
Comments by Subraman (page 135)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    First visit to Massage Parlor
    -->"But my impression is that it’s often just a bunch of older Asian chicks" That seems to depend on region. In this city, the AMPs (at least the highly reviewed ones) are said to have really beautiful women, some even stripper quality, if you like Asian women. I haven't been to an AMP, the experience just doesn't appeal to me at all, but two of my buddies like it, plus I've been following the AMP discussion on local forums for decades. Definitely not my thing, but when I do feel like something in that format, I've been doing FBSM for years. Completely different experience than what I understand of AMPs... the girls tend to be independent or in small groups, they get an apartment tucked away in a quiet apartment building, many endeavor to reproduce to some extent a spa-like experience, some of them have serious massage skills (including some are CMTs), and perhaps most importantly: many have raised the sensual massage & handjob to an artform. There was a time when FBSM was the most dynamic part of the sex industry here, the girls were introducing all kinds of fun services at an amazing pace, to separate themselves: bodyslides, Nuru (real Japanese Nuru), tantra, "tie & tease", domination, shower with you before or after the session, etc. All ethnicities but mostly white girls. From what I hear, FBSM is several notches above the service offered by "bodyrub" girls in other cities (I've read the SW girls discuss "bodyrubs", I'd rather poke a stick in my eye than get that type of service). In the end, it's still just a HJ, but it's a pretty great experience if you enjoy that. Works nicely as just a quick easy steam-releaser in between OTC / arrangement dates. Unfortunately, the FBSM scene in this area has been imploding due to the demographic changes.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wouldn't you like to know
    Hi new member
    It was pretty elaborate -- first his post on "thanks for telling me about SW", then "I found this great chick on SW", then she shows up, and he blows it on the first reply. I almost feel bad.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wouldn't you like to know
    Hi new member
    -->"Well.......be nice and I might" Damn dude, very first response and you forget which account you're in? Your pseudo game needs work lol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the longest it's taken you to recover from good OTC?
    -->"I exercise and eat right, but drinking with a 20-something from 3pm until 3am is really taking a toll on me" Yeah, guys who are saying "you don't need to recover" are just doing a different kind of OTC -- a couple of hours of the ol' in-out, or maybe dinner then sex. But I don't know that anyone in their 40s or older who can drinks all day and night, at 22-year-old party-girl pace, and not feel it the next day; in fact, just staying up until 4am even without having been drinking for the prior 12 hours straight, make me feel pretty meh the next day
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the longest it's taken you to recover from good OTC?
    Recover physically: We often do a lot of drinking on my OTCs, sometimes for hours and hours. In addition, I stay up later (if I'm up past midnight, I'm probably on an OTC lol... my ATATF keeps me until 4 sometimes) but my body still tends to wake me up by 7 or 8. All of this leads to: not uncommon to be exhausted, or hung over, or both, and take the following day to recover physically Like bubba, I sometimes get an exhausted afterglow which lasts a day or two
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Asking for a girl to come out of the locker room
    If it's a girl I've seen even once before, chances are I have her #, and just text her that I'm here. I think it's a good practice to get a girl's number the very first time you meet her, if she's fun and you know you'd like to see her again. If I've gone in a group of guys, and we have other girls at the table, I'll sometimes send one girl in to get her friend out. I typically wouldn't send in a waitress/bouncer/rando in there. I agree it's not rude, but at the point I'm sending a rando in to get a girl (who by definition is an unknown quantity, since I don't have her #) I'll switch to another girl if there's another I'm interested in
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Curious how often anyone has seen or done front-room activities?
