My regular club PW in Columbia is for the most part a mixed one. %65 White, %25 AA an %10 White. A pretty good variety if you ask me. I am AA myself and when I go to SC I tend to want to get dances with women of different races for variety. Sometimes that means no dances from AA dancers. I tend to always feel a sense of animosity from these girls when I reject a dance or their company, a lot more than I get from women of other races. I don't know if this derives from them expecting me to get dances because I am AA as well or not. I like living out fantasies and in the real world, I rarely have had sexual or sensual encounters with women of other races so this is my chance to do so, which most of the time ends up being a white dancer.
Most stereotypes have some basis in reality and that is true of the "angry black woman" stereotype. There are individual exceptions but as a white customer I seem to have more problems with black dancers. Recently one sat at my table uninvited while I was waiting for another dancer. After I said I wasn't interested in buying lap dances, instead of leaving she just kept sitting at my table. When I suggested the dancer that I was waiting for might not come to my table with her sitting there, she angrily said that wouldn't happen. I then got up and approached the dancer I was waiting for and she said, "I didn't come to your table because I thought you were sitting with someone".
The worst is the three or four times black dancers have asked me if I'm not buying lap dances from them because they are black. I'm not going to buy lap dances from someone just to prove I'm not a racist.
Well I'm from Miami. I'm black and I tend not to get dances from white or black American women. The Latinas, black and white from different countries are so much more fun IMO. I ALWAYS go to mixed clubs. Not interested in any clubs that are solely one race.
There have been a flurry of reasons why these mixed clubs don't want Black American dancers I've heard over the years:
1. Attitude - Some can be very funky acting, immature, combative and self entitled.
2. Drama - Some clubs have experienced more unnecessary drama when hiring them. Jealousy of other dancers making money is the top one regardless of race.
3.Weight - A lot of clubs don't want the super thick dancers. I like spinners so not my thing either
4. Customers- Unfortunately if a lot of clubs don't want to hire a lot of American BW because they think a "ghetto crowd" will start coming and shooting.
Of course not all American BW dancers are like this, but sadly the majority are. Nobody wants to deal with any BS at the strip club. I equate it the strip club to a place of joy, relaxation, and fun.
Yes it's definitely true that the clubs would higher light skin and mixed black dancers over dark or brown black dancers. But it's not based entirely on race. Those girls typically don't act like the described above.
One of the best things about strip clubs is the variety of women they offer in a closed environment. The biggest disappointment I have locally is finding non-hispanic dancers. Nothing against Latinas, they can be incredibly sexy and wonderful to spend time with, but I like variety. I cannot remember the last time I saw a thin orbathletuc AA dancer in a local club. They are all pudgy, at least. The last time I declined a pudgy AA she directly asked if I was not into sisters. I told her the truth that was not it, but SHE was not my type. She was also the third [out-of-shape] AA In turned down in a row.
Fuck it if I care, I'm not there for equity dances or to make them feel good about themselves. Find a sexy AA spinner, and I'll get dances from her.
Unfortunately they are at a disadvantage in mixed clubs. In most cases they are the least desired dancer. I’m not going to have pity for them that’s just the way it is. They would have the most success at dives imo.
I have to agree with gammanu95. It seems like finding a skinny AA dancer is like finding a needle in a hay stick. They seem to be either fat, pudgy or ridiculous voluptuous with BBL's. For the life of me, how can they not see this. Especially when they work with so many dancers that are not like that.
I love black girls. And white girls. And latinas. And Asians. I love them all. We all know that black girls face hiring caps at mixed clubs and that they often are told to get “white people hair” (probably in some veiled but obvious way). I’ve also had multiple girls say guys have told them “you’re very hot … for a black girl” with no idea how insulting and ignorant that is. Not saying this is every black dancer or that’s always the explanation, but it could explain why someone is having a bad night and might respond the way they do.
