I'd like to expand upon Renegade91's thread: There have been other discussions and thoughts expressed about dancers that won't approach customers, or certain customers for dances. It certainly is possible that if a dancer interests you, and she hasn't approached you that you can do one of two things to get her attention.
1. You can get up from your seat and approach her directly, or 2. You can ask a waitress, door person, or other club employee to mention your interest to a particular dancer.
However, when I first see a dancer I might like, I want to see what her sales approach is before consenting to buying dances with her. That's important to me. If you use one of my above two suggestions, you don't usually get that. Are there any other reasons not to approach a dancer directly, or ask for assistance?
Let me ask you a question. What clubs are you guys going to where the strippers AREN'T soliciting lap dances? Those females must be REALLY lazy or REALLY stupid...likely both.
NO reason to not approach them directly (again, they're generally lazy--that's why they're strippers to begin with.) Here are some tips * Tip on stage (see me after your set) * Ask different staff members to flag dancer down(doorgirl, bartender, other strippers, etc) * Ask her directly if she's alone * Smile/eye contact/open body language when she walks by
If none of the above
* Dress NICELY and flash large denomination bills in plain sight, or * Dress the way a DRUG DEALER/loser jailbird boyfriend would dress
Also, just like the dancers, you have to be there Consistently in order to make inroads.
There. If still having problems, then they simply don't wish to make $$$.
There are plenty of lazy strippers who ignore a room full of potential customers. Instead they sit there on their phones no doubt trying to coax some regular to come in. Like someone already said there is a reason they are strippers. Not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
When I've been a regular at places I've sometimes asked a fave to ask other girls for me. If your fave is cool it can cut through having to get the other girls attention. Also you can get insights into whether the other girl is a ROB or psycho. However, you have to trust that you're fave is cool enough (make that coo-el enough) to help.
If a stripper doesn't approach me, then she isn't interested in working. I've never gotten a bad lap dance from a stripper who asked me if I wanted one but I've gotten a few bad lap dances from strippers who I approached, so I don't approach them any more.
@ sclvr: I had a recent experience similar to what you described, which prompted me to write this thread: I was in my local club for almost two hours. As I entered I noticed a new (and nude) dancer on stage I had never seen before. So, I went immediately to the stage, sat down, and tipped her. No reaction from her. A half hour later, she was called to stage again. Same tip from me and lack of recognition from her. An hour later the d.j. calls a "house special (3 dances/$40)." The dancers then begin to circulate in search of customers for the special. I see her get up and walk toward me where I was sitting, but alas, she turns abruptly and stops at the d.j. booth to chat with him. Other than that moment, and while on stage, she sat in the same seat the entire time I was in the club. Not once during that time did I see her get up and work the floor.
i would like to thank everyone for their insight, i drove over two hours (as i did back in June) to get to that club last night since the clubs in my town have pretty strict rules (particularly with private dances) so needless to say it was pretty disappointing to leave without a private dance, since that was one of the main reason i made the long drive to get there, the only advantage i ended up getting for my long drive was getting to go up to the stage and interact with the girls a little instead of having to stay 3 feet away from the stage like i would have to do in my city,
i even told the one dancer that sat with me that i had traveled from my city to get there, because the clubs in my city suck, i figured this would let her know that i was serious about having some fun there and she would ask any minute if i wanted a dance, but instead she left my table a couple minutes later and went and started talking to some guy at the bar,
so i dunno maybe this was the wrong strategy for me, maybe she figured i had already spent all my money on gas just to get to that club, or maybe she just doesn't like outsiders, i dunno, maybe i should pretend to be a local next time?
i'm kinda thinking now that i should have just asked a couple of girls there for a dance, but i guess i was kinda caught off guard since, like jack, i've normally had to beat the dancers off with a stick (regardless of what city i was in) although i've never really had much luck with that and would just buy as few dancers as possible from the dancers i wasn't interested in just to get rid of them and still keep my wallet relatively intact, but i've also had plently of hot dancers approach me as well, so i've always just taken the good with the bad, i was expecting last night to be the same, oh well, live and learn i guess,
i might take another trip down there in a couple of weeks and maybe visit a different club, and maybe take matters into my own hands if i have to using some of the suggestions you guys have made in these two threads
Yeah thats exactly what I'm talking about Club_Goer. Why do these bitches bother showing up if they don't want to work? I'd fire their asses in a heartbeat if I was running the show.
