So what exactly is the point of a Hooters bikini contest?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going to Hooters because nothing goes with a decent 7/10 burger like taking mental snapshots for the fap file, but I don't see how a Hooters bikini contest would be worth the $50 admission cost. It's one thing to go to a bikini contest at say Spring Break, with drunk college girls looking to blow off steam. On the other hand, why would anyone pay $50 to see sober girls in bikinis at their job, working for a corporation that for some reason insists on maintaining a PG-13 somewhat family friendly image?
Hell if I know. Certainly not worth $50.
Yes, Hooters has some top-shelf talent. And the food is decent too.
Well I'll pass on commenting about that. BUT they have a great hamburger there. Quite tasty. I order it whenever I go there.
Think you might be onto something, considering that that kind of thinking is admittedly what kept me out of strip clubs for the longest time.
"Having all that Grade A prime flesh gathered in one spot, even in a PG-rated event, just might be worth the price of admission. To each his own, of course."
Maybe I'm just a coldblooded cost benefit analyzer, but there's certain scenarios I'd actually find more enjoyable without the presence of beautiful women, and some times I wish they'd put some clothes on. Kind of like how it might be bad form for a prison guard to eat lobster tail in full view of the prisoners.
Having seen some pictures of Tilted Kilt hostesses, I don't think I would ever eat there. At least the white tops and orange shorts are a bit too ridiculous to really be sexy, but I'd rather not see a bunch of hot chicks in schoolgirl outfits if I'm just gonna end up running home to jerk off.