We often make educated guesses on which dancers to approach - stage presence, whether they get fully naked, drink or not, start with something other than “wanna dance”, etc. It’s not science, just a guess that isn’t perfect. Can we blame dancers for doing the same thing? They look at the customers in the bar and try and guess how to best spend their time to make the most money. Who’s got cash, who does rooms or dances, who is just there for the free buffet and drink specials. I wouldn’t blame black dancers from thinking they had a better shot with black guys and while rejection always sucks, rejection from whom they thought was a higher percentage target sucks more. Just be polite and use a non confrontational, but direct, way to say no. Less drama is always better. If you do all that and the dancer still gets annoyed, then that’s a her problem and my conscience is clear.
@booty_lover92. You are right. Huge disadvantage at a mixed club. I don't understand why they would want to put themselves in a position like that. The dive clubs they excel at. Why not just to them? They are plenty of them in most states.
@debonair I think they are banking on the occasional dope boy that will come in their and drops hundreds, which rarely happens in mixed clubs. All dancers regardless of race should be comfortable and acceptable of being told no. We are not all desperate losers a lot of have wives/gf and I think they lose sight of that.
@booty_lover92 Oh man. That's so true. Not just BW but a lot of dancers are in total shock when you reject them. Women in general can not handle rejection.
A lot of it is "overvaluing" their looks. That's a huge problem with AA dancers. Mixed clubs at least in South, FL. Give you the most exotic looking dancers. I mean no way I'm turning down a half Colombian/Japanese spinner dancer for an American dancer period.
My preference is a petite slim AA, but I’ll take any petite slim girl over a thick girl. Just my preference and no hate on curvy and thick. The smart dancers know every guy has a preference, and it doesn’t mean they are ugly or we are cheap. I’m there for my fantasy and will pay very well for the right dancer. As for the rudeness based on your race and theirs, it would drive me crazy. But as a non Black man in a Black club, it ain’t easy either. Lastly, I’m always on the hunt for my type. They are out there. And yes I have pics to prove it.
" I tend to always feel a sense of animosity from these girls when I reject a dance or their company, a lot more than I get from women of other races. I don't know if this derives from them expecting me to get dances because I am AA as well or not. "
I think the sense of animosity you're feeling is real. In most clubs I've been to that are not urban clubs, the black dancers tend to get fewer dances than girls of any other race, all other things being equal (that is, a black dancer who is a 7.5 will tend to get fewer dances than a white or Asian 7.5; hell she may get fewer dances than a white or Asian 6.5). These types of clubs tend to have few black customers, but when black customers do come in, they often gravitate towards black dancers. So when they see you they get their hopes up, and it's a bit more crushing when you turn them down. That's always been my interpretation of this.
I get the same shit, black dancers getting bent out of shape thinking race is the reason I don't want a dance from them. It's got nothing to do with race, it's cause they're fat, ugly, mean, or some other issue. I find it funny when I turn down several out of shape black girls who get upset and play the race card, then they see me a little later sitting with a hot slim black girl. It's even funnier when it happens in a club that predominantly has black dancers. Like I'm gonna go into a black strip club having a prejudice against black strippers. If I got a BBQ joint and pass on the chicken and beef, the waiter doesn't get upset and ask me if I'm vegan or something, he gets me some pork.
Seems like everyone is having similar experiences as me. Girls from other races do a better job of hiding their emotions it seems not always the case though.
As has been posted; over-the-years there have been other AA TUSCLers that have posted similar comments – I’ve also heard this happening in society-in-general where black-folks dating a white-person was seen as “betraying the race”, more-so black-men dating white-women (I’ve heard reports of black-women saying there is a lack of “suitable black men” such as college-educated available black-men in-part given to how many marriage-age young-black-men are incarcerated or o/w have some kinda issue/record w/ the law).
“… JBHE has consistently documented the fact that black women hold a large lead over black men in almost every facet of higher education. Black women currently earn about two thirds of all African-American bachelor's degree awards, 70 percent of all master's degrees, and more than 60 percent of all doctorates. Black women also hold a majority of all African-American enrollments in law, medical, and dental schools …”
As has been posted; AA-dancers are often at a disadvantage in a mixed-club – reality is that “in general” different-cultures are typically/generally attracted to different traits – e.g. a big-booty thick-ebony can often be the-queen-bee in an urban-club with the skinny-AAs getting much less love/rained-on; and the reverse can often be the case in a mixed-club w/ majority white custies where the big-booty thick-ebony can have a hard-time in a mixed mostly white club; it comes down to preference in what different custies like.
