gone now.