The potential pros are seeing more hot women. The con is the time spent driving between clubs.
The proper amount of time to spend at a club is as long as you're having fun. When you stop having fun, you either go home, go to another strip club, or go to a good bar (or whatever).
If I am in a city that has multiple clubs and I have a limited amount of time (for example if I’m traveling for work and in town for just a night or two) I will go to a club and if I don’t find what I like within 45 minutes I bounce to the next club. Pros - get to experience multiple clubs in one night, may increase the odds of finding a true stunner by increasing the clubs I go to. Cons - multiple cover charges and possible valets, hard to do this by cabbing or Ubering so can’t drink, sometimes the challenger of hitting multiple clubs outweighs the excitement.
Why 45 min? - I’ve found this is usually enough time to see an entire stage rotation at most clubs so hopefully you’ll know if there’s a hidden gem there or not.
It depends on the clubs and driving time between them. 15-20 years ago in Columbia SC I used to bounce back and forth between 2 clubs that were both owned by the same guy and the girls could work at either one. Platinum Plus was normally the "A" team and "Heartbreakers" the "B" team but that could vary depending on where each dancer decided to work. They were only 5 minutes apart by car.
In Phoenix, the main clubs ( for me ) are within a few miles of each other. I start at the club with the highest probability of success. I order a drink and stay a half hour. If things aren’t looking good, I move on.
I usually initially drive a long distance to get to an area with decent strip clubs (or any at all) so I usually will visit two, three or four strip clubs in one evening.
If it's a local club I know well, then just enough time for me to get a realistic handle on whether I am going to enjoy a night there.
If it's a travel club, I generally give it at least 2 hours, especially if I got there earlier in the evening. This allows for the visit to breathe, including more girls rolling in as it gets later, rapport building with any promising prospects, etc. This also gives me enough time to check out a second club if the first doesn't pan out. When I walk out of a club and choose to write a review, it's because I got a full enough picture of the place that whatever I write will be an accurate accounting of the state of affairs in that club on that evening.
Unless of course thing are a veritable train wreck. Like if the talent is horrible and I hear that there aren't any other girls coming. Or if the place is just too uncomfortable. Or if I'm getting so thoroughly ripped off at the bar that I just don't want to reward the clip joint any more. Or some other very strong reason existed to cause me to leave early.
To each his own, but I have little interest in doing several drive-by visits in one evening. First because it's onerous and, second, because if I clubbed that way I'd have missed out on a lot of good things over the years. A good visit often takes time to develop, especially when my ideal outcome involves something OTC.
I avoid going from club to club if I am staying in my local area. I know the area and the club offerings, and I usually hit my favorite first - so if my favorite is a bust - the next one down the list has much lower expectations.
When I would travel for business, I would limit any club nights to a max of two clubs. I think that any more is just trying too hard to turn a bad night around.
When I'm with my buddies, club hopping can be fun. When I'm by myself, like Cashman I usually go to my favorite club first. If and only if it's a bust, after giving at least a full rotation or two (an hour plus) a chance, I might head to the next place. The experience I'm going for is to find a stripper I like and hang out with her for the next 3 hours, and the best chance of that is not wasting those three hours constantly shuttling between clubs, getting to know the new lineup, oh great the girl I want is already taken, and on to the next.
When traveling to a new city, I’ll have two or three clubs on my radar. I prefer to start out at the club with the best potential. Once I get there, I listen to my dick. If he says the club sucks, we go. If geography causes me to start at a lesser club, I’ll try to give it a fair shake before bailing, but again, I trust my dick. If he says he’s happy, we stay and try the other club another time. Some of my dick’s decisions have not always been great, but whether to stay or leave a club? He’s mostly delivered sound advice.
It depends on my mood, the time & day, etc. Sometimes when I'm going to a club in an area with multiple options nearby I'll start at the crappiest ones first and work my way up. If I find a diamond in the rough, great. Otherwise, I know there's probably something at the best club. Some clubs also tend to have their full compliment of girls earlier in the day/night than others. So I'll hit those first if I'm out early, knowing that if I wanted to give the other club a fair shot I'd have to spend much more time there to wait for the late arrivals to come in. I'll occasionally circle back to a club too.
Usually though, I pick a club and stick with it. Like others have said, that's been a successful technique for me and I'm a big "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" guy. When I hop around it's usually more of an aberration.
Depends on the convenience of getting to the other clubs. The beauty of Pompano Beach is that there are several clubs that are very close to each other. In Tampa, my favorite clubs are all in separate counties, so going from one to the other is not real practical .
As Warrior pointed out, my club hopping adventures are almost always in that Pompano area. 3 solid clubs within 5 minutes of each other, and 3 more "worth a shot" ones within 10 minutes or so. There's a couple other clusters around here too, Palm Beach has 3 on the same street within probably 3-5 miles or so. Hallandale's got 3-4 clubs within 15 minutes, 2 literally within 2 minutes. Probably some more I'm leaving out.