w.r.t. why AA-dancers would like to work in mixed-clubs – IMO that’s not too-hard to understand IMO:
+ although not universal; the mixed-clubs are often the better-$$$ clubs w/ more custies willing to spend more $$$ - IME most urban-clubs tend to be small dive clubs and many urban-SCs are often treated as pseudo nightclubs to hang-out-at but not get dances nor VIPs (again not universal but kinda my general-experience)
+ there are many AA-dancers that actually wanna avoid black-clubs or dives for the same reasons white-people may wanna avoid them; to avoid possible-drama which can often include drama w/ other dancers
I think AA-dancers using the race-card is usually just part of the various hustles dancers use to get custies to spend on them – I think it’s mostly business vs them genuinely thinking/feeling it’s about race – hell, I’ve seen plenty of examples where AA-dancers avoid AA-custies and prefer to hit up the white-custies thinking they’ll either have/spend more $$$ or easier to deal with.
"a big-booty thick-ebony can often be the-queen-bee in an urban-club with the skinny-AAs getting much less love" ^ And this is why I like going to the black clubs. Someone's gotta show the skinny girls love too, I'll take that one for the team.
A lot of black women seem to think that all the black men are in prison or schtupping each other on the down low. As a white-appearing guy who dates a lot of black women, I get some occasional looks on the street with one. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. They need to get over themselves.
There aren't any black clubs in my neck of the woods. But at Desire (for example), I see all races of guys talking to all races of girls. As my tastes range towards non-white women, I preferentially get dances from them too. Never seen anyone get the business about hating black/brown/Asian women. In fact, I've seen a lot of them play up the "exotic" angle, referring to parts of their body as "chocolate," or saying "papi" or calling themselves "spicy," or taking a name like Jade or Lotus that plays on their ethnicity.
I'm not an escort guy, but when I've perused escort ads, I see more black women than any other race saying "no black men (often no black men under 35)." I guess even women have their stereotypes.
I'm the opposite, I am a mister who likes the sisters. I have a bad case of the jungle fever and the only cure is DCP (dark chocolate pussy). Latinas are hot but most of the time they have too much plastic. White girls are pretty but when they are slim they have no ass or tits. But a slim black girl still has thighs and booty. Maybe its because they have more muscle tone while white girls are just flabby. Bonus points if it's a black girl from the Caribbean. Those women were born to make men nut.
I’m a pasty-white Hispanic guy and look more white/European than Hispanic/Latino – heck many Hispanics usually think I’m Anglo when they first-see-me and will try to speak in English to me even-though they can barely speak English themselves – there’s been plenty of times I’ve been in a SoFlo mixed-club which are almost all non-English-speaking Cubanas and I’ve spent the whole visit interacting w/ the Cubanas all-along never speaking a word of Spanish to them although I’m fully-fluent in Spanish but they often don’t even ask me if I speak Spanish and all along they just try to speak to me in their limited/almost-non-existent English; and I just play along.
As many on here know – my pref is heavily for thick-ebony-dancers – throughout my SCing-career I’ve mostly hit all-black-clubs where I will usually turn-down non-thick ebonies (unless there aren’t any/many thick-ones).
I’ve actually had nice-looking ebony-dancers ask me why I don’t get dances from them – as I’ve often posted I’m a variety-guy in terms of liking to get w/ as many dancers as I can on a visit *but* as long as they are my type (thick ebonies) – thus I’ve been in black-clubs where the non-thick dancers see me getting dances one after the other but I don’t get any from them and they seem to feel rejected/left-out (from my wallet) – a couple of years ago I had a very-pretty young (b/w 19 and 22) light-skinned Huckstable-looking ebony dancer come over to me asking me why I wouldn’t get dances from her – I had turned-her-down earlier-in-the-visit and she had seen me get w/ multiple dancers after that so she came back to where I was and point-blank told me I made her feel as if there was something wrong w/ her b/c I turned her down while I got w/ multiple other dancers (this was a dayshift visit in a small-black-club so there were only about a dozen-dancers or so and dances were out on the floor so it was obvious who was buying and from whom) – anyway I do think she was genuinely confused as to why I didn’t get dances from her b/c again she was the type “a whiteguy would actually go for” (she was young; pretty; slim; light-skinned; well-spoken; nice-natural-hair; etc) – anyway I just told her I was into the thick girls (and she just walked away w/ a bit of a dejected look in her face b/c it wasn’t a big-$$$-making club).
