Is it better to monger solo or in packs?

NNJ/NY getting extras cause I'm soooo good looking
What is the consensus when it comes to going it alone or with a buddy?
I have always had better results on my own but having a wingman or two might be helpful.
last commentA wingman at a strip club? you're confused...
Mongering (escorts, FBSM) = alone
SCing = in packs, if your friends are also tuscl-level PLs. If they're amateurs, it's just annoying, so alone.
We just had a slight variation on this conversation 2 days ago: /discussion.php
Most guys like SCing alone, but as you can see, I like groups. Here's my reasoning, from the thread from 2 days ago:
*** strip club by myself
DRIVE THERE: for an hour by myself
AT THE CLUB: have fun with stripper. Or not -- if lineup sucks just sit there by myself
DRIVE HOME: for an hour by myself
*** With tuscl level buddies:
DRIVE THERE: with my buddies. Have someone to talk to, talk shit with, reminisce about last trip to club. When we get to the city, even though the SCs are in relatively safe areas, hey, it's still the city -- and walking through with multiple guys is always safer.
No good strippers right now? No problem, hang out and do shots with buddies, which is super fun anyway, whlie we wait for strippers.
Some guys have strippers, but none for me yet? No problem, have fun hanging out with at least some strippers at the table. And when I do want a stripper, just send one of "our" strippers at the table to get her, no having to head to stage or hope to get her attention or anything else. Here's a true story from a month ago: I was at a new (to me) club, early nightshift. Hottest chick in the place has been sitting with some guys the entire time. My buddy tells the stripper sitting with him that I (meaning me) really want that hot chick over there. She says, "Oh that's my friend! Those guys aren't spending for shit. Here, let me get her". She grabs her hot friend as soon as she steps away from those guys to go on stage; I sit with hottest stripper in the place for the rest of night. In short: in a group that's spending, the girls at the table ensure any other girls we want sit with us too.
We all ahve girls: it's a party at the table. We're all talking and laughing and doing shots together. Then maybe just talk to your stripper for a while. Then all of a sudden someone is shoving shots in front of your face, and it's back to socializing. Sometimes a pair will slip off to the table next door if they want to privacy for a bit, but mostly we're all just talking and laughing the whole time. Also, our group ethics are: you can (and should!) do dances with any girl at the table, if you want. So we've acquired many of the hottest strippers in the place due to the dynamics explained in the previous paragraph, and now they're all open for dances. I might "switch" with one of my buddies for a dance, and do dances with each others' girls. Or my ATF is at the table, and not only does she make $ from me, she makes a few hundred from my buddies, too -- another reason she sits tight. We also compare notes: how was she? What did she do for you -- oh, I didn't get that from her. Etc.
All in all, super fucking fun. Don't need to go alone to get whatever stripper socializing time I want ... but socializing in the group is fun too
DRIVE HOME: Spend on hour debriefing, comparing notes on who got more or less than anyone else from the same girl, if anyone met a new girl do they want to go OTC with her, etc.
There's literally not one moment that isn't fun.
Aren't SJG and 4got2wipe the same person?
lol I didn't even notice the avatar. Should've known it's another troll. Got me, whoever is behind this pseudo
I club alone. I’ve done the club thing with buddies, and it’s fine, but they are primarily amateurs.
This isn’t Grinder - so I’m not sure why you’d have an avatar of your junk on a site mostly used by dudes.
Would like to post to this thread but that f'ing avatar is f'ing out of place
I feel like there are times when it's acceptable to go SCing with a friend or maybe 2 but that is a rare occurrence. I know it's weird to some but about 80% of the time my wife goes with me. Other times it's nice to just be alone and enjoy the view.
You don't need a wingman at a strip club.
Find a girl at your club who you think is cool, but she's not the girl you're after. Always buy a couple dances from her when you come in, and always tip a little above and beyond (it doesn't have to be a huge amount, but she'll notice and appreciate it). When it's slow just shoot the shit with her and make her feel like you're into her as a person, you like her opinions, etc. Then, when there's a new girl you want to monger with have your friend go tell her how long you've known each other and how trustworthy she thinks you are, etc. Your OTC batting average will increase, and your selections will be better.
A wingman cannot do this for you. It has to be another girl at the club.
Nice cock. Lol
7 of 10 times I go alone. But both is fun in different ways.
I get more intimate one-on-ones in the VIP when alone. With a friend it will always be two chicks, and it’s mostly just a lesbian show, which I enjoy.
sometimes i solo... sometimes i don’t.
I had a buddy (from college, also as a roommate out of college) who used to score strippers as fuck buddies (FWB) a/k/a "I'm just in the rotation". His success rate really didn't change if he went alone or with me. So I'd say it doesn't matter.
@wellhungsac420, If the avatar pisses people off here, I suggest you keep it. };-)
Please make it an animated GIF