I'll basically never visit multiple clubs where I'd have to drive 30+ minutes between them. I'll just stick it out, it's rare a club is that bad I can't at least enjoy a few drinks and the company of a decent stripper for a while.
The clubs I go to regular, as Dolfan said, there are several within less than 5 minutes apart and five or six within 10 minutes. As picky as I am, it's kind of rare that my favorite clubs would not have a gal I'd like to play with.
I like to Russian roulette my strip clubs, don't really have a favorite, I just pick any random one from my selection. Since most clubs are hit-or-miss, sometimes I just get lucky and end up having a great time where I least expected it.
Yeah I do all the time. I’m looking for something in particular and if I’m not finding it I’m not gonna keep wasting time. I agree with Shailynn around 45 minutes or so maybe five or take is about right for getting a feel of a club. Unless it’s a small club then less than that.
Sometimes it just takes one girl to make an awesome time. Keep jumping around till you find that. Some of these guys hunker down in one club trying out a square peg in a round hole.
I always have a couple of nearby strip clubs with regulars. I'll visit a strip club a longer distance away and if I don't see anyone there I like I just stop and visit a regular in a nearby club on the way home.
"Sometimes it just takes one girl to make an awesome time. Keep jumping around till you find that."
If I'm on the road that's my approach. Muddy may or may not have firsthand knowledge of this lol. The first rule of Strip Club is not to talk about Strip Club.
If there are multiple clubs in a short drive, ill often hit 2 or 3 in an evening. Depending if I find what I need a the first.
45 to 60 minutes is often my threshold if I have other options. Yeah, I've moved on only to be dissatisfied and wish I hadn't. Sometimes you gotta roll the dice.
I almost always hit multiple clubs in a night, unless I really strike it lucky with my first stop. Sometimes I'm in a new city and want to hit as many as possible - this is my SOP in Pasco and Pompano. This is when the cons happen frequently - leaving a good club for a bad club, When that happens, you need to cut your losses and move on to the next or move back to the good club. You cannot be bogged down by FOMO. If you don't see a dancer you like or start having fun by the end of your first drink, you need to think real hard about getting another round.
If you are using the TUSCL machine right, you already know which clubs you are going to check out in what order and where you will likely want to finish out the night.
I agree with the 45 minute trial. No sense beating a dead horse.
I used to do 2 or 3 clubs, if needed. These days I often throw in the towel after one club. The talent is pretty lean these days in the afternoons. I often find the grass is no greener at stop 2.
last commentThe proper amount of time to spend at a club is as long as you're having fun. When you stop having fun, you either go home, go to another strip club, or go to a good bar (or whatever).
Why 45 min? - I’ve found this is usually enough time to see an entire stage rotation at most clubs so hopefully you’ll know if there’s a hidden gem there or not.
If it's a travel club, I generally give it at least 2 hours, especially if I got there earlier in the evening. This allows for the visit to breathe, including more girls rolling in as it gets later, rapport building with any promising prospects, etc. This also gives me enough time to check out a second club if the first doesn't pan out. When I walk out of a club and choose to write a review, it's because I got a full enough picture of the place that whatever I write will be an accurate accounting of the state of affairs in that club on that evening.
Unless of course thing are a veritable train wreck. Like if the talent is horrible and I hear that there aren't any other girls coming. Or if the place is just too uncomfortable. Or if I'm getting so thoroughly ripped off at the bar that I just don't want to reward the clip joint any more. Or some other very strong reason existed to cause me to leave early.
To each his own, but I have little interest in doing several drive-by visits in one evening. First because it's onerous and, second, because if I clubbed that way I'd have missed out on a lot of good things over the years. A good visit often takes time to develop, especially when my ideal outcome involves something OTC.
When I would travel for business, I would limit any club nights to a max of two clubs. I think that any more is just trying too hard to turn a bad night around.
Usually though, I pick a club and stick with it. Like others have said, that's been a successful technique for me and I'm a big "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" guy. When I hop around it's usually more of an aberration.
I'll basically never visit multiple clubs where I'd have to drive 30+ minutes between them. I'll just stick it out, it's rare a club is that bad I can't at least enjoy a few drinks and the company of a decent stripper for a while.
Sometimes it just takes one girl to make an awesome time. Keep jumping around till you find that. Some of these guys hunker down in one club trying out a square peg in a round hole.
If I'm on the road that's my approach. Muddy may or may not have firsthand knowledge of this lol. The first rule of Strip Club is not to talk about Strip Club.
45 to 60 minutes is often my threshold if I have other options. Yeah, I've moved on only to be dissatisfied and wish I hadn't. Sometimes you gotta roll the dice.
If you are using the TUSCL machine right, you already know which clubs you are going to check out in what order and where you will likely want to finish out the night.
I used to do 2 or 3 clubs, if needed. These days I often throw in the towel after one club. The talent is pretty lean these days in the afternoons. I often find the grass is no greener at stop 2.