
avatar for nicespice
So I saw this image today, and I thought it was a pretty good depiction of strippers in the dressing room.

I thought it would be fun if there was a customer version. When you guys go to a SC, what would you fill up the bingo slots with? This could be an observation about anything. Other PL, bouncers, bartenders, dancers, dj etc


last comment
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
"no thanks I'm waiting for someone"

"What do I get if I go in the VIP?"

Fat girl sits down at your table

Stare at the asshole who has been with "your" girl all night

avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Stripper tells you why another stripper is a bitch

Shots! Shots! Shots!

avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Tell the dancer you need to take a shit!
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Let me take you to the atm! Would you like to buy the lady a drink!
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
That image is pretty accurate lol
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Wave a dollar bill around at the girl on the stage; she must come over and earn this fortune

Be annoyed at the bathroom troll; give him a dollar anyway
avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 years ago
Only 8K tonight? How many 8-balls went up your nose last week?
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
That was pretty funny NiceSpice. There should be a customer version too.
avatar for Dominic77
6 years ago
PL talking to dancer like a civvie chick or being boring. She re-adjusts her outfit to get you to look at her boobs.

Young PL cashes out rent money, but keeps it rubber banded to avoid accidentally spending it.

PL buys a pity dance just to make the girl leave.

Bachelor party or Boys’ Night Out plays the pass-the-stripper game: No ask him, he’s the one with the money!

“A dance? I dunno know if I’ll be able to control myself back there!” (cringeworthy a/o rape-y)

Creepy PL sniffs her armpit during a dance.

PL brings wife; she has resting bitch-face the whole night.

Cool old guy at the bar drinks 2 shots of whiskey. Then after 20 minutes he tips the girl on stage a twenty on his way out.
avatar for Dominic77
6 years ago
Dancer gets self tanner/glitter/perfume on your white dress shirt.

"Do you live around here?" (easy bingo)

Greets you with the stripper *handshake*.

Dancer asks you to join her on a smoke break.
avatar for Dominic77
6 years ago
Waitress asks you, "if you'll buy the lady a drink?"

PL asks bouncer, "if those cameras work?"
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Guy at urinal next to you: "Lotta pussy out there bro!"
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^Really? That’s pretty amusing and also really believable. That one is definitely going on the bingo card in addition to whatever else makes it.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
Dancer says, "Let's get a room - it gets better in there." (most likely code for overpromising and underdelivering)

Dancer says, "You're getting kinda handsy, that's what happens in the room not here (the chairs), how about a tip."

Dancer says, "Here's my phone number, what's yours."

Dancer says, "OTC price is $___."

Dancer says, "Wanna hit my pen?"

Dancer I've never met before says, "We had fun last time you were here, let's get a room."

Dancer says, "Is this your first time here?" (easy bingo)

Drunk PL falls asleep sitting up.

Club bathroom is fucking gross.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
Chick collecting cover at entrance is fucking hot.

Cocktail waitresses and bartenders are fucking hot.

Stupid PL says to hot bartender, "You should dance, why don't you?"
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"^Really? That’s pretty amusing and also really believable. That one is definitely going on the bingo card in addition to whatever else makes it."

Urinal conversation with drunken customers is the fucking worst. Yes, that's how it goes! I usually say something like, "Fuck yeah bro! Get some!" and then hustle over to the sink before he tries to high-five me with his free hand
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
These are good lol
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
OT: Stripper Joke/Riddle

Q: How was the Grand Canyon formed ?

A: Two strippers fighting over ….( a dollar bill, the last baby wipe, a half empty perfume bottle, a sample size vodka bottle). Fill in the blank.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ Please leave the jokes to Jack.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
The obvious one - for a customer -
“Are those real?”
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Smashing that like button
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