    Lip kisses are the main thing I've not seen in clubs around here. The staff does not allow it, and from what I hear, the girls will turn each other in over it. Cheek and neck, yes. I've had plenty of subdued action at our table... if she's sitting in the same big padded chair as me, neither the bouncers nor the eye-in-the-sky can tell exactly where my hand is, if I've got my arm down her back. Not terribly uncommon to get all-hole-access at the table, at least to the first or second knuckle, with a good ATF. But all of that's hidden -- it's not SJG-style open "front room action".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Dates
    -->"Have you fellas ever experienced the same from your OTC date?" Never quite as bad as what you described. Even my worst OTCs were pretty good. Even my "average" OTC dates were pretty outrageously fun; the girls seem to love going to fancy restaurants, and like any stripper, get a few drinks in them and they get wild. Exactly how well did you know this stripper you went OTC with?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    My fav pole dancer
    Huh, missed this thread entirely. Love that girl's body, and her polework is super super sexy. Don't like her face, and the double Monroes are extra gross. Ignoring that, though, my general impression of strippers whose polework is THAT good, is that they're expecting a premium for dances because of their polework -- and their dances aren't necessarily particularly good, by tuscl terms (they might be amazing in terms of art). Anyway, while I love polework that's reached that level of artistry, it's pretty ancillary to the experience I'm going for in a strip club; whether I want to get dances from her or not, if she tries to up-charge right away, I'm gone, if her dances aren't relatively touchy, I'm gone. -->"But most of them will at least verbally encourage you to cum as quickly as possible, because they typically make more money by taking on more short-stay clients. And they can only take on more clients if you finish and leave. Four clients each paying $150 for 15 minutes each is preferable to one guy paying $300 for a full hour." I respect BHo's pursuit of what he wants, so not busting balls, but based on previous discussions (and how he used SA, etc), it feels like he is describing what most of us think of as the low-range, high-volume part of the market. At least in this area, no mid-range or up escort even has a 15-minute offering, the vast majority don't have a 30-minute, and those that do have a 30-minute really up-charge on it for obvious reasons. The girls are basically actively-discouraging less than an hour, and extract a big premium to make it worth their while for guys who insist on it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Reasons you stopped seeing a CF
    Vanta: I said that after every ATF. Well, not that I'd never get another ATF, I knew I'd find another; but "I'll never find one as amazing as her". So far, I'm happy to say, since my first ATF, I've had a bunch who surpassed her
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Why won't ATF just reply NO
    1. It's personal. You're a pain in the ass, if she texts you "no", she knows you'll start texting her why, trying to get OTC, or whatever else she's trying to avoid. 2. It's not personal. But she's taking a break from stripping, either permanently or temporarily, and psychologically it's just better for her to put stripping & customers aside, clean break. Besides, it's not just you texting her, it's 20 other guys, too, plus a bunch of her stripper "friends" she's also trying to avoid ... a decision to start replying to ex-customers, is a decision to spend a lot of time texting them I've known several strippers who, every time they take a break from dancing, change their phone number (or if it's google voice, drop their google voice entirely), so there's a decent chance she's not seeing any of your texts
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Reasons you stopped seeing a CF
    DC: yeah, can't blame her, but I move on. That said, if it's just one whale, can't you set up appointments with her to avoid him? The ATF I referenced above did a pretty good job of managing her regulars, but eventually she had so many high-paying regulars that even making appointments wasn't good enough. Some of whales evidently didn't bother with appointments, they just came in and expected she'd come over; I dropped her after it happened twice.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Reasons you stopped seeing a CF
    ^^^ So she's a girl now?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Reasons you stopped seeing a CF
    Probably my most common reasons: 1. Can't get her OTC, and we've reached our limit ITC, so nowhere to go -- I like the excitement of constantly doing more and more 2. ATF started getting popular (rightfully so, one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in a strip club, and incredibly engaging and fun to talk to), and our leisurely 4 hour visits started turning into "hang out for an hour and then run off with another customer." No ill will, but not the experience I'm looking for, so I moved on. It's been fairly rare that, by the time I consider a stripper a CF, she turned around and made things feel transactional, ignore me for other customers, make me wait half an hour before she gets to me, etc., the types of stories I've heard many of you guys tell. Maybe one of the benefits of being a good regular during slow(er) shifts.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Thanks a lot......
    Keep reading, it gets worse. Or better, depending on your POV :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the nicest thing you've ever done for a CF on her birthday?
    -->"I allowed her to blow me. -->How charitable of you @Subraman lol. Weren't you paying attention? It was her BIRTHDAY
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the nicest thing you've ever done for a CF on her birthday?
    Awesome day I had with an ATF, which accidentally, ended up nicest thing I ever did for a stripper: One of my first ATFs was a bit of a mess. When her birthday rolled around, she and her bff had "broken up" (bff had fired her as a bff, for being a bad friend), she wasn't getting along with her baby daddy, didn't have any money, and on and on. With Rick Dugan like instincts, I invited her OTC ("well, if you want to spend your birthday with me, we'll definitely party"). To my surprise, she not only accepted, but showed up -- I'd really expected that she'd get a better offer and blow me off. Anyway, she showed up at noon, so I took her to a fancy lunch, we spent a good five hours partying and drinking and, yes, strip clubbing, then I took her to dinner, then back to the hotel where I allowed her to blow me and then drunkenly banged her... we cleaned up, she looks at me and says, "I don't want to go home yet. Let's go party more!", so we did. At around 10pm she had to take of. So, 10-hour long OTC with a hot, very fun stripper for our standard $250 plus some perfume I knew she wanted. Her "thank you for spending my birthday with me and making it fun" parting speech and hug seemed very genuine... I suspect she was really down, had no other options (obviously, or she wouldn't have spent it with a customer), and at least I got her into an alcohol-fueled haze to forget her troubles for a few hours. Plus she got to blow me. Meanwhile, at that time, that was my #1 best OTC ever.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strippers on their phones while “working”
    At one of the clubs I go to -- a deja vu club, so heavy-handed as far as rules and fines -- it was interesting to see the evolution. At first, management decided strippers couldn't have cell phones out on the floor... so predictably, the girls started spending a lot more time in the locker room. When that started happening, the girls started getting warned and fined for being in the locker room. So, that completely solved the "girls on phones on the floor, or in the locker room" problem, but did not make for happy strippers, which is not in anyone's interest. So they started letting the girls go on their phones on the floor again, but remained pretty active in warning/fining girls who spent too much time in the lockerroom. Current state of this skirmish: girls aren't allowed on their phones when they're on the floor, and can't hide in the locker room -- but this is all enforced lazily if at all when it's slow. Once there's a decent sized batch of customers, management battens down the hatches.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Bikini or lingerie?
