Even when clubs are packed on busy weekend nights I notice numerous strippers not interacting with customers and sitting with other dancers on their phones for long periods of time – many will do their dance on stage and sit right back down. Why do they bother coming to work? I get not all dancers are hustlers, but sitting for hours has to impact their income potential. I can understand if it was slow and they’re bored or maybe texting regulars but these are busy clubs full of customers. Is this common at the clubs you frequent?
in hong kong club i have watched the rapid transition from regular ‘old’ cell service to smart phones in just the last four years. quite a dramatic change.
Sometimes we are texting our customers who are asking if we are at work. Sometimes something is happening outside of work that needs our attention. Sometimes I’m booking a flight. Sometimes I’m just shopping online, because I feel like it.
Sometimes the club is full and no one is getting dances and I’m fucking sick of people being entertained for free. It’s america man, being on our phones is allowed, if a girl is on her phone and you ask a waitress for her or go sit next to her for a dance, I promise she will oblige.
Some dancers I have known are super fearful of rejection and/or are happy to make a lower income with less hustling as it is overall better for the psyche. So they only approach guys who express a lot of interest or tip them on stage. Then there are high demand dancers who almost never approach anyone who doesn't explicitly ask for a dance. Again better for the psyche and they avoid time wasters.
This is more common in busier clubs. At a high volume club there are always customers so dancers can be picky about who they approach. At BDD during the lunch rush there are tons of non spender guys and I have seen a table of the higher demand girls who will literally turn their backs to the room in a leave us alone posture. Then at Bucks there is a dancer I am super interested in but she will never approach me despite verbally expressing interest in dances on 4-5 visits, from talking to other dancers I found out that only approaches customers of a certain age range (older than me).
And one other note, sometimes I may be texting my regular who says “I’ll be there between 11 and 12.” So I’m waiting for him bc I don’t want him to arrive and think I left because I’m in the dance room and he doesn’t see me, and because I know he’s going to take care of me, or because I only came in tonight to see him.
Dancers are self-employed and are entitled to work as much or as little as they want. I don't want to hear from those who are always on the phone about how "poor" they are, but other than that don't mind. I do notice that the dancers who seem to always be busy aren't on their phones.
This is a problem. Thankfully certain clubs like Scores in Baltimore doesn't allow girls to be on the phone on the floor. Thanks god. More clubs should do this. If your going to be on the phone simply go upstairs and do your shit away from the customers. This is a business. I'm here to spend money on girls who should at least act like there interested.
I'm typically on my phone when it's really slow and I'm bored.
Other than that it's usually just for texting. Especially if a friend is picking me up (I often Uber/lyft or just have a friend take me and pick me up so I can drink and not have to worry about driving).
I will use it to text regular, but it wouldn't be me continuously on my phone. I'd be checking for his text messages, texting him back if need be, then putting my phone back away.
If it's busy, I'm moving, working the room, etc. I don't have much time for phones if at all. I might glance at it here and there to see if I have any important texts, but generally nope, not at all.
Strippers aren’t the only ones who are on their phones a lot at work. I guess if I want the attention of a stripper on her phone, I’ll go up and see if she wants a dance. But generally in any setting I leave phone people alone because they seem to want to be on their phones rather than interact with me. I’m fine with that.
I would never approach a dancer on her phone because I don't want to interrupt her. I have seen in tiny clubs before two or three guys that are willing to spend money sitting at tables while all the girls are gathered up at the bar on their phones. The one time I was really annoyed by it I was getting a private dance and she kept getting off of me to go check her text and then coming back. She wasn't particularly good at the dance anyway but you lose all momentum if they stop and go do something else and then come back. You also cant keep the thin veil of the fantasy going with the breaks. What makes it worse is in that case I made the rookie mistake of tipping extra before the dance
I get what the guy is saying. When I want to approach women and do all the work I go to a civvie bar. When I'm at the strip club they should approach me and I get to reject/accept at will. That's the bizarro world fun of it all. If she wants my money she needs to put the phone down and give it some effort (even if the club is full of people who aren't buying dances). If I have to work to get the attention of the strippers then I'm hightailing it on out of there and I'll spend the night elsewhere approaching strange women for free.
I second everything PinkSugarDoll said. Therr are a plethora of reasons why someone is on their phone. If it really bothers you to the point of bitching in an online forum - go ask them why they're on their phones.
As for why show up to work anyway? Sometimes they may be trafficked and not a choice. Maybe they're on schedule and would rather work for stage money than talk to people and show up to not pay a no-show/no-call fine. Ask them instead of whining on a forum about it.
