
My fav pole dancer


If you guys saw her on stage (and she was dressed more stripperlike), how interested would you be in a lap dance?


  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Based on her videos I mean
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’d be interested. She has a great body. She’s very toned and fit.

    I’m sure she can work it on stage too. Some dancers have amazing stage presence - and that can make them look even more desirable during a stage set.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Unlike some, I absolutely adore displays of athleticism and grace by women.

    Based on what I saw there, I’d be very interested in at least finding out if she’s interesting to talk to.
  • HumptyDance
    6 years ago
    I always look for the attire and attention to the art of dancing. Anyone can get on stage and rub their body but a woman who can truly show athletism and originality can take my money any day.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I am def usually impressed with feats of athleticism on the pole but can't say I'm sexually turned-on by it - it'd be analogous to a girl showing me she can do a one-handed push-up right b/f we're about to get into bed to have sex; yeah I'm impressed w/ her athletic-feat but it's not what turns me on sexually - I prefer slow deliberate sexual/sensual moves w/ eye-contact and a smile, vs an Olympic gymnast performance - for me personally, rarely if ever, do I see an over-the-top pole-performance and then think "man I really want a dance w/ her" - in fact, IME most girls who's bread-and-butter is the pole often don't seem to be as good when it comes to lap-dances; is as if they saw themselves more like performers and wanna be appreciated for that, and the attention, than grinding-and-groping - I go to SCs for good grind-and-grope, not for "performances".

    I find calf-tattoos hideous
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    Oh I don’t have IG but I follow her on tumblr and she’s amazing ! I’d def get dances
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    When it comes to dancers, I prefer sexuality/sensuality - when getting dances I don't like a girl jumping all over my lap like a bunny or doing all sorts of acrobatics -e.g. sometimes a dancer likes to do that "wheelbarrow" move where she puts her hands on the floor and her legs on either side of you w/ her butt facing you; I find-it uncomfortable, awkward, and not really sexy.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Pole dancing is an amazing athletic feat and not sexy in the least.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    That's some very sensual pole work. And heck yes on the dances
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @Papi, that's true. I've been looking at her stuff and trying to copy it but attempting this stuff is so difficult when I'm also trying to rub myself and make eye contact. But she looks so graceful And true, "wheelbarrow" seems to be better for a "hey go give this dance to my uncomfortable friend." It's more visual and less "personal"

    @Zoey Yessss, that's where I found her first. xD

    I'm happy with the positive responses here. Even if it's only moderate, I've wondered whether trying to improve my stage was even worth my time or if it was just a waste of energy that belongs in a pole class.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Impressive pole work. I'd get dances from her.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I don't know. Does she give good mileage?

    Poledancing ability wouldn't influence me one way or the other.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    I appreciate a good pole dance. She's a little skinny for my tastes. Her personality would have to win me over. I would pick other dancers more my type before her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    One thing that one learns from TUSCL is that preferences are all over the place whether it's w.r..t. type of dancer/dancer-looks, or type of experience a PL likes (big on the stage-thing or doesn't care; big on extras or prefers to sit and chat; etc) - rarely if ever will there be a PL-consensus but it seems to me that those that are big-time into the stage-thing are often not as interested in VIP or even dances and maybe prefer the ambiance more (drinking, eating, stage-tipping) than spending on dances or VIP - it seems most custies willing to spend big prefer a more personal type experience other than a girl spinning on a pole rarely making any eye-contact and may often prefer more of a GFE type experience - but my points are not necessarily correct nor universal.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    A dancer making eye-contact w/ me and squeezing her boobs together while she looks at me and wiggling her tongue at me suggestively or blowing me a kiss, will def get my attention more than her doing 360s on the pole.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    I'd be going broke in this bitch... be trying hard to eat that pussy pie
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    ^^^ again... eloquence at it's finest.

    I do not find her attractive at all, but appreciate the pole work.

    I once met a dancer with a 6-pack and she claimed she got that by only dancing on the pole (similar to this girl) at the club. Said she doesn't work out at home and once she mastered the pole doing 4-5 sets a night while working was her daily workout.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ hey - stop busting on Juice just b/c you are not the romantic he is
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    I agree with Papi_Chulo and others here who said that, while pole tricks are impressive and fun to watch, they're really not the reason why I would show up at a club. "Dancing" is just a euphemism anyway. A strip club is just a brothel in disguise in a country where it's mostly illegal to openly pay for sex. Plus it gives people something to look at while you're sitting around and waiting for whatever you're waiting for.

