

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:25 PM
Is it possible to have a decent time in a Vegas strip club without blowing $1000?? I was there recently and looked at some of the reviews and it seemed like the odds of blowing $400 and getting laid by a hottie was pretty much out of the question. Any experiences from Vegas goers?


  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Alucard went there two weeks ago,haven't heard from him since.
  • lotsoffun201
    10 years ago
    Day shift at OG maybe
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    ^^^^Piss myself.
  • pop
    10 years ago
    They're very good at taking your money and delivering little. You could try an escort.
  • GCMan
    10 years ago
    Dancers don't work or travel to work to LV wasting their time trying to make money off giving extras. There is plenty of high rolling customers and money 24-7 for them to just do their job and make a killing. If you want sex for money in LV then look for a hooker online or casino bar. Stripper sex is way way over priced in LV.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Do what I do. Chill at the pool/day club. Be personable. Make friends. If you don't go to a night club, rest and wake up at 2. Then you hunt down your prey-drunk and unsuspecting gals on vacation.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Bunch of very accurate responses. I like Vegas clubs but it's certainly not an extras town. OG's during the day is really the only place you've got much of a chance of reasonably priced extras, this place also seems to continue to decrease in quality. I've read that they are cracking down recently, no clue if that't true. Everywhere else they'll be rare or non-existent and expensive. Takeout is also usually expensive. Escorts and ladies working the casinos are a much safer bet though not a perfect option. Slick is also correct, so many woman (of all ages) out there drinking and partying it's really not all that hard to get some from a civilian. I love Vegas, great town whether I get laid or not.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    "You can't park here." "Why not? This is a perfectly normal place to park." "This is a sidewalk. You can't park here!"
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Not a big Fear and Loathing fan.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Whatever you do don't book an escort. A casino girl maybe but not an escort (there is a difference). I always go to Vegas for a week and go through well over $1,000. If you are lucky you can get a Rhino girl for $500. PM me if you want more info. jester is right, it's a great place.
  • Leonard313
    10 years ago
    It's a great place, but I think stripper sex is outside my price range. I thought about an escort, but I've heard even they are at a bit of a premium price. Maybe next time I go, I'll try that 2AM stroll through the casino looking for girls drunk enough to fark me….but that strategy has always led to disappointment. Maybe I'll just get drunk enough where I walk around the casino wearing a sign that says: "HAVE A ROOM. WANT TO GET LAID." "Requirements: - female - disease free - at least a '6' on a scale of 10" I wonder if that would get me more laughs than slaps??
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    My guess is that they would all laugh like hyenas after they slapped the crap out of you. OTOH, you might also attract the amorous attention of a 2 or 3 with delusions of adequacy!
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    It would get lots of laughs and high fives, I have a buddy who would probably do it for $50. I wonder if security would be okay with it...
  • jester2I4
    10 years ago
    My favorite club is the OG. It's a total dive and the women who work there are all 40 y/o+ end of the liners. It's the perfect club for me and I would highly recommend it to others!
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