
Comments by Subraman (page 136)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Harassed for tips during VIP dance.
    I'm not sure I ever had a girl ask for a tip in the middle of the dance. I see the dilemna if she does -- I have no problem telling her "no, I don't tip" at the end of the dance, but if I'd just paid $140, I don't want that wasted. And, of course, she knows that I'm nervous about wasting my $140. "Tips come at the end, if you blow me away" is what popped into my head -- imply there's a tip waiting for her, if and only if she performs. When it's over, there's NO FUCKING WAY I'm tipping a girl who used this kind of sales tactic with me. Thank her, "no, I'm not tipping", and walk away. Meekly following her around while she leads you to the ATM, answering her questions when she asks if your wallet is in the car, then running away, all definitely breaks rule #2. I think everyone gets intimidated and dominated by a stripper this way, early in their PL career, when they are practically in shock and have no idea what to do, but it shouldn't happen more than once. Shut her down politely but firmly, walk away, find a better girl to hang out with
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Longest time you spent in a club
    I've done long, multi-club strip clubbing, across several clubs, lunch and dinner, from noon to midnight, with a buddy of mine. One club, probably 6 or so hours, I had a particular ATF many years ago, who liked me to hang out all day.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to the scene. Any tips?
    Some advice: https://www.tuscl.net/article.php?id=49689
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Have u guys tried fruit custard ever ? Honestly rare dessert but super good
    If you're disappointed, I'd be happy to hook you up with some "custard"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to the scene. Any tips?
    -->"@tfp as bad as it may sound I'm already married so no falling in love for me." Ha ha, I remember when I was that naive :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    -->"Stripclubs i love that you can pick your girl . Sometimes you hit gold sometimes you leave blueballed but i guess thats part of it" It depends what type of SCer you are. Once I have a CF, there's no "sometimes you hit gold" -- I hit gold every time, otherwise she wouldn't be a CF. To me, there's almost nothing about having a CF that isn't better than experience with an escort: hotter girl by far, lower bottom-line cost for the time spent (drastically lower, in the case of overnights, etc), she hasn't fucked 5 other guys today before we met for OTC, how much I enjoy partying with her, etc. It's only the search to find that CF (which I enjoy, but some guys don't), and her availability/reliability, that are any sorts of downsides. None of that applies to the variety guys, of course!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Strip clubbing and sugar daddying compete for the #1 and #2 slots, usually with SCing ahead (pedantic note: no one on any board I've been on calls SCing "mongering", except here.) Distant #3 is FBSM (*not* massage parlors) Have tried escorts, not at all the experience I'm looking for, no interest in ever repeating No interest in massage parlors / AMPs
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Is "unhinged" the new euphemism for asshole? Ha ha, I keed! I keed! PS But really, is it?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Are your friends into this hobby too?
    -->"not exactly the reason i go to SCs (the drinking and socializing with friends and strippers," Totally fair -- we certainly all don't have the same goals. That said, are you saying "that's not the reason I go to SCs" because you've gone with buddies and it wasn't your thing, or are you just guessing? The reason I'm a zealot like an ex-smoker preaching to smokers on this point, is because there was a time when I was telling myself the same thing: "I go to the SC for the strippers, not to hang out with buddies"... until the time I went with my buddies and realized it was 10x more fun, and hey, I still got to hang out with strippers all I wanted (in fact, even my stripper time was better, due to intel sharing, the strippers recruiting other girls to come to our table, etc). Going with your buddies makes your time with the strippers MORE fun, plus extra bonus of spending time with your buddies. In fact, most of the guys we've SCed with had exactly the same position, until they came with the group. Different strokes and all, but I suspect most people are just guessing that they have more fun alone than they would with tuscl level wingmen (as opposed to amateur SCers, which is definitely annoying)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Are your friends into this hobby too?
    Here's the reason I like going with tuscl-level buddies: *** strip club by myself DRIVE THERE: for an hour by myself AT THE CLUB: have fun with stripper. Or not, if lineup sucks just sit there by myself DRIVE HOME: for an hour by myself *** With tuscl level buddies: DRIVE THERE: with my buddies. Have someone to talk to, talk shit with, reminisce about last trip to club. When we get to the city, even though the SCs are in relatively safe areas, hey, it's still the city -- and walking through with multiple guys is always safer. AT THE CLUB: Walk to the club No good strippers right now? No problem, hang out and do shots with buddies, which is super fun anyway, whlie we wait for strippers. Some guys have strippers, but none for me yet? No problem, have fun hanging out with at least some strippers at the table. And when I do want a stripper, just send one of "our" strippers at the table to get her, no having to head to stage or hope to get her attention or anything else. Here's a true story from a month ago: I was at a new (to me) club, early nightshift. Hottest chick in the place has been sitting with some guys the entire time. My buddy tells the stripper sitting with him that I (meaning me) really want that hot chick over there. She says, "Oh that's my friend! Those guys aren't spending for shit. Here, let me get her". She grabs her hot friend as soon as she steps away from those guys to go on stage; I sit with hot stripper rest of night. In short: in a group that's spending, the girls at the table ensure any other girls we want sit with us too. We all ahve girls: it's a party at the table. We're all talking and laughing and doing shots together. Then maybe just talk to your stripper for a while. Then all of a sudden someone is shoving shots in front of your face, and it's back to socializing. Sometimes a pair will slip off to the table next door if they want to privacy for a bit, but mostly we're all just talking and laughing the whole time. Also, our group ethics are: you can (and should!) do dances with any girl at the table, if you want. So we've acquired many of the hottest strippers in the place due to the dynamics explained in the previous paragraph, and now they're all open for dances. I might "switch" with one of my buddies for a dance, and do dances with each others' girls. Or my ATF is at the table, and not only does she make $ from me, she makes a few hundred from my buddies, too -- another reason she sits tight. We also compare notes: how was she? What did she do for you -- oh, I didn't get that from her. Etc. All in all, super fucking fun. Don't need to go alone to get whatever stripper socializing time I want ... but socializing in the group is fun too DRIVE HOME: Spend on hour debriefing, comparing notes on who got more or less than anyone else from the same girl, if anyone met a new girl do they want to go OTC with her, etc. There's literally not one moment that isn't fun.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Club coupons ?