    Having said that, if a girl has absolutely zero rhythm and looks awkward on stage, then she really should take one or two dance lessons - she'll look more dignified that way. But being sensual matters much more to me. And physical attraction matters even more. This particular girl is just too plain-Jane for my taste. Plus not enough tits and ass.
  • ButterMan
    6 years ago
    I'd give her a try on the lap dances for sure. And like juice said i'd probably try and slip her a little extra to eat her pussy...LOL
  • yahtzee74
    6 years ago
    Papi summed it up nicely. A dancer's pole ability has zero influence on whether or not I would want a lap dance from a girl.

    However I will tip a little extra at the stage for her efforts.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    She's kind of ugly and isn't that good on the pole.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Pole skills definitely don't make me more interested in a dancer and I would almost consider it a possible negative sign.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    I'd tip her stage but I'm not into blondes so I probably wouldn't pursue her for any dances.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @ Burlington Ho
    "Dancing" is just a euphemism anyway. A strip club is just a brothel in disguise in a country where it's mostly illegal to openly pay for sex."

    I'm skeptical on that. I looked back up an article I read back cause it's really insightful. Granted this is in Australia and not America, but I think the cultures are similar enough that the same results would be likely if it was all legalized.

    Here's a link but I'm also posting a quote if you don't wanna read the whole thing.


    "It seemed even more ridiculous that doing extras could be considered “undercutting” or creating an “unfair playing ground” given that a few hundred meters down the road was a well-known legal brothel. If customers walked in there, they could pay the same amount for full service in a comfortable bed that they would for a 15 minute dance in our strip club with a quick, no-frills hand job in a dingy room with a semi-functioning CD player and a chair held together with duct tape."
  • Studme53
    6 years ago
    I love it - but check out Maddie Sparkle - really sexy and great legs
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago

    Oh sure, there will always be guys who prefer the strip club-experience to the hooker-experience. I'm one of them. At a strip club, you can relax, have a drink, watch the show, take your time, talk to the girls, etc. Just like an old-school brothel. But you can't really do this with an escort: she has appointments scheduled, you're on the clock, and she needs you to finish quickly so that she can squeeze in a few more guys.

    I'm not thrilled with escorts/hookers myself. I hate the feeling of scheduling an appointment and rushing through what should be a pleasant experience. I would take a club over an escort, all things considered, even though clubs appear to be a poor value at first glance. And even in places where prostitution is legal, such as northern Nevada and Australia, there are still *some* strip clubs remaining for guys like me. But strip clubs must be much less common in these places than they are elsewhere (in places where prostitution remains illegal). Because a sizeable chunk of the monger population just wants to cum and go. Am I wrong about this?
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @BHF: “Because a sizeable chunk of the monger population just wants to cum and go. Am I wrong about this?”

    I don’t think you’re precisely “wrong.” If by “monger population” you meant that segment of strip club customers who know about and actively seek out sex, I think you’re probably more right than wrong. However, I also don’t think that such mongers are anywhere near the majority of strip club customers in general. At least not in my experience.

    I’m mostly in the same boat as you. Most of the time, I’m after a good time. The sex, whatever form that takes, is the end game, not the sole reason for going. I like all the rest of strip club experience as well.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    The beauty of all of this is that we have options, despite what the fucking gubba-ment is doing to try and shut everything down. Between stripclubs, AMP's & escorts, everyone can find what they are in the mood for that day.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago

    In this case I'm using the term 'monger' to refer to anyone who pays for sex, whether we're talking about the customers of escorts, street walkers, strippers, massage parlors, SA girls, dominatrices, etc. Some guys prefer to hang out and make friends - they'll naturally gravitate towards strip clubs. But just because there's some chit-chat involved doesn't mean they're not still selling sex, which was my original point. But yes, I agree that the sex is not the sole reason for me either
  • rogertex
    6 years ago
    I liked nicespice's pick until i saw studme53's find.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    ^that chick isn’t a stripper though. She’s a “pole hobbyist dancer” or whatever. The girl nicespice posted is an actual stripper.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Would an escort squeeze time down? I had the impression that they charge hourly and add in five courtesy fifteen minutes over or something. Maybe it’s the street walking type that charges by the act? This is a genuine question, I’m not sure how most full service sex workers do things.

    I agree, I don’t think most customers are mongers. To be fair I think most focused mongers in my area go to different clubs than mine.

    Maddie Sparkle definitely is more athletic and technically skilled. And I think most posters on here appreciate her body type more too. I still prefer Ididescent’s style as a dancer because it’s more slow and sensual and more useful for dancers who are trying to improve their pole work for stage.

    But that’s cause Maddie, while also very controlled and sexy, does fall prey to some of the pole community’s love of weird moves like doing “the worm”

    (Also slighty off topic: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VZxQu-y3A7… hehe)

    ...at the
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    So basically like what Zoey was saying lol
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    nicespice said "Would an escort squeeze time down? I had the impression that they charge hourly and add in five courtesy fifteen minutes over or something. Maybe it’s the street walking type that charges by the act?"