I dont get bothered by it anymore. Thats usually a red flag for a girl that gives bad dances. Go for the girl who is about making her money and treat her right. She will reward you with paying attention to you and a good time in the back.
The funny thing is if you become a regular you will notice the girls who are stuck on thier phones eyeing you in regret. Its like watching a potential cell phone payment walk by them every 2 weeks.
Yeah it's annoying as fuck to walk into a club, see a group of strippers briefly look up from their phones, only to have them all revert back to it within a few seconds, their faces all bathed in an eerie cell phone glow in the darkened club. But every time I have approached one while she was on her phone I have had a good result, so now I don't think twice about walking over to one that catches my eye and plopping down next to her to chat her up.
My main bitch ALWAYS does it. I get a text from her almost every 15 to 20 minutes on busy nights, sometimes more when its slow. She still hustles though.
Some of my side bitches text to bitch about tricks and ask me advice on how to finesse certain types. #CareerManagement
Only one club in my area (that I know of) fi es girls for being on their phones. It's almost encouraged at one club I work at with girls recording each other for stupid Instagram/Snapchat videos and such.
Who cares if they are on their phones? If she is on her phone instead of working the club, then she probably has some type of issue and would likely be a disappointment anyway.
Every so often I guess we need another one of these whiny threads from needy dudes who believe that cell phones are the reason that they are being ignored. Sorry to say it, but she was probably going to ignore you anyway.
The last club I was at the dancer was checking her Apple Watch while she gave me a dance. Really bad customer service. Stopped after one dance. No tip. As far as dancers in the club being on the phone sure as @pinksugardoll says it America so you can choose to do that if you want. I won’t be bothered by it. However IMO a dancer is in a customer service job and you are an entertainer. Being on your phone for an excessive period of time does not provide good customer service. I’m not shy to approach you for a dance but if your texting away ignoring customers I won’t spend my money on you. It just sends a message of I don’t really care about my job. I’m happy to spend money in a club but I at least want the illusion you are slightly interested in entertaining me for my $$
I am not bothered or irritated from strippers being on their phones - there is an abundance of other dancers hustling and able to provide me with extras with no problems at all. I posted since I noticed a group of them (6-8) the other night on their phones at the same table and it doesn’t make logical sense to me for them to be sitting there for hours at a time. Not to mention the customer service factor which was mentioned in comments above. Also was wondering if this happens at most clubs or just isolated.
“and it doesn’t make logical sense to me for them to be sitting there for hours at a time.”
Some dancers like to “profile” their potential customers and approach fewer of them, who they believe will give them several hundred at one time. Some are good at this hustle, and some are bad at it. Not my style, but it is what it is.
Why are they on their phone? Who knows. But I suspect they think you’re not worth approaching for whatever reason.
“Not to mention the customer service factor which was mentioned in comments above.”
When it becomes widespread enough, management tries to clamp down on that behavior. I’ve worked at a couple of clubs where management will have signs up that says no phones (But I ignore that rule when I pull out my phone for google translate. Wah, I need to improve my Spanish)
“Also was wondering if this happens at most clubs or just isolated.”
hmmm.....last night I was talking on the phone with my atf/sugarbaby/gf....while she was at the club....occasionally she'd go out when she was up to dance, and then come back and talk to me because she said it was dead.....when she got off work she ended up hooking up with me and we hung out...Honestly I like it when its busy there so she can make some money.... When I do go in the club I don't see any on their phones talking or texting for the most part, but I think they do it in the dressing room...Most of the girls out on the floor are doing lap dances, on stage, or at the bar with customers...
I see it a lot but it really doesn’t effect me too much, I’m more of an approach them kind of PL, if she doesn’t respond then I just find another one, if they don’t care to make money I don’t care.
Based on PinkSugarDoll's comments, seems like she gets the regular-dancer relationship. Good for her regulars.
As for girls I don't already know who are on phone for extended time, I don't bother approaching them, similar to comments from multiple PLs above. Word to the wise.
On Tuesday I was getting VIP dances from my CF and she responds to a text message from her son. It’s annoying but I respond to texts when I’m at work, too.
At one of the clubs I go to -- a deja vu club, so heavy-handed as far as rules and fines -- it was interesting to see the evolution. At first, management decided strippers couldn't have cell phones out on the floor... so predictably, the girls started spending a lot more time in the locker room. When that started happening, the girls started getting warned and fined for being in the locker room. So, that completely solved the "girls on phones on the floor, or in the locker room" problem, but did not make for happy strippers, which is not in anyone's interest. So they started letting the girls go on their phones on the floor again, but remained pretty active in warning/fining girls who spent too much time in the lockerroom.