    I don't get charged cover at my "main" club Any other club, if I can find a coupon, I use it, always. Never had a hassle
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Are your friends into this hobby too?
    -->"I feel like it would be annoying to SC with a group of guys" It is annoying to go with SC amateurs. It is insanely fun to go with other tuscl level PLs. I have posited for years that most guys here who are miserable going with other guys, feel that way because they've SCed with regular schmos. But with other tuscl level PLs? Way better than alone, at least to me, and I'd wager to many/most others here.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Are your friends into this hobby too?
    The times this question comes up, most guys here seem to be in the latter group -- they're That Guy. I usually SC in a group of 2-5 guys. A few of us are tuscl-level brown or black belt PLs, the rest are buddies who are anywhere from white belts to purple belts (I wrote an article on how I coach these guys how to behave, which is their first step travelling the path to black belt and mastery of self and spirit).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Using a card reader on a phone??
    I would never consider using my personal credit card. But IF AND ONLY IF there were some advantage to me, I'd be happy to get a re-loadable Visa card, completely anoymous so safe for both of us, and use that. But there has to be a pretty good reason for me to get off my ass and go to CVS to get a Green Dot Visa or wahtever... for example, the $100 VIP is only $80 if I pay that way.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    If Tusclers started a group.
    Therapy is going to be dressing up and doing those dance moves just like the video
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How so? Will a dog lick your junk if spread peanut butter all over it, like a friend will? Oh, hey, I see where you're going with this, 25
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everyone needs a friend sometime, vato
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    Many of these "too scared to tell the truth, so I'll make something up" approaches, like "I'm broke", just go against my grain because I find my SC trips much more fun when I'm confident and assertive as far as pursuing my own desires. But it's also the case that sometimes these types of excuses get really negative reactions -- I've personally seen an aggressive stripper rip into a guy who claimed he was broke ("well what are you doing at a strip club? We're not working for free"), just to take out her frustrations and humiliate him a bit ... and stripperweb is full of stories about how the strippers like to humiliate the "broke" guys. Just something to be aware of, and maybe factor in, if you're already a bit too timid to just ask her to move on, I have to imagine that sort of conflict is not pleasant.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Favorite Ethnicity
    While I recognize beauty comes in all ethnicities, I am most often attracted to white and latin women, and beyond that, there's a few mixed ethnicities I'm often attracted to
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Guy at urinal next to you: "Lotta pussy out there bro!"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dating A Dancer Part 2
    rockstar: good you're safe there :) My point was more general though: sometimes strippers have ulterior motives (Yes, I'm wearing my Captain Obvious hat and uniform), even in their real-life romances. Just a general warning to keep in mind. In the meantime, like I said, the few FWBs I've had with strippers have been some of the most outrageously fun times I've had, so enjoy it. Just sleep with one eye open, figuratively speaking.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dating A Dancer Part 2
    The fact that you don't pay her for her time and sex is about the only remotely reliable indicator that it's something more -- some sort of FWB at the very least, IMO. Of course, knowing these girls, it is very far from impossible that it's merely an exit strategy. One of my ATFs had gotten married and then divorced a few years later, in the settlement he agreed to cover her and her kid with health insurance for some amount of time after the divorce. I remember being surprised how un-emotional she seemed over the whole thing; one day she told me "getting my daughter covered by health insurance was really the main thing I wanted out of the marriage, so as long as I get that even though we're divorced, I don't really care about the marriage". Anyway, I'm rambling. I do agree with rockstar that the fact that he's not paying means he's moved beyond customer; and if he's having fun, that's awesome. Just keep in mind that just because you no longer have to dodge stripper hustle, doesn't mean she doesn't have alternative malicious plans to watch out for. But as long as you realize that, have fun. FWB w/ a stripper has always been amazing for me
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Any of you gents ever pull the ol' cum in bathroom trick (CIB) at the SC?
    WILLYSGOTAWOMAN headed to the bathroom to do a #3
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wave a dollar bill around at the girl on the stage; she must come over and earn this fortune Be annoyed at the bathroom troll; give him a dollar anyway
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stripper tells you why another stripper is a bitch Shots! Shots! Shots!