Reasons you stopped seeing a CF

avatar for NJBalla
Have you ever seen a girl frequently and then just quit cold turkey? I've cut off a few frequently for the following reasons. What are yours?

1.) Visits started to feel transactional. I'd literally walk in the club and she'd ignore me unless another girl starting to cozy up to me. Then she'd make conversation until I was ready for the dance. Dance would always blow my socks off, but after dance it was back to little conversation.
2.) LD or extras became too mechanical.
3.) Personal issues started to wreck the experience. One girl from Brazil started confided that she was stabbed when pregnant, was an illegal immigrant, and could not return to Brazil to see her son.

In all experiences I just stopped visiting the club when the girl was present or stopped visiting the girl altogether. I may plan to visit some time in the future, but they are definitely out of the starting lineup.


last comment
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Probably my most common reasons:

1. Can't get her OTC, and we've reached our limit ITC, so nowhere to go -- I like the excitement of constantly doing more and more

2. ATF started getting popular (rightfully so, one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in a strip club, and incredibly engaging and fun to talk to), and our leisurely 4 hour visits started turning into "hang out for an hour and then run off with another customer." No ill will, but not the experience I'm looking for, so I moved on.

It's been fairly rare that, by the time I consider a stripper a CF, she turned around and made things feel transactional, ignore me for other customers, make me wait half an hour before she gets to me, etc., the types of stories I've heard many of you guys tell. Maybe one of the benefits of being a good regular during slow(er) shifts.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
She got a sex-change operation - call me picky but it just didn't feel the same
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
^^^ So she's a girl now?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Her getting complainant and thinking she has me so wrapped around her finger that she can act/do as she pleases and I'll just obey and keep paying up
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
DC: yeah, can't blame her, but I move on. That said, if it's just one whale, can't you set up appointments with her to avoid him? The ATF I referenced above did a pretty good job of managing her regulars, but eventually she had so many high-paying regulars that even making appointments wasn't good enough. Some of whales evidently didn't bother with appointments, they just came in and expected she'd come over; I dropped her after it happened twice.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago

Excellent rebuttal

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
She got breast implants which are probably my #1 PL pet-peeve
avatar for two_bits
6 years ago
"The CF I was talking about who stopped paying attention to me found a extremely high spending whale who dropped an average of $2,000 on her every time I came in so I simply couldn't compete with what he was offering."

Damn straight. You want to compete with me, you better up your game, motherfuckers.
avatar for two_bits
6 years ago
"Some of whales evidently didn't bother with appointments, they just came in and expected she'd come over"

Of course she comes over, she knows which side of her bread is buttered.

I've had girls stand up while some loser is still talking to them, leave their drink, and come over to join me before I even have time to sit down.
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
@DC yeah the story she told me at first didnt turn me off, but my visits afterwards felt so wierd. She'd say stuff like "I need you to save me". I started to feel like she wanted me be a sugar daddy so she could leave the world of dancing.

Girls getting too popular used to not bug me, but not every girl can manage it respectfully. Some tend to be akward about it. I appreciate the girls who are upfront as may say "I owe this guy a dance first"
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I move or she moves. We don't see each other. Or Im too busy and working in a different city. In one case I wasn't spending enough money on one girl and she stopped asking for dances. She wanted VIP or champagne room dances only and I never did.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
DC9428 she probably went to a different club. But its weird that she'd give that up
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
If I don't seduce/groom a stripper by my third visit I move on.
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
I hope I never reach the point I have to let go of my ATF/CF. I've only had one favorite ever. I won't ever find another one
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Vanta: I said that after every ATF. Well, not that I'd never get another ATF, I knew I'd find another; but "I'll never find one as amazing as her". So far, I'm happy to say, since my first ATF, I've had a bunch who surpassed her
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
CFs are like busses in NYC every three minutes another one comes by
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago

I know I won't get another one because I'm out of the strip club game. I'm still in contact with my ATF and I'm hoping that we get closer, but if it ends then oh well. I was thinking of picking up where I left off with my car hobby
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Gonna be honest - sometimes those restraining orders kinda hamper my ability to keep seeing them
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
@papi, with halloween near you can invest in some disguises…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Not a bad idea
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Cocaine addiction. Hospitalized twice in the last 2 months for low potassium. Drug dealer BF.
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
I'll forgive alot of stripper shit but when she starts taking me for granted that's when I cut bait and move on.
avatar for DandyDan
6 years ago
For most, it evolved into a situation where it was only about the money. I remember at least twice, I quit seeing CF's because they became drug addicts. One relationship ended because she just went off on me for no valid reason whatsoever (and who's to say drugs weren't involved in that?). One relationship ended because she was better at selling sex than performing it.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Im against the whole notion of being a regular. I don't think that a customer gets anything out of it in the long run. They're just being played.

To be honest I don't even think its that great for strippers. Eventually it takes a toll. It gets old and the regular becomes more of a nuisance sometimes, if they get too attached.
avatar for TrollWarnBot
6 years ago
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PhatBoy99 - definite troll account

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avatar for MrGreene
6 years ago
Use to have an ATF but that all changed when every time I arrived at the club, she was immediately by my side. Use to be awesome to have instant service when it was starting out but it eventually grew annoying when I realized she was pretty much chasing away other dancers. It got really bad when I started telling her no, I didn't want a dance. She would get angry and actually passively insult me, then she'd apologize when she realized I wasn't going to be manipulated into a dance. It just got really awkward to the point where I don't go there when I know she's working.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
The most common reason for me is that I get bored.
avatar for stripfighter
6 years ago
She quits or retires or we lose contact. If anything I'll cut back on visits, but if she's worth being a favorite I give her a very long leash as far as what I'll tolerate and how long I keep her.

The exception would be if she changes her look drastically. IE too much weight gain, change to unappealing hairstyle, etc. Then I'd reconsider until she's sexual attractive again.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
My last CF. She told me she would be gone from the club for some time as she was going to travel in Europe. Nice that she could afford that! Now I need to say at this time she was a Colombian beauty. vm vouched for some time ago, but I'm not going to try and find the post. Anyway, the only drawback to her was her boob job. A bit overdone to me.

So a couple of months later I get a text she is back on her regular schedule. The next week I go to the club and there's her car. I don't see her when I enter, but after a short time they call her to the stage. Out she comes from the dressing room with these super overdone preposterous breasts! What a turn off. I did tell her before I left that her "trip to Europe" ruined her in my book
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
In some ways it’s just too much like marriage.
avatar for larryfisherman
6 years ago
What Dugan said
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ BS fishsticks
You stop seeing them after they tell you for the tenth time that you can't have a BF/GF relationship.
avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 years ago
She fell in love with me and cut me off.

Other than that it's usually because it takes them hours longer to meet up than initially promised and I'm at the club getting dances in order to forget them. But I'll stick around if she's good enough that this is worth putting up with.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Weird she would cut you off for that you should have pursued it
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Another one passed her by. It's hard to keep them on the bench after they get demoted from CF status.
avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 years ago
"Weird she would cut you off for that you should have pursued it"

Girl had some serious issues. When the SS goes in the direction of "you're the only customer I've ever felt this way about" it gets seriously weird fast, but her tears made it believable.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
To far away damn it!
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
ugh there has to be more to it.

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