I’ve also had dark-skinned thick-ebony-dancers in black-clubs not approach me b/c according to them they thought I wouldn’t go for them (they’d eventually approach me later in the visit, or sometimes on a different visit, after they had seen my pervy-white-hands be all over some thick-chocolate).
Also – although rare – I’ve been in mostly black-clubs where there happened to be a white-dancer and they would make a beeline for me as soon as I walked-in I guess thinking that I may have unknowingly walked into a mostly black club and that I would be happy/relieved there were some white dancers there.
I need all my black men to leave the room so all the yt men can bash you the way you do us
Cause yes black man there are aggressive, thug, angry stereotypes about you too
My biggest issue when I hear a black man/woman say shit as what I’ve read on this post is that reads “I’m the acceptable negro, but look at them cause I’m not like that”.
News flash were one and the same. When I’m holding on tight to a yt man, black men get upset and vice versa.
It’s not the first time you put on black makeup, red lips, tap shoes and a hat. I’m sure it won’t be the last
“… White girls are pretty but when they are slim they have no ass or tits. But a slim black girl still has thighs and booty …”
I’m of the same-opinion – from all my years of hitting black-clubs; one thing (of many) I’ve noticed is that often-times black-women feel fuller – i.e. I’ll see a young-AA that is not necessarily skinny but slim-looking (vs thick) and I’m not that impressed/interested; but when I get dances from them and feel up on their breasts and butt they often feel bigger/fuller than they look.
@booty_lover92 Yes. It's always bashing when you tell them the truth. It's everyone's else fault. LOL Ya'll can have those headaches. I'm trying to have a good time when I'm at the strip club.
And the same energy I have for you, I have the same energy for those yt escorts on Reddit who say they wouldn’t do a session with a blk man because their rapey, aggressive and, cheap.
I've had dancers react badly when I've politely turned them away, but I can't honestly say that there's a racial disparity in terms of quantity or severity. All I can say is that well over 90% of the dancers don't get bent out of shape at all. They just move on.
I've had only one dancer loudly ask if I was turning her down because she was black. I said "no" of course, and later proved it when I took a black dancer to VIP. This was at the Cadillac Lounge many years ago. Aside from that, almost all of the black dancers I've dealt with were pretty cool, even if I did turn them down.
But if you guys want to cast aside the many rage-filled black dancers that are apparently out there, I'm perfectly happy sacrifice myself and my cash to help them get through their shifts...
Also, though the 'blaxploitation' film genre faded away in the late 1970s, it should be resurrected just so that someone can film and release "Black Dancer Backlash".
If you don't like dark skin, wide noses, etc., fine. No more superficial than any other physical preference. Physical differences that correlate with ratc are irrelevant to attractiveness to me. If a dancer looks good to me, I get a dance, and find out for sure if she has some good hustle. I'm glad I'm not so broke ass that I need to use lame thinking about skin color to avoid wasting the cost of one dance.
I've dealt with tougher problems in my life than a dancer scowling at me cause she didn't make a sale. I just figure maybe she needed the $ more than the ones who didn't scowl.
This discussion has pretty much stayed on the topic, with everyone offering their own views. I recently started a discussion on strippers sitting at my table uninvited and was a little surprised when everyone stayed focused on the topic and didn't launch personal attacks on the other members that had nothing to do with the topic being discussed. It's kind of nice when discussions don't get derailed for that reason.
last commentThe worst is the three or four times black dancers have asked me if I'm not buying lap dances from them because they are black. I'm not going to buy lap dances from someone just to prove I'm not a racist.
There have been a flurry of reasons why these mixed clubs don't want Black American dancers I've heard over the years:
1. Attitude - Some can be very funky acting, immature, combative and self entitled.
2. Drama - Some clubs have experienced more unnecessary drama when hiring them. Jealousy of other dancers making money is the top one regardless of race.