Current state of this skirmish: girls aren't allowed on their phones when they're on the floor, and can't hide in the locker room -- but this is all enforced lazily if at all when it's slow. Once there's a decent sized batch of customers, management battens down the hatches.
Some actually do bitch about customers on social media. but some are obsessed with watching videos of dogs for some reason. The number of strippers who do that is crazy
last commentSometimes the club is full and no one is getting dances and I’m fucking sick of people being entertained for free. It’s america man, being on our phones is allowed, if a girl is on her phone and you ask a waitress for her or go sit next to her for a dance, I promise she will oblige.
This is more common in busier clubs. At a high volume club there are always customers so dancers can be picky about who they approach. At BDD during the lunch rush there are tons of non spender guys and I have seen a table of the higher demand girls who will literally turn their backs to the room in a leave us alone posture. Then at Bucks there is a dancer I am super interested in but she will never approach me despite verbally expressing interest in dances on 4-5 visits, from talking to other dancers I found out that only approaches customers of a certain age range (older than me).
Other than that it's usually just for texting. Especially if a friend is picking me up (I often Uber/lyft or just have a friend take me and pick me up so I can drink and not have to worry about driving).
I will use it to text regular, but it wouldn't be me continuously on my phone. I'd be checking for his text messages, texting him back if need be, then putting my phone back away.
If it's busy, I'm moving, working the room, etc. I don't have much time for phones if at all. I might glance at it here and there to see if I have any important texts, but generally nope, not at all.
Or make a trail of candy to your table, I wd come over for sure.
You could also try texting her.
I'm with pitts1 on this one.
As for why show up to work anyway? Sometimes they may be trafficked and not a choice. Maybe they're on schedule and would rather work for stage money than talk to people and show up to not pay a no-show/no-call fine. Ask them instead of whining on a forum about it.
It is kinda a bad-look from many custies' viewpoint and a certain # of clubs seems to ban dancers +phones
The funny thing is if you become a regular you will notice the girls who are stuck on thier phones eyeing you in regret. Its like watching a potential cell phone payment walk by them every 2 weeks.
Some of my side bitches text to bitch about tricks and ask me advice on how to finesse certain types. #CareerManagement
Phatboy99 - definite troll account
two_bits - parody troll account
I can't stand when girls are constantly recording things for IG or Snapchat and not caring what other strippers are recorded in the background.
Every so often I guess we need another one of these whiny threads from needy dudes who believe that cell phones are the reason that they are being ignored. Sorry to say it, but she was probably going to ignore you anyway.
You're welcome. ;)
I posted since I noticed a group of them (6-8) the other night on their phones at the same table and it doesn’t make logical sense to me for them to be sitting there for hours at a time. Not to mention the customer service factor which was mentioned in comments above. Also was wondering if this happens at most clubs or just isolated.
Some dancers like to “profile” their potential customers and approach fewer of them, who they believe will give them several hundred at one time. Some are good at this hustle, and some are bad at it. Not my style, but it is what it is.
Why are they on their phone? Who knows. But I suspect they think you’re not worth approaching for whatever reason.
“Not to mention the customer service factor which was mentioned in comments above.”
When it becomes widespread enough, management tries to clamp down on that behavior. I’ve worked at a couple of clubs where management will have signs up that says no phones (But I ignore that rule when I pull out my phone for google translate. Wah, I need to improve my Spanish)
“Also was wondering if this happens at most clubs or just isolated.”
If I were to guess, I’d say it’s fairly common.
“and it doesn’t make logical sense to me for them to be sitting there for hours at a time.”
Maybe they have an app with a really powerful vibrate setting.
When I do go in the club I don't see any on their phones talking or texting for the most part, but I think they do it in the dressing room...Most of the girls out on the floor are doing lap dances, on stage, or at the bar with customers...
As for girls I don't already know who are on phone for extended time, I don't bother approaching them, similar to comments from multiple PLs above. Word to the wise.
Sarcasm intended.
Still, in VIP? You were paying for her to text with her son?
Current state of this skirmish: girls aren't allowed on their phones when they're on the floor, and can't hide in the locker room -- but this is all enforced lazily if at all when it's slow. Once there's a decent sized batch of customers, management battens down the hatches.