Best era of hot girl?

avatar for Muddy
Be it the culture, fashion, the music, what was thought of as attractive of the day.

I was thinking about this, to me I always go back to the late 80's early 90's ish. Girls that dressed/looked like Bobbie Brown here… or like that gum chewing, with the earings, hairspray denim/leather jacket wearing girl,… I love all that shit and I miss the days when girls would look like the above. Best era hands down for me.

Worst has got to be a little later in the 90's with the grunge stuff. Where you had Alanis Morrisitte and Dave Grohl looking like the same person. Hell no. I still cringe at that stuff.

Most overrated era to me, when I think of the 70's, seeing all these super anorexic girls I don't get it. Even that Farrah Fawcet poster, like there's not meat on that girl, pretty woman in the face though, no doubt but she's got to eat some cheeseburgers and get back to me.

Today is actually not that bad. I'll probably get a lot of hate there's a civil war on this site about this issue but I'm just a proud member of the big booty fat titty fan club, and I'm here to stay and that's kinda what's in vogue right now and actually has been for a little while now actually.


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avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Every generation has its own standard. For me, the Cindy Crawford, Kathy Ireland, Elle McPherson era was the best.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
The best era for hot girls is right now. And always will be right now, irrespective of what right now is.

I can't fuck women from the past.
avatar for Givemegothgirls
2 years ago
80s or 90s I was born 20 years to late
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
That'd be now. Thanks to the Internet every look is on the table. And thanks to strip clubs every look is obtainable. Life is good.
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
I agree with those saying right now. We now have women wearing the most revealing clothes, just look at the evolution of the bikini, it keeps getting smaller. I saw a fashion show where models were walking around in nothing but pieces of tape. I can't imagine what the future will bring. Ok I change my answer, the hottest girl era is still in the future!
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
Late 90s early 00s (specifically 1997ish to 2003ish).

That was leaving the grunge faze, girls wore low rise jeans, tiny thongs and tank tops, really slutty tiny dresses too. This is when bathing suits became really small and was somewhat normalized. I know women wearing even less came later in time but to me this time period started all that. In the 80s most girls were wearing 1 piece bathing suits and no thong underwear you could fit inside a small zip lock bag and still have enough room to put a PBK sandwich in there too.

Another time period would be about 5 years later when yoga pants became the norm. What an underrated piece of clothing.

Today - rolling through college campuses girls are wearing baggy ripped jeans, sneakers and sports bras. Great up top - disappointing on the bottom
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Pretty much now.

I grew up during the 80s. Much of it was regrettable.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
There are beautiful women in every era, it seems like they become more fashionable as time passes.
avatar for Subraman
2 years ago
My CF is always my new ATF 🤣 The hottest girls are always now lol

To Shailynn's point, which I think is valid for today, I look at that strictly as a comment about today's jean style. My favorite jean style was the tight semi bell bottoms of around 2000. I thought they were sexier than the skinny jeans that replaced them, and I dislike the ripped mom jeans style of today. But, two things of today that beat any time previously. First, not only are yoga pants still in style, but they've gotten EVEN SEXIER, something I didn't even think was possible. Second, women's swimsuit styles are at peak sexiness of all time. I'm bummed about the jeans but I'll find a way to deal :)
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I know each era of hot women has certain traits that make it a memorable era. That being said, the present time will likely be the best era of hot women.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
The mid to late seventies Disco era, when women looked like women, were not made of plastic and weren't fat.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I would say late 90s to early 2000s. Giant butts were not mainstream, people still knew fat was bad, girls were girls and guys were guys, abs were moving into the national consciousness. The 80s were not as bad as some say. You had Darryl Hannah, Heather Locklear, Kim Basinger, and more. Women were embracing casual sex and being the pursuer. I was too young to participate, but old enough to know what the hell was going on.
avatar for Fuckit77
2 years ago
I’m 24 and to me it’s 60s/70s. Current generation e-girl/goth girl Tiktok thing is pretty great too though. The younger generation are definitely on to something there.

Interestingly enough I was talking to a 19 year egirl/goth girl in 2020. I checked up on her Instagram a few weeks ago and she looks normal now. No more green/black hair (it’s a wavy natural color now), took her piercings out, and no more rebellious clothing (instead she was now wearing a striped long sleeve turtleneck). Honestly felt like I’d seen her develop into a young adult early-mid 20s woman compared to she was in full blown 18-19 year old teen angst 3 years ago in 2020. Super hot in its own way, heh
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Early to mid 80’s

I went to a club once and I swear 75% of the dancers were Heather Locklear look-a-likes

It’s often hard to find an attractive dancer in clubs today unless you like grotesque body ink, piercings, and phat ass twerkers
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