
Comments by Subraman (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    H0es Dont Get Cold because they're Cold Blooded
    OTC Advice? LD's don't do it anymore
    "Or someone mentioned denying them LD's but tip them anyways until you can start making out with them and then try to take her home lmao ... what a G , never had that experience before" That was the supreme leader of the organization, the one and only San Jose Guy! lol. Ish wrote a good beginner's article here, and it has a solid if short section on OTC: https://app.tuscl.net/article/58991
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Seeking and Strip Clubs: Two Worlds Collided
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Seeking and Strip Clubs: Two Worlds Collided
    Okay to pile on a little more: even strippers who have SDs -- that is stripper/SBs who are very open and clear that they are sexworkers -- typically don't want to share their SD. I've known strippers who have SDs through the years, having an SD is a point of pride and bragging that raises their status among the other girls. They grab about having SDs. So while I haven't been in this position myself, I don't even think coming into the club and spending on other strippers and taking them OTC would fly with a stripper, much less a waitress.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Seeking and Strip Clubs: Two Worlds Collided
    Rick is reading this right. Many SBs do not even look at themselves as sexworkers, whether we here agree with them or not. Very few SBs want an SD who is also OTCing strippers at the club she works at 🤣🤣 I would counsel having this conversation with her pretty quickly. Maybe she does after all have a more sexworker-y attitude and is fine with it. But it's more likely that your OTCing days at that club are over as a condition of being in an SR with her. Hell, she might even have expectations that she's fine with you still SCing, but doesn't want to see her SD at her club spending $ on strippers. Hash it out, see what her expectations are, go from there. And keep in mind she's a young woman who probably can't really predict how she'll feel; even if she says it's all fine, expect she might change her mind once she sees you in the club
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I support the naked hustle
    Jimmy Garoppolo offered free sex for life by Las Vegas brothel
    The level of chicks that guy must be pulling, has to be several tiers above even the hottest LV brothel girls.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Black Dancer Backlash
    " I tend to always feel a sense of animosity from these girls when I reject a dance or their company, a lot more than I get from women of other races. I don't know if this derives from them expecting me to get dances because I am AA as well or not. " I think the sense of animosity you're feeling is real. In most clubs I've been to that are not urban clubs, the black dancers tend to get fewer dances than girls of any other race, all other things being equal (that is, a black dancer who is a 7.5 will tend to get fewer dances than a white or Asian 7.5; hell she may get fewer dances than a white or Asian 6.5). These types of clubs tend to have few black customers, but when black customers do come in, they often gravitate towards black dancers. So when they see you they get their hopes up, and it's a bit more crushing when you turn them down. That's always been my interpretation of this.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Quality of discussions has gone way up
    He quit in spectacular stage-managed fashion before he was icey. A month or two later, icey showed up, an dhe's quit in spectacular fashion again. If you were a betting man, what do you think the next occurrence will be? Only thing we don't know is what form he'll take next :)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Quality of discussions has gone way up
    Agree it's gone way up. There was literally one person who was allowed to turn this place into a cesspool, unimpeded, for years, and this makes it all the more obvious (as if anyone had any doubt). That said, unless I'm misinterpreting what happened, founder made a policy change that one had to submit reviews or articles or pay for a VIP in order to post here, and Icee was bounced out based on that; he could do one of those three things, and he'd be back, the forum would be right back to where it was, and that's that. His absence is not due to any change in anti troll moderation. Am I misinterpreting?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    VIP Packages
    My buddies and I go to Vegas every year and usually get a table & bottle service at Palomino. It's a fantastic deal if you're looking for a "me and my buddies just want to be in a strip club partying wooo!!!!" type experience. We get a big table, front and center near the stage, and more alcohol than we and the strippers can typically finish by the end of the night, so it's a great way to go. Perhaps my one caveat would be, have you ever been to Little Darlings? If not ,how do you know you'll like it and want to stay? You can almost always buy these packages at the club, without having to commit in advance. They might not have a table available if you're getting there at midnight on Saturday, but provided you go before the place gets packed, it's likely you can buy a table once you're there and sure you want to stay.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Anonymous online payments?
