Interesting topic. I relate to different people differently. Life has taken me on quite a journey. I have been in a lot of unusual circomstances and have seen things from a lot of points of view. It is hard to say who reminds me of myself the most.
I'd say Papi. He and I have similar likes in the dancers we prefer and we conduct ourselves similarly while clubbing. (We've discussed this at great length!)
Payer11 is the only one who is even remotely close to being like The RickyBoyDugan. He is the only other one who understands that paying a hooker for sex demonstrates your triumph in our capitalist system, and who has come up with his own mini systems for how to do the paying. He also has theories just as nutty as mine as to how strippers think. He is basically an older, darker humorless version of myself.
@tumbling- you can say I have a ego, that's fine with me. I grew up in a place where a lot of people I was around are either dead or in jail. I'm not even supposed to be here! I'm one of the few where I grew up to actually make it, meaning going to college and ending up with a good paying job. So yeah I'm going to talk about my successes, because my life could be so different. If you don't like what I have to say, then is it so fucking hard to ignore it? Plus if you don't have a ego, these girls will walk all over you.
Mini rant over. Back to the discussion topic at hand.
Understood Ranukam.I took the opposite route,I owned a construction co. that spanned from Pougkeepsie to Cape May for 30 years and I got there from keeping my mouth shut and my ears open.I don't have to work another day in my life.Just remember Ranukam it's pride before a fall.
For me it's a toss up between jerkoffson40 and omega22. jerkoffson was a whiny little bitch, just like me. We didn't get along and fought all the time I guess because we are so similar. omega22 was a depressive but aggressive little fuck, just like me. So it's a real horse race.
I hesitate to say I'm like any other TUSCLers. They might not be flattered. But I can identify with the stories of senior members like shadowcat, farmerart and gawker.
I see a lot of myself in both SlickSpic & lopaw. Alot of times they mirror my tastes and approach to clubbing. Maybe its because we all are COI regulars.
It's funny that gmd says I remind him of himself when he was younger, because he reminds me of myself when I was younger! As for who is the closest now - probably juice - we are very similar in some ways but very different in others.
staxwell is another one I would say I am close to in many ways, but far away from in others (in some of the ways I am far away from I would like to be more like staxwell, in others ways I'm glad I'm me instead).
I got a text from Jimmy Bag of Donuts. He quit the Piggly Wiggly for a better off at Winn-Dixie. He is now assistant head-bagger. He's staying away from clubs for now. Been having pretty good luck with MILFs since the English cucumbers have come in.
The question, "Which TUSCLer reminds you of yourself?"
lopaw clubs for the same reason as me. Didn't ask about appearances, since few of know each other. :)
Now if it were for appearnce, is Sean Connery a member?
Crazyjoe reminds me of juice, it's almost like they're the same person lol.
Lopaw is like the female Slickspic
Jackslash reminds me of Motörhead in a way. They're both older Detroit guys that like to joke around a lot.
Hard4dancers reminds me of tumblingdice. I think you all know why.
Mini rant over. Back to the discussion topic at hand.
alucard. ROTFLMFAO. you will NEVER be sure.
P.S. Stop pissing outside.
As anyone herd from James ? Hope he is ok