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Comments by StripReviewer

11 years ago
11 years ago
And this is why I categorically reject any and all suggestions of exchanging contact info with strippers. Better to travel somewhere with legal prostitution than deal with drama and grey areas.
11 years ago
And that's why I'll never trade contact info with a stripper. I come in when I do, I'm already sold, only thing they could ever do is talk themselves out of my business.
11 years ago
Just say no. If you're the type to overthink things or get hung up, you need to overcompensate by just saying no.
11 years ago
I knew it WAS a racist word at one point, think Archie Bunker used it on TV because it was considered the least offensive way to get across the idea that "hey, this guy is racist". Didn't realize anyone still thought of it that way, seems like ghost or spy would be the more natural association now.
11 years ago
I'm alright paying $40 a song, less would be a deal, more might make me think twice.
11 years ago
Know one dancer with braces, they kind of work on her but maybe the same braces on a different girl might not look so great.
11 years ago
Seems that way alot of the time, but not always. The worst lapdance I ever got was from one of the hotter dancers though.
11 years ago
Yeah I had a dream that I was sitting next to a bed watching previous regular dancers A and B make out, and previous dancer A was telling me that previous dancer B used to have actual feelings for me. Then I looked out the window, saw my car getting towed, and spent the rest of the dream walking around what I guess was New York, looking for the tow truck driver to shoot him.
11 years ago
I wouldn't.
11 years ago
I'm surprised it's not closer to 100%.
11 years ago
The girl and her driver both deserve to die.
11 years ago
I kind of agree. I've got nothing against indiscriminate promiscuity, but there's times and places I'd rather not see cleavage no matter how nice.
11 years ago
Fuck no.
11 years ago
I never ask if they have a boyfriend, but I don't think knowing they do would kill my boner considering I just assume they all do anyway. It would probably depend on how it was mentioned, if it seemed natural to mention in context I wouldn't care, but if she seemed to go out of her way to drop the mention in I'd think she was psycho and move on.
11 years ago
Have to concur with those saying never approach. The one time I went out of my way to get a dance from the hot new girl, the dance was horrible and I ended up just waiting for the 2nd song to finish so I could pay and get away from her. If she wants to give you a dance, it doesn't matter the reason, she'll give you a better dance.
11 years ago
I think those sweat pants are full of Thetans.
11 years ago
What I don't get is how you were rubbing her crotch but got called out for reaching for breast. In my experience it's always the other way around and if I can't even fondle I'll just walk out.
11 years ago
There should be a lawsuit in that story somewhere. Since he deliberately set a mood where there's no possible way you could make as much money, he should legally lose his expectation of a tip.
11 years ago
"Tilted Kilt and Rooster's opened up to replace them but I still miss the old Hooter's."

Having seen some pictures of Tilted Kilt hostesses, I don't think I would ever eat there. At least the white tops and orange shorts are a bit too ridiculous to really be sexy, but I'd rather not see a bunch of hot chicks in schoolgirl outfits if I'm just gonna end up running home to jerk off.
11 years ago
"Sounds like a bunch of pantywaists who cry at chick movies and are scared shitless to even enter a titty bar because they might run into some "thugs"."

Think you might be onto something, considering that that kind of thinking is admittedly what kept me out of strip clubs for the longest time.

"Having all that Grade A prime flesh gathered in one spot, even in a PG-rated event, just might be worth the price of admission. To each his own, of course."

Maybe I'm just a coldblooded cost benefit analyzer, but there's certain scenarios I'd actually find more enjoyable without the presence of beautiful women, and some times I wish they'd put some clothes on. Kind of like how it might be bad form for a prison guard to eat lobster tail in full view of the prisoners.
11 years ago
Latinas are hot, but for some reason they make my virgin/hooker complex run wild and I could never really be with one.
12 years ago
10 is about what I do too. I've gone over, and I've gotten less, due to superior dancing and inferior dancing.
12 years ago
Worked on a college campus once. Was enjoyable for several months before it just became frustrating and depressing.