    Agree cash is king. That said, sometimes I want to transfer money when we're not together, or I just cant' always be bothered getting cash before we see each other. When that happens, go with cashapp (not paypal, not venmo). With smart use of your handle and cashtag, it stays anonymous. It leaves a paper trail if you're worried about your wife's lawyer going through your shit one day, but if you're merely looking to stay anonymous from your stripper, this is the way.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Non/Low-Tipping Customers
    The notion you're "subsidizing" the show comes from such a weird place to me ... If I'm the only one tipping, that means I stand out. Good for me! Do you not get extra attention for being the only one tipping? IF not, something else is wrong. In general, there are very few cases where I care what other customers are doing. In particular, if everyone else is a bad customer, I stand out more that day. There are things customers can do to harsh my mellow, but tends to be rare, and not stage tipping is not one of those things.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Particular dancer?
    Speaking of which, I'm looking for a stripper I met, she's a redhead, tig ol bitties, she sometimes works dayshift. Please let me know if you know her.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Best era of hot girl?
    My CF is always my new ATF 🤣 The hottest girls are always now lol To Shailynn's point, which I think is valid for today, I look at that strictly as a comment about today's jean style. My favorite jean style was the tight semi bell bottoms of around 2000. I thought they were sexier than the skinny jeans that replaced them, and I dislike the ripped mom jeans style of today. But, two things of today that beat any time previously. First, not only are yoga pants still in style, but they've gotten EVEN SEXIER, something I didn't even think was possible. Second, women's swimsuit styles are at peak sexiness of all time. I'm bummed about the jeans but I'll find a way to deal :)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    Club hopping
    When I'm with my buddies, club hopping can be fun. When I'm by myself, like Cashman I usually go to my favorite club first. If and only if it's a bust, after giving at least a full rotation or two (an hour plus) a chance, I might head to the next place. The experience I'm going for is to find a stripper I like and hang out with her for the next 3 hours, and the best chance of that is not wasting those three hours constantly shuttling between clubs, getting to know the new lineup, oh great the girl I want is already taken, and on to the next.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is LDK sexual assault
    Not a lawyer, but from what little I understand, I can't imagine this being sexual assault anywhere. It's just one of those things that gets passed around in the stripper community, that this is sexual assault. That said, I too don't blame her for getting up and leaving. She doesn't have to wiggle around on a wet spot. Dance over. I feel like the primer directive of LDKers should be not to get their jizz on the girl -- couldn't you wear a condom underneath or something?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting the Dancer Goods: Luck or Skill?
    A different angle on this: anyone can randomly get lucky. But there's a reason experienced customers have great experiences over and over, and fewer negative experiences, than a rando... even though any rando can get lucky and have just a good a time as you. Relying less on luck, and wiring things up so that you almost always have a great time, is a necessity to have the experiences I have. This isn't brain surgery, but things you want to be able to do: 1. Understanding the type of experience you're after, and quickly rejecting dancers who don't offer it, rather than just continuing and hoping just because she's hot or gave you a good lapdance. Being able to vet the stripper and get rid of her fast is something many customers struggle with. 2. Wiring the club up for the best experience. As I said in my article about being a regular, in my absolutely-no-extras light-contact-only bouncer-and-camera-monitored home clubs, typically the bouncer walks through the VIP rooms every single song. Except when it's just a regular back there -- I've gone years without seeing the bouncer walk through my VIP even once, and all the girls know it. I get medium contact, high contact, and even extras now and then back there. A regular can have experiences 99% of the guys in the club can't have. The random guy with money does not even have the potential to have these experiences. In short, it takes some practice to recognize a dancer is offering what you want, it takes some confidence to quickly dismiss dancers who are not, and wiring up the club as a regular can lead to experiences a random customer can't have.
