avatar for jester2I4


joined Oct 2013last seen Nov 2014
Fuck this! Fuck that! Fuckin' fuck everything!

Comments made by jester2I4

discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for Duke69
Top 3 Intellectuals on Tuscl.net
Fuckin' fuck you, Duke! My BFF steve229 should obviously be on the list. She is so smart. Especially for a 16 y/o girl. She spends 1 to 2 minutes a day reading headlines in the financial media so she knows exactly where the economy is heading - i.e. for DOOM. She can also quote song lyrics most people don't even know existed. Is never more than a minute off keeping up with the latest celebrity gossip either. jerikson40 is another close call. But I fuckin' hate 'em because he is too much like me. Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for Caprisun69
Fuckin' fuck you, caprisun! Everybody knows that txtittyfag is just one of Dugly's hundreds of multiple aliases. Dugly hasn't been posting so much though after I revealed that he was txtittyfag and I slaughtered him in a debate about the Winter War by showing Finland could have avoided it altogether if they had simply acquiesced to Stalin's very reasonable pre-war demands. Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for kingjoe69
las Vegas suggestions
I highly recommend the Olympic Garden. Place is a dump with a bunch of end of the line girls mostly in their mid-40s. Totally my type and the place for me! Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for LMN
OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
JohnSmith69: " I'm really a dishwasher at waffle house, " I fuckin' wish I could get a fuckin' job like that. Would pay alot more than I currently make as a janitor. Do they hire people with art history degrees? Fuckin' fuck everything!
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for trickystick
Yankee in enemy territory
Pussy Appearance
Hi, I'm a pussy. This is me making my appearance.