    In general, whatever flatters your body best works for me, I'd go on that rather than picking lingerie or bikini unilaterally. But, if you're lucky enough to have a body that looks amazing in both, lingerie is usually the winner.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC - Grinding with Happy Ending
    Some of the guys here just finish at the club -- hell, they've practically raised splooging in their own pants into an art form. Might be a fun option for you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    NNJ/NY getting extras cause I'm soooo good looking
    Is it better to monger solo or in packs?
    lol I didn't even notice the avatar. Should've known it's another troll. Got me, whoever is behind this pseudo
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    NNJ/NY getting extras cause I'm soooo good looking
    Is it better to monger solo or in packs?
    Mongering (escorts, FBSM) = alone SCing = in packs, *if* your friends are also tuscl-level PLs. If they're amateurs, it's just annoying, so alone. We just had a slight variation on this conversation 2 days ago: https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=60633 Most guys like SCing alone, but as you can see, I like groups. Here's my reasoning, from the thread from 2 days ago: *** strip club by myself DRIVE THERE: for an hour by myself AT THE CLUB: have fun with stripper. Or not -- if lineup sucks just sit there by myself DRIVE HOME: for an hour by myself *** With tuscl level buddies: DRIVE THERE: with my buddies. Have someone to talk to, talk shit with, reminisce about last trip to club. When we get to the city, even though the SCs are in relatively safe areas, hey, it's still the city -- and walking through with multiple guys is always safer. AT THE CLUB: No good strippers right now? No problem, hang out and do shots with buddies, which is super fun anyway, whlie we wait for strippers. Some guys have strippers, but none for me yet? No problem, have fun hanging out with at least some strippers at the table. And when I do want a stripper, just send one of "our" strippers at the table to get her, no having to head to stage or hope to get her attention or anything else. Here's a true story from a month ago: I was at a new (to me) club, early nightshift. Hottest chick in the place has been sitting with some guys the entire time. My buddy tells the stripper sitting with him that I (meaning me) really want that hot chick over there. She says, "Oh that's my friend! Those guys aren't spending for shit. Here, let me get her". She grabs her hot friend as soon as she steps away from those guys to go on stage; I sit with hottest stripper in the place for the rest of night. In short: in a group that's spending, the girls at the table ensure any other girls we want sit with us too. We all ahve girls: it's a party at the table. We're all talking and laughing and doing shots together. Then maybe just talk to your stripper for a while. Then all of a sudden someone is shoving shots in front of your face, and it's back to socializing. Sometimes a pair will slip off to the table next door if they want to privacy for a bit, but mostly we're all just talking and laughing the whole time. Also, our group ethics are: you can (and should!) do dances with any girl at the table, if you want. So we've acquired many of the hottest strippers in the place due to the dynamics explained in the previous paragraph, and now they're all open for dances. I might "switch" with one of my buddies for a dance, and do dances with each others' girls. Or my ATF is at the table, and not only does she make $ from me, she makes a few hundred from my buddies, too -- another reason she sits tight. We also compare notes: how was she? What did she do for you -- oh, I didn't get that from her. Etc. All in all, super fucking fun. Don't need to go alone to get whatever stripper socializing time I want ... but socializing in the group is fun too DRIVE HOME: Spend on hour debriefing, comparing notes on who got more or less than anyone else from the same girl, if anyone met a new girl do they want to go OTC with her, etc. There's literally not one moment that isn't fun.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How many "Free" songs do you give for lame dances?
    I don't understand why anyone would have any other answer than "one and done". Why in the world would you waste your money on a bad dance, and then buy another?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    -->"^Really? That’s pretty amusing and also really believable. That one is definitely going on the bingo card in addition to whatever else makes it." Urinal conversation with drunken customers is the fucking worst. Yes, that's how it goes! I usually say something like, "Fuck yeah bro! Get some!" and then hustle over to the sink before he tries to high-five me with his free hand
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to the scene. Any tips?
    -->"Ask her about her menu of prices and extras" Cashman is a grizzled old hand so I'm sure this is good advice. I wonder if there's a difference in "club cultures", regionally or by club, in how you approach this. Back when I went to extras clubs here, sometimes "what's your menu" yielded the conversation you wanted, sometimes it didn't; often, it just yielded a "well, what are you looking for?", more rarely, a snippy reply. I always found just asking (e.g., "do you do blowjobs?"), was the way to get right to the point. She did or didn't, and we moved on or moved to VIP. I suppose from a risk perspective, it makes sense -- there's 0% chance she's an undercover cop trying to catch me, but she doesn't know the same about me. Anyway, keep an eye out for how open extras are in your particular club. IME, asking for her menu was fine at MSC (open brothel), would not get a good reaction even from extras girls at CH (very under-the-radar, limited extras club)