avatar for DosManos


joined Sep 2018last seen Sep 2018

Comments made by DosManos

discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for DosManos
Harassed for tips during VIP dance.
I had ready paid the $150 for vip so waking away wasn't much of an option. I told her up front when she told me she would do full contact for $40 that I was spent for the night. She asked me how much I had and I said just a few bucks. She tells me there's an ATM and I told her I didn't want to pay the ATM fee. She then takes my thumb and starts fucking it in my lap. She gave me a pretty good dance but she kept bringing up the ATM. She told me it was just 10% charge for the ATM so I said if it's just that then I will consider $20. The dance was already amost over at that point though and she walked me out to the ATM. Turns out she lied and It had a ridiculous surcharge. I told her I forgot my wallet in my car and her smile immediately turned to a frown. She says "So you can't tip me at all?" And I pull out 4 crumpled up dollars from my pockets and hand it to her. She then asks if I can go to my car and get my wallet. I said yes and immediately GTFO of there.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for DosManos
New to the scene. Any tips?
@tfp as bad as it may sound I'm already married so no falling in love for me.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for DosManos
New to the scene. Any tips?
If I'm interested in extras how do I bring it up? When do I bring it up? Is it generally better to pay for one longer dance or each dance separately? What do you talk to a stripper about when they're trying to convince you to go to vip?