Renegade - your finding out that no two club visits are the same. Sometimes you get mobbed and other times you get ignored. Roll with either and find a way to make it work.
@ sclvr: The dancer whom I came into see that day, and whom I wound up spending all my money on, told me that the dancer I had just noticed recently discovered she was pregnant, and she wasn't happy about the news. So, maybe she (new dancer) was depressed, but still felt the need to show up for work (so she could just hand the club her $120. house fee to get in the door and sit an mope for six hours).
Since it was at my regular club, I could probably try to "reach her" another time, but I've got plenty of faves right now at that club and a couple of others, locally.
Club>Goer, I'm kinda the same way with respect to dancers and getting dances, although I tend to not worry as much about the sales pitch. I would like the chance to briefly talk to a dancer before I commit to buying dances simply because I think I can tell by a short conversation what kind of dance I will get without going into specifics with her. Other dancers, though, I've thought were so hot that I simply asked her while stage tipping or got the waitress to send her over. I think your OP is spot on, but I'm also not as concerned with how she tries to sell me. Having said that, I have had dancers who were not necessarily on my radar approach me and "sell" me on her LDs. That's more rare for me, but it does happen from time to time.
I'm not quite sure why the two proposed options preclude the sort of interaction you mention. I'll often ask a dancer about another dancer/waitress/bartender/bouncer, "what do you think about Betty big boobs over there" or something along those lines. 95% of the time she'll mention to the other dancer that I asked about her, which again almost always results in her coming over. I'm not sure there is a lot of value in their opinions, as perceptions are often out of whack with reality and/or they often lie to present someone in a positive/negative light for any number of reasons.
As far as option one goes, outside of walking up and directly asking "may I have a private dance please" there are many ways of getting a dancer to come give you her sell via a direct approach. If she's on stage, ask her to come by for a drink or come by to chat for a while. The success rate there is significantly lower than a "wanna dance" style approach, but still much higher than sitting on your ass doing nothing or what seems to be the other alternative - turning down every stripper she sees coming up to you while you wait for her to do the same.
To answer the question directly, I think its a variation/expansion of your reason but as far as I'm concerned the only reasons not to walk up and ask for a dance is that you don't get an opportunity to feel her out/determine her limits/make a connection before you feel her up, or if you enjoy the foreplay that precedes the dance. Like I said though, I don't think the two are mutually exclusive.
I think the reasons for dancers not approaching customers have been well discussed recently here. It's not just that they are lazy, although I'm sure that's a good part of it.
Since nobody mentioned it, I will. To me the biggest argument about chasing after a stripper is that it makes you vulnerable. She now knows you want her and she can get her price. You have lost a negotiating tool.
@ Dolfan: I'm anxious to try your suggestion. It's only expressing an interest in a dancer via another club employee. You're not absolutely saying you want to get dances with her. I like that idea.
Lazy & Stripper: another oxymoron? While this thread deals with getting dances, the underlying question becomes, Why don't some dancers get off their asses and work? I've explored this question in depth with two dancers: my ATF, a drug addicted beauty who makes most of her money providing extras to regular customers both ITC and OTC, and my CF who works hard, provides no extras, and is a consistent high earner. My ATF says, why should I bust my ass to entertain some local yokel who's tipping me $1 or $2 on stage and maybe get $20 for a lap dance when I can earn $200 or $300 just for sucking your dick? My Cf says, every dollar adds up. If I work the crowd and flirt with anyone who expresses interest in me I'll make enough to make it worthwhile. And then, if I do have some regulars who enjoy seeing me with no expectation of a blowjob, I can still have some really good nights. The CF tells me even on a slow night she'll make $400 to $500. My ATF made $47 one night recently before tipping out. But she also made over $1400 on another night.
You guys are being harsh about strippers being lazy. I work Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday and the only day I really solicit dances is on Tuesday if it's a bit slower. My sales pitch comes in when I ask guys about wanting to go to VIP, but I'm not going to make a big effort to sell someone a dance on the main floor if other people just straight up ask for one. If you come in on a slower night and just try to make a lot of eye contact when your girl is on stage and give her a tip you may have more luck
I've said this before, but life is too damn short to wait for a possibly busy, possibly flaky, possibly pissed at her boyfriend, possibly popular, possibly blind without her glasses stripper to come find me and offer me a dance.