    It all depends on the girl and sometimes it depends on what you negotiate in advance. Typically, they charge by the hour AND by the act. In other words, if you finish before the hour is up, then the session is over. But if the hour ends first and you still haven't finished yet, she may ask for more money if you want to continue. Of course there are a lot of factors. Some girls allow what they call "multiple cups." Others will give you an annoyed look if you imply that you want to keep going after the first "cup." Still others will sell an hour but try to get away with only giving 20 minutes. It all depends.

    But most of them will at least verbally encourage you to cum as quickly as possible, because they typically make more money by taking on more short-stay clients. And they can only take on more clients if you finish and leave. Four clients each paying $150 for 15 minutes each is preferable to one guy paying $300 for a full hour.

    Also, the nature of escorting involves setting appointments, and they may be in a rush to get prepared for the next guy. And street walkers may be in a rush because of one of two reasons: A) pressure from a pimp or B) the need to score some drugs before all the dealers pack it in for the night.

    You can see how this would be slightly different from a stripper. Strippers are getting paid by the dance. The incentive is to sell as many dances to each customer as possible. It's easier to sell 10 dances to one customer than it is to sell one dance each to 10 customers. It's a bird in the hand vs two in a bush. That's why I'm always amazed when I hear about a stripper rushing a customer to cum. It happens, but it doesn't make much sense to me. The job of a stripper involves figuring out which guys want to stretch out the experience and which guys simply want to get their rocks off quickly, and then behave accordingly.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I'd fuck her.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “ Typically, they charge by the hour AND by the act. In other words, if you finish before the hour is up, then the session is over.” nicespice said "Would an escort squeeze time down? I had the impression that they charge hourly and add in five courtesy fifteen minutes over or something. Maybe it’s the street walking type that charges by the act?"

    It all depends on the girl and sometimes it depends on what you negotiate in advance. Typically, they charge by the hour AND by the act. In other words, if you finish before the hour is up, then the session is over. But if the hour ends first and you still haven't finished yet, she may ask for more money if you want to continue. Of course there are a lot of factors. Some girls allow what they call "multiple cups." Others will give you an annoyed look if you imply that you want to keep going after the first "cup." Still others will sell an hour but try to get away with only giving 20 minutes. It all depends.

    But most of them will at least verbally encourage you to cum as quickly as possible, because they typically make more money by taking on more short-stay clients. And they can only take on more clients if you finish and leave. Four clients each paying $150 for 15 minutes each is preferable to one guy paying $300 for a full hour.

    Also, the nature of escorting involves setting appointments, and they may be in a rush to get prepared for the next guy. And street walkers may be in a rush because of one of two reasons: A) pressure from a pimp or B) the need to score some drugs before all the dealers pack it in for the night.

    You can see how this would be slightly different from a stripper. Strippers are getting paid by the dance.


    You can see how this would be slightly different from a stripper. Strippers are getting paid by the dance. The incentive is to sell as many dances to each customer as possible. It's easier to sell 10 dances to one customer than it is to sell one dance each to 10 customers. It's a bird in the hand vs two in a behave accordingly.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    ^^ignore the above I was attempting to edit the above to make commentary

    @BurlingtonHo thanks for the insight. Most of what I know about escorts are writings and nothing much else. Would you say the “rushed factor” changes when they charge at a higher price point?
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Huh, missed this thread entirely.

    Love that girl's body, and her polework is super super sexy. Don't like her face, and the double Monroes are extra gross. Ignoring that, though, my general impression of strippers whose polework is THAT good, is that they're expecting a premium for dances because of their polework -- and their dances aren't necessarily particularly good, by tuscl terms (they might be amazing in terms of art). Anyway, while I love polework that's reached that level of artistry, it's pretty ancillary to the experience I'm going for in a strip club; whether I want to get dances from her or not, if she tries to up-charge right away, I'm gone, if her dances aren't relatively touchy, I'm gone.

    -->"But most of them will at least verbally encourage you to cum as quickly as possible, because they typically make more money by taking on more short-stay clients. And they can only take on more clients if you finish and leave. Four clients each paying $150 for 15 minutes each is preferable to one guy paying $300 for a full hour."

    I respect BHo's pursuit of what he wants, so not busting balls, but based on previous discussions (and how he used SA, etc), it feels like he is describing what most of us think of as the low-range, high-volume part of the market. At least in this area, no mid-range or up escort even has a 15-minute offering, the vast majority don't have a 30-minute, and those that do have a 30-minute really up-charge on it for obvious reasons. The girls are basically actively-discouraging less than an hour, and extract a big premium to make it worth their while for guys who insist on it.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I would agree with you subraman that is super skilled on the pole is almost a warning sign. But I tend to like strippers of the lazier variety.
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