Ugly and fat are making inroads in Detroit. I have seen dancers who are clearly 250 lbs and size 18 walking around in The Coliseum and Tycoons. I know that the managers claim that they cater to every taste. Fine. Do you want dancers that are a definate buzz kill?
Ugly? Oh for a minute I thought this thread was about that fuckin' loser Dugly.
Btw, is the fact that I am so concerned about other males attractiveness a dead give away about what a homo I am? That and that I blow what little I make working as a janitor by shopping at Abercrombie?
On average, in all my years, I would say the attractiveness of dancers has fluctuated little. There have been, of course, ups and downs. Perhaps the economy? That said, in the early days only the sluts danced and many were not prime. That changed quickly when better looking dancers saw the money to be made.
High point of beauty was during the internet boom, at least here in SF. Beauty standards have been roughly the same for years now, IMO.
Maybe you're getting thrown off by these odd threads like, "you go into the club and there's one who is crack-ho skinny with no teeth and another who is so fat that if you tried to print her picture you'd have to order more ink, which one do you do get dances with?". I don't understand why we like responding to these types of posts, because the real answer is always -- I'd walk out and go to a different club. But guys love posting these situational dilemmas, and I always respond.
I think it depends on the city. Where I live the looks quotient has gone up significantly the last year and a half, especially in the last 3 to 4 months. The dance quality of the new dancers hasn't caught up yet to the veterans, but at least now I have a lot more eye candy to view, while I wait for one of my favorites.
last commentBtw, is the fact that I am so concerned about other males attractiveness a dead give away about what a homo I am? That and that I blow what little I make working as a janitor by shopping at Abercrombie?
Maybe you're getting thrown off by these odd threads like, "you go into the club and there's one who is crack-ho skinny with no teeth and another who is so fat that if you tried to print her picture you'd have to order more ink, which one do you do get dances with?". I don't understand why we like responding to these types of posts, because the real answer is always -- I'd walk out and go to a different club. But guys love posting these situational dilemmas, and I always respond.