3.Weight - A lot of clubs don't want the super thick dancers. I like spinners so not my thing either
4. Customers- Unfortunately if a lot of clubs don't want to hire a lot of American BW because they think a "ghetto crowd" will start coming and shooting.
Of course not all American BW dancers are like this, but sadly the majority are. Nobody wants to deal with any BS at the strip club. I equate it the strip club to a place of joy, relaxation, and fun.
Yes it's definitely true that the clubs would higher light skin and mixed black dancers over dark or brown black dancers. But it's not based entirely on race. Those girls typically don't act like the described above.
Fuck it if I care, I'm not there for equity dances or to make them feel good about themselves. Find a sexy AA spinner, and I'll get dances from her.
We often make educated guesses on which dancers to approach - stage presence, whether they get fully naked, drink or not, start with something other than “wanna dance”, etc. It’s not science, just a guess that isn’t perfect. Can we blame dancers for doing the same thing? They look at the customers in the bar and try and guess how to best spend their time to make the most money. Who’s got cash, who does rooms or dances, who is just there for the free buffet and drink specials. I wouldn’t blame black dancers from thinking they had a better shot with black guys and while rejection always sucks, rejection from whom they thought was a higher percentage target sucks more. Just be polite and use a non confrontational, but direct, way to say no. Less drama is always better. If you do all that and the dancer still gets annoyed, then that’s a her problem and my conscience is clear.
A lot of it is "overvaluing" their looks. That's a huge problem with AA dancers. Mixed clubs at least in South, FL. Give you the most exotic looking dancers. I mean no way I'm turning down a half Colombian/Japanese spinner dancer for an American dancer period.
I think the sense of animosity you're feeling is real. In most clubs I've been to that are not urban clubs, the black dancers tend to get fewer dances than girls of any other race, all other things being equal (that is, a black dancer who is a 7.5 will tend to get fewer dances than a white or Asian 7.5; hell she may get fewer dances than a white or Asian 6.5). These types of clubs tend to have few black customers, but when black customers do come in, they often gravitate towards black dancers. So when they see you they get their hopes up, and it's a bit more crushing when you turn them down. That's always been my interpretation of this.
“… JBHE has consistently documented the fact that black women hold a large lead over black men in almost every facet of higher education. Black women currently earn about two thirds of all African-American bachelor's degree awards, 70 percent of all master's degrees, and more than 60 percent of all doctorates. Black women also hold a majority of all African-American enrollments in law, medical, and dental schools …”…
As has been posted; AA-dancers are often at a disadvantage in a mixed-club – reality is that “in general” different-cultures are typically/generally attracted to different traits – e.g. a big-booty thick-ebony can often be the-queen-bee in an urban-club with the skinny-AAs getting much less love/rained-on; and the reverse can often be the case in a mixed-club w/ majority white custies where the big-booty thick-ebony can have a hard-time in a mixed mostly white club; it comes down to preference in what different custies like.
w.r.t. why AA-dancers would like to work in mixed-clubs – IMO that’s not too-hard to understand IMO:
+ although not universal; the mixed-clubs are often the better-$$$ clubs w/ more custies willing to spend more $$$ - IME most urban-clubs tend to be small dive clubs and many urban-SCs are often treated as pseudo nightclubs to hang-out-at but not get dances nor VIPs (again not universal but kinda my general-experience)
+ there are many AA-dancers that actually wanna avoid black-clubs or dives for the same reasons white-people may wanna avoid them; to avoid possible-drama which can often include drama w/ other dancers
I think AA-dancers using the race-card is usually just part of the various hustles dancers use to get custies to spend on them – I think it’s mostly business vs them genuinely thinking/feeling it’s about race – hell, I’ve seen plenty of examples where AA-dancers avoid AA-custies and prefer to hit up the white-custies thinking they’ll either have/spend more $$$ or easier to deal with.
And this is why I like going to the black clubs. Someone's gotta show the skinny girls love too, I'll take that one for the team.
There aren't any black clubs in my neck of the woods. But at Desire (for example), I see all races of guys talking to all races of girls. As my tastes range towards non-white women, I preferentially get dances from them too. Never seen anyone get the business about hating black/brown/Asian women. In fact, I've seen a lot of them play up the "exotic" angle, referring to parts of their body as "chocolate," or saying "papi" or calling themselves "spicy," or taking a name like Jade or Lotus that plays on their ethnicity.