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Navigating Strip Clubs ... Things that Work for Me
    Fantastic beginner's article Ish. A couple of points and additions: In regards to being a regular, I gave some of my thoughts here: https://app.tuscl.net/article/58459 Totally respect if someone prefers variety, but small benefits and enormous benefits can come to those who are regulars and put in even a little time getting to know the staff. I am talking about, up to high contact and extras in an incredibly strict, bouncer patrolled and cameras club. Regulars can have a different experience than everyone else in the club. I think your advice on the SC wallet is good advice, and probably the right advice for most. I always just bring my real wallet. I want my medical card in case something happens, I want my credit cards in case my buddies want to go eat afterwards or a stripper wants me to take her for drinks on her break, I want my ATM card because even though it's dumb to go to the ATM, a few times having this option let me take advantage of an amazing opportunity. I have never lost my wallet at the club, but I do put it somewhere it can't be easily pickpocketed, and then I never take it out -- all my 20s on down are loose in one pocket for stage tips and drinks, all my 50s/100s for VIPs are in a money clip in another. I never have to take my wallet out to pay for anything. Just a different way to go, but probably not good for someone who can't control themselves as far as spending, or for someone who gets absent minded in the club. On OTC, to expand on strippers who say "Maybe; I need to get to know you better" as you point out sometimes these are girls who have no intention of doing an OTC with you and just want to string a few more dollars from a few more trips from you (smart sales strategy). But I can tell you firsthand, sometimes it's genuine, and I've absolutely had "maybe" girls turn into yes girls later. I play it ear and instinct. Typically I'll see her a couple more times and ask again. Sometimes it becomes a yes, and we're off to the races. Sometimes it stays a "maybe" and usually I cut bait there. Since I enjoy being in the SC, I don't look at this as wasted time or money, it didn't pan out but I like had a great time those trips (which is why i asked her OTC in the first place).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    Right. Imagine living your life that way? You'd suspect that it's not normal psychology, and all the science says you'd be right. And what a miserable way to live -- the only way you can connect or be happy, is by making others hate and disrespect you? It gives some context to the behavior. And it isn't new, Icee was clearly here for years before "icee" got invented. The only thing different about this forum is that it has an owner who has tolerated that one or two people singlehandedly impact his forum (and by extension, whatever business this site does); though evidently that's changed lol
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    "My 2 cents. He's a moron. He'll probably resurface eventually." I'll go one step further. As I've said for years, there have been many studies of internet trolls, and all (nascient) science is pretty consistent: internet trolls are anti-social, lonely, sadistic, truly miserable people. They don't have personal relationships IRL, the only way they can connect, and be happy with communication with others, is by making them angry. Human connection is a primal need, and this is the way they connect -- in many ways, this IS his life. Yes, he'll either be back or if founder decides this isn't the type of forum he wants and actually banishes him in a way he can't return, he'll find a different forum. After I blocked him and couldn't see his posts, it actually really jumped out on how he successfully derails nearly every thread; no matter how fun a thread is, he quickly manages to drag it into bile and insults. This is his social life. He was here well before he surfaced as icee, and will be back here or elsewhere, sooner rather than later.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    Looking up escorts worth it?
    To continue the theme: Especially as you appear to be new to this, stick STRICTLY to well reviewed escorts. Don't get tempted by the hot pics of an unreviewed or barely-reviewed escort. Multiple good reviews. On the some of the review sites, you can click on the reviewer name to see if they've reviewed others, also something worth doing to 1. make sure it's not a lot of one-and-done reviews, 2. see if there are any reviewers whose taste you share
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Twerking. Sexy or stupid?
    I had read that twerking has it origins in African dance, and google seems to confirm that -- Ivory Coast as patient zero evidently, and then picked up by the black community here
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    What makes you decide to do VIP?
    I mostly go to non-extras clubs, so menu and extras and the like don't really play into it. When she comes over to the table, I'll invite her to sit down and have a drink. If she's good with having a drink (I thank her and send her away if she won't), is fun to talk to at the table, will do another drink :) , is still fun ... we'll be doing VIPs. I don't do lapdances or trying out other girls first -- if she's fun at the table for a while, she's getting VIP dances .
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Twerking. Sexy or stupid?
    " A lot of dancers do it to impress each other." Those first years twerking became popular, you are definitely right -- the girls absolutely loved it. You could see the envy and admiration in the eyes of the girls who couldn't twerk or booty clap or whatever, watching a girl who could. They just loved it, I'd sometimes see them practicing or teaching each other. And didn't particularly care that we customers didn't LOL On the other hand, I do wonder if twerking is a crowd pleaser on average. It might be like boob jobs, where PLs on customer forums claim they hate them, but the girls all claim to get a clear uptick in revenue once they get one -- it turns out, we online guys do not like the same thing the average customer does. Maybe it's the same, we all sit around and most of us dislike twerking, but maybe an average SC crowd loves it?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Twerking. Sexy or stupid?
    I find it coarse, vulgar, and unsexy. I also overlook it completely, because nearly 100% of strippers do it to some extent, in any of its variations (twerking, booty clapping, etc). Don't obsess on things you can't change, and all that. I find these days I extra appreciate when a stripper doesn't do any of those things, but knows how to make her legs/hips/ass look sexy the old fashioned way.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How much cash do you carry?
    I do the "two separate places" method. I don't do lapdances so that makes it easier -- I only do VIPs, so only use $50s and $100s for those, they're in a separate pocket. I usually don't stage tip, so all the lower denominations from singles through 20s are for drinks and food, I stuff that into a front pocket