I was with this Black dancer, when somebody came up behind her and startled her. A couple minutes later, she was still rattled, so I said "wow, he really spooked you". Which caused her to give me a kinda surprised/dirty look.
Can you no longer use spook to mean creeped out? Like you can't use gay to mean joyful anymore?
Even as a rude word for a Black person, I thought spook was in the mild category like mick, kraut, limey, kike, diego, etc. Like if you're Irish friend did something dumb, you could say "you stupid mick" and he would just laugh and talk shit back to you.
Wow. I'd say she overreacted. But she may have never heard that term used in that context. So you got a dirty look. I wouldn't give it to much thought.
None of the racial slurs you have identified are acceptable. Just because bigots think such usage is harmless teasing banter, doesn't make it so. Using words that remind the hearer that he/she is regarded as no better than dog shit, is just not funny. Two Irish guys might share a joke, en famile; I would never walk into a bar in South Boston and talk down or slur any Irish-American or joke about their proud heritage and contributions to America, especially and including JFK.
Overreaction? Have you ever overheard a public school teacher explain lowering a grade because she wants to stop the kikes from taking over? I have.
"spook" is different than a lot of other racial slurs in that connotation is what really matters. There's not a situation where "dago" is really anything but a slur. "spooked" and to a lesser extent "spook" can just be a synonym for scared/alarmed.
I haven't heard the word "spook" used to mean a black person in 30 years. Far from taking over the meaning of the word, I think it has almost died out.
spook is a derogitory word for us black folk? Never heard of that and I never heard any of my friends or peers complain when I used the word. What is that suppose to mean?
I never heard of many of these derogatory terms. I always thought spooked meant scared. example, the ghost she saw spooked her. or. The sudden electric shock really spooked the living daylights out of her. or She never saw me coming, she was spooked. or When I came home from school, every light in the house I flipped on was glowing red. I got spooked and got out of there.
If someone told me they saw a spook, I would be wondering if they were talking about a shady spooky looking guy, race not determined. I actually never word the word used as a derogatory term before this thread.
I may live with ghosts so I don't spook easily. I usually do not try to communicate with something that is hard to see. I have heard the term shadow person. The ghosts in my house, if they are real, are friendly. They do not spook me. Apparently they can kick poltergiest butt too if I ask whatever. A possible alternative I dreamed up is that I sleep walk in the astral plane myself and am the one doing all the ghost haunting and kicking.
I once dreamed my brother and I went to war with an astral plane race of skeleton like creatures. He was stupid enough to steal a sword they really liked so they kept coming to visit. It was based on a role playing game where we really expanded the normal game. I thought it was hilarious. The creatures resembled the creatures in the movie Army Of The Dead with Bruce Campbell if I remember the title correctly.
If you don't believe any of this, you can believe I have a good imagination.
One time when I remember exploring as a ghost in my sleep, a lady in a house spotted me. I believe she could see through my form or body. Suddenly I heard the most blood curtling scream I ever heard. She spooked me so bad I immediately woke up in bed.
On a serious note ilbbaicnl my man, I would be shocked if she was actually offended. In the context you used the word it should have been clear that it wasn't at all intended as a slur. The more common use is to mean "scared". I can't remember the last time I've heard it used in a racist manner.
But on another note, I'm with SuperDude. It isn't political correctness, it's just common courtesy. Spook is different in my book, since it has a different meaning that is actually more common.
In a Progressive world bigotry is only allowed and encouraged against White males; Conservatives; Southerners; Texans; Republicans; members of the Tea party. Progressives and minorities are the most bigoted and hateful people in America. So blinded by their hateful rage most aren't even aware of how awful they are.
I agree with the above statement being from a conservative area, and sharing many of the same views, minus the live of strippers and having fun, it appears the worst thing u can do is be a conservative. Makes no sense to me.
I knew it WAS a racist word at one point, think Archie Bunker used it on TV because it was considered the least offensive way to get across the idea that "hey, this guy is racist". Didn't realize anyone still thought of it that way, seems like ghost or spy would be the more natural association now.
" Progressives and minorities are the most bigoted and hateful people in America. So blinded by their hateful rage most aren't even aware of how awful they are."
Yeah I'll remember this the next time an abortion clinic is bombed or those Western Baptist morons picket a soldiers funeral.
Pro!gressive=moving forward. A wonderful polar opposite to the backwards mentality of the extreme right wing.
I don't think it's "bigotry" towards white males as much as it is intolerance of their bigotry of others. I'm a white male and I don't feel like society is slanted against me in the least. Kind of like christians claiming they are being persecuted when all it is is people criticizing their intolerance of gays.
I think ya can be christian and tolerant of gays, but the left don't even give em a chance. If someone says they are christian, they are given the hate right away even if they said nothing about gays or the like. Kind of how the muslims are treated now. I don't think the "progressives" are that open minded.
^^ oh please. With the history and track record that the right wing and many non tolerant religious groups have is it any surprise? But the same way you are lumping all "progressives" into one mindset is the exact same thing that you are accusing them of doing. A bit hypocritical.
Words that were once offensive sometimes seem to lose their edge. "Stripper" use to be very offensive. I thought words like mick, limey had lost their edge, but maybe not to everyone.
Just call Motörhead and most Americans, thin intolerant . Don't wanna use the fat word. Stupid iPad auto rector corrector is really going strong now. motörhead gets two extra dots?? I think I like how it corrected the auto corrector to auto rector.
last commentThat said, I have heard of spook being a derogatory word for blacks.
Overreaction? Have you ever overheard a public school teacher explain lowering a grade because she wants to stop the kikes from taking over? I have.
I call it an overreaction.
Spook used as a noun is offensive.
"Who you callin' spook, peckerwood"
Hey, hey. I don't wanna mess with no reefer addicts, ok?
She never saw me coming, she was spooked.
When I came home from school, every light in the house I flipped on was glowing red. I got spooked and got out of there.
I have heard the term shadow person. The ghosts in my house, if they are real, are friendly. They do not spook me. Apparently they can kick poltergiest butt too if I ask whatever. A possible alternative I dreamed up is that I sleep walk in the astral plane myself and am the one doing all the ghost haunting and kicking.
I once dreamed my brother and I went to war with an astral plane race of skeleton like creatures. He was stupid enough to steal a sword they really liked so they kept coming to visit. It was based on a role playing game where we really expanded the normal game. I thought it was hilarious. The creatures resembled the creatures in the movie Army Of The Dead with Bruce Campbell if I remember the title correctly.
If you don't believe any of this, you can believe I have a good imagination.
But on another note, I'm with SuperDude. It isn't political correctness, it's just common courtesy. Spook is different in my book, since it has a different meaning that is actually more common.
If u had said I never seen a spook get spooked like that before.....different story.
The same series runs on PBS in USA under the title - 'MI-5'. Now I understand the reason for a different name for the series in USA.
I truly did not know of this racially tinged meaning for 'spook' before reading this discussion thread.
"Progressives and minorities are the most bigoted and hateful people in America. "-I can't agree with this statement.
Most under age 55 have never heard the term used as a slur.
Back to the Future as Motorhead pointed out and I think in Sneakers someone calls Sidney Poitier a spook.
Yeah I'll remember this the next time an abortion clinic is bombed or those Western Baptist morons picket a soldiers funeral.
Pro!gressive=moving forward. A wonderful polar opposite to the backwards mentality of the extreme right wing.
I'm gay and usually quite joyful, ilbbaicnl.
I see no problem here ;)
It hurts my feelings
Stupid iPad auto rector corrector is really going strong now. motörhead gets two extra dots?? I think I like how it corrected the auto corrector to auto rector.