I'm not an escort guy, but when I've perused escort ads, I see more black women than any other race saying "no black men (often no black men under 35)." I guess even women have their stereotypes.
As many on here know – my pref is heavily for thick-ebony-dancers – throughout my SCing-career I’ve mostly hit all-black-clubs where I will usually turn-down non-thick ebonies (unless there aren’t any/many thick-ones).
I’ve actually had nice-looking ebony-dancers ask me why I don’t get dances from them – as I’ve often posted I’m a variety-guy in terms of liking to get w/ as many dancers as I can on a visit *but* as long as they are my type (thick ebonies) – thus I’ve been in black-clubs where the non-thick dancers see me getting dances one after the other but I don’t get any from them and they seem to feel rejected/left-out (from my wallet) – a couple of years ago I had a very-pretty young (b/w 19 and 22) light-skinned Huckstable-looking ebony dancer come over to me asking me why I wouldn’t get dances from her – I had turned-her-down earlier-in-the-visit and she had seen me get w/ multiple dancers after that so she came back to where I was and point-blank told me I made her feel as if there was something wrong w/ her b/c I turned her down while I got w/ multiple other dancers (this was a dayshift visit in a small-black-club so there were only about a dozen-dancers or so and dances were out on the floor so it was obvious who was buying and from whom) – anyway I do think she was genuinely confused as to why I didn’t get dances from her b/c again she was the type “a whiteguy would actually go for” (she was young; pretty; slim; light-skinned; well-spoken; nice-natural-hair; etc) – anyway I just told her I was into the thick girls (and she just walked away w/ a bit of a dejected look in her face b/c it wasn’t a big-$$$-making club).
I’ve also had dark-skinned thick-ebony-dancers in black-clubs not approach me b/c according to them they thought I wouldn’t go for them (they’d eventually approach me later in the visit, or sometimes on a different visit, after they had seen my pervy-white-hands be all over some thick-chocolate).
Also – although rare – I’ve been in mostly black-clubs where there happened to be a white-dancer and they would make a beeline for me as soon as I walked-in I guess thinking that I may have unknowingly walked into a mostly black club and that I would be happy/relieved there were some white dancers there.
Cause yes black man there are aggressive, thug, angry stereotypes about you too
My biggest issue when I hear a black man/woman say shit as what I’ve read on this post is that reads “I’m the acceptable negro, but look at them cause I’m not like that”.
News flash were one and the same. When I’m holding on tight to a yt man, black men get upset and vice versa.
It’s not the first time you put on black makeup, red lips, tap shoes and a hat. I’m sure it won’t be the last
I’m of the same-opinion – from all my years of hitting black-clubs; one thing (of many) I’ve noticed is that often-times black-women feel fuller – i.e. I’ll see a young-AA that is not necessarily skinny but slim-looking (vs thick) and I’m not that impressed/interested; but when I get dances from them and feel up on their breasts and butt they often feel bigger/fuller than they look.
Let’s break it down
1) I stated I hate when men/women do this.
2) you’ve been under my pics
3) This not the 1st time you made these posts
4) About 90% of the men on this post complained about a dancer not taking no for answer (surprise often she was Hispanic)
I don’t care if you reject a dancer my issue is I’m from the old school of thought, where family keeps their issues within their house.
Let me repeat 🗣️ My issue is the audience you choose to bring your issue to, Again n Again. Don’t mistake it with anything else
And to @debonair it is bashing if you keep making post about it.
I've had only one dancer loudly ask if I was turning her down because she was black. I said "no" of course, and later proved it when I took a black dancer to VIP. This was at the Cadillac Lounge many years ago. Aside from that, almost all of the black dancers I've dealt with were pretty cool, even if I did turn them down.
But if you guys want to cast aside the many rage-filled black dancers that are apparently out there, I'm perfectly happy sacrifice myself and my cash to help them get through their shifts...
I've dealt with tougher problems in my life than a dancer scowling at me cause she didn't make a sale. I just figure maybe she needed the $ more than the ones who didn't scowl.