Anonymous online payments?

avatar for drewcareypnw
I value my privacy and anonymity when dealing with the sc/sw world. I try to avoid anything that could tie me to my nefarious deeds itc, otc, abc, or xyz. Normally I solve all my payment problems with cash. It seems that paypal, venmo, and even bitcoin these days can tie payer to payee. Do any of you have suggestions, experience, or opinions wrt the most anonymous options for transferring money online? I understand that no option is going to be perfect. Thanks!


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avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
pay cash for a gift card, use the gift card for your transaction.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
2 years ago
Why do you need to move away from cash and use electronic payment instead?
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
@elmer: generally it isn't an issue. However there have been a few situations where I would have liked to use it. For example I had to cancel an otc last minute and would have like to send a little cash to compensate her. I couldn't get to her to give it, and "I'll get you next time" was unsatisfying to me.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Ask her if she uses money transfers apps; PayPal of Venmo.

And create a burner PayPal or Venmo account for your hobby, using a gift card paid in cash bought at a store away from your home, office, etc. when you are wearing a Covid 😷 mask and a beanie hat, wearing your burners identity clothes.

You should already have a burner phone, and hopefully a burner/secret identity.

Just be careful out there.

avatar for bang69
2 years ago
Always Pay cash.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
Most anonymous online payment methods tend to get shut down rather quickly by the government. They see them as a way for criminals to move money and a way for people to avoid paying taxes on money that they are making.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
What are you trying to protect yourself from? A paper trail that could be followed by law enforcement or the like? There's no options with any real option there, Bitcoin would be the best but any of the exchanges you'd trust are going to require real, verifiable information and cooperate with any sort of investigations much like any other bank would. And how many strippers have bitcoin? Aside from the ones gettting scammed into "investing in bitcoin" and getting ripped off, I'm betting next to none.

If you're just trying to protect the stripper from finding your real name, they'll mostly all do if you setup an account explicitly for that purpose and use a separate email/burner number. The only info the recipient receives are under your control. Or if they already have your phone number, just use that. I'm not recommending doing it, but I'm pretty sure they're all the same in that regard.

As far as the "I'll get ya next time" being unsatisfying, I understand. But I have found then when I follow through, it does have an impact. I still remember the first time I gave a girl a little extra when I saw her next time, she was at first confused. But when I explained it to her, she was beyond appreciative. She seriously though that was just something people said, but no one actually did. Dramatically changed the relationship.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
Cash is king for anonymity. Plan ahead. If you cash out Bitcoin/cyber to yourself, no issues.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Other than Bitcoin, I don't know of a way to do it purely online. I doubt you have a pot/coke/etc. dealer, they might take cash plus a small fee and send it to whoever you want. I think it would be anonymous if you buy a money order and send it USPS.

If you use Bitcoin for more routing purchases, get a separate key pair for purchases you want to be anonymous. Someone's routing purposes would potentially provide a lot of hints to their identity.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Stick to cash. Anything truly anonymous would be popular with organized (and disorganized...) crime, and therefore on LE radar within moments.
avatar for Musterd21
2 years ago
I have to wonder if you use cash out of a cash station, are the serial numbers kept by the bank? Are they linked to your card?

Just good for thought…….
avatar for Subraman
2 years ago
Agree cash is king.

That said, sometimes I want to transfer money when we're not together, or I just cant' always be bothered getting cash before we see each other. When that happens, go with cashapp (not paypal, not venmo). With smart use of your handle and cashtag, it stays anonymous. It leaves a paper trail if you're worried about your wife's lawyer going through your shit one day, but if you're merely looking to stay anonymous from your stripper, this is the way.
avatar for 3131
2 years ago
Paypal has essentially cut off most "burner" accounts. 5 or 6 years ago, I was able to use paypal by buying prepaid visa..... no more.

About the best you can do now? Buy a prepaid visa and send her the numbers. She can use it for most online shopping, or load her uber account, etc. Then if you are curious, you can see where she's spending it!
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
If you are just looking to send her a little something to make up for canceling an otc arrangement you could always just send her an electronic gift card. Most major stores have a way for you to buy the egift card on their website and either email or text it directly to whoever you want. You could always use a prepaid Visa and a burner account when you buy the egift card if you want that extra layer of protection.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
If only the ravens in "Game of Thrones" were a real thing.
avatar for BigJuan
2 years ago
I think cashapp is anonymous as far as the payee is concerned. In other words, the payee won't know any info about the payor, other than the payor's handle on the app. But I suppose the actual chain of cash transfers would be traceable by an investigator. So it depends who you're trying to hide the transaction from.
avatar for FTS
2 years ago
Cash for in person. Bitcoin or Monero (if they will accept it) for online.

Despite what you might think, and despite what the naysayers on this forum will write, it's not super difficult to remain anonymous with Bitcoin. Although, remaining anonymous from your very first bitcoin acquisition might be difficult because the only decentralized anonymous exchange, Bisq, actually requires you to have some Bitcoin to start making exchanges, and most of the other exchanges (Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, Binance, etc) do KYC. But, once you do get some, it's as simple as using those BTC over Lightning (using a non-custodial Lightning wallet) or using a coin-join wallet like Wasabi or Samurai to make those BTC much more difficult to trace.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
The likely ball-ache of explaining crypto to a dancer (or anyone...) keeps me leaning towards cash.
avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
1. Cash
2. Visa Gift Cards bought with cash
3. Create a free Google Voice number using a HideMyEmail address, install Google voice app on your phone, use for calls and texting.
Extra Mile:
4. Set your phone(texts, pics etc) backups in the cloud as encrypted
5. Enjoy (there is no anonymous and untraceable absolute)
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Pay nice spice the money you owe her already you cheap scumbag !
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