And no offense, shadowcat, but if it asking for a dance, as opposed to "making" her come to me, affects my negotiating ability, I'm doing it wrong.
Some dancers are busy with enough regulars in a club, they may sit around the rest of the time. I thought about asking a dancer in one club who hasn't approached me during the announced two for one times, but have not been sure if she wants to do any dances at that time. Plus I keep getting approached by other dancers who do. She did approach me at one time but she did not want to wait until the announced time and she wanted the regular club price for dances. I never approached her again except to tip her on stage. I did not want to pay $50 for two dances.
to approach a stripper is to bend over and call her daddy. She will feel like she's on a pedestal and your beneath her and probably give you a sub-par lap dance because after all, you wanted her more than she wanted you. I don't approach...I suggest, I get....no I'm lying I never got a waitress or anyone to get a girl for me. Nah I just chill, watch the hotties on stage, and the ones that notice I'm giving them extra attention...GENERALLY head towards my direction.
@Estafador: "to approach a stripper is to bend over and call her daddy. She will feel like she's on a pedestal and your beneath her and probably give you a sub-par lap dance because after all, you wanted her more than she wanted you."
Complete and utter bullshit. At least in my 35+ years of strip clubbing. As farmerart so eloquently put it, this ain't "rocket science". If I wasn't in the habit of approaching dancers, I wouldn't have had a *quarter* of the sex I've actually had, and I definitely wouldn't have met the girl who eventually became my ATF/SB.
Do some of them try to use their popularity and my approach as an excuse to charge me too much, thinking I'm desperate? Of course they do. That's what the words "no thanks" are for.
Not sure what the question of how to get lap dances has to do with RickyBoy's The System. The System is a genius method/strategy that it took RickyBoy 10 years to develop to pay hookers for sex. I have to think the question of just getting lap dances would be beneath RickyBoy's efforts. Not even worthy of a System Lite.
I just now caught up on this thread, and if gotta say I agree 100% with GMD's response in the previous post. This crap about looking vulnerable to dancers makes no sense to me. I've spent way too many hours watching the hottest dancer work her way around the club, but somehow not wandering by my seat. When they go on stage, I tip them (anything more than $1 will get more attention), tell them I've been watching them work the room, and I would love to spend some time with them. Many come right over, but for those that don't, I don't go back and ask again. Smart dancers are interested in where the money is. My advice to the OP, grow a pair, walk up to her and tell her you would like a dance.
Also agree with GMD. Look if you are pay for LDs in the first place you already putting her on a pedestal and signaling you are beneath her. She's not going to make some kind of fine distinction based on who approached whom.
@Estafador: The "to approach a stripper is to bend over and call her daddy" part is complete and utter bullshit. Your assertion makes it sounds like there's no other possibility, which is...ahem, complete and utter bullshit.
If you are paying she sees you as a PL approach her or let her come to you. I have no idea which is worse but it's a question of are you a 1.0 on her scale of 0 to 10 or a 0.9. You can also make the case that approaching shows you are not completely passive which might be better than not. Again it's just very subtle distinctions between PLdom that I doubt anyone is able to distinguish between.
I will approach on occasion but like others have mentioned it doesnt always turn out well. I would expect that if you approach a dancer that has been ignoring you she will be flattered and give a great dance. But if she agrees to a dance but was ignoring you for a reason you stand to get a shitty dance. Its a crapshoot.
As opposed to *never* turning out well when one does *not* approach, right? :)
As for any "reason" she might have for ignoring me, it depends on what that reason is. Many strippers wear blinders. They see a customer, and within seconds have categorized him. If he happens to fall into a non-desireable category (whether that's "no money", "ugly", "creepy", or whatever), she might not even *see* him after that, and will only pay attention if he does something to break out of the category into which she's put him.
A simple, direct approach, such as "if you're free for dances or drinks, come see me" may serve as that breakout, without being pushy or aggressive, and gives her a chance to keep on ignoring you if it doesn't.
@georgemicrodong "Do some of them try to use their popularity and my approach as an excuse to charge me too much, thinking I'm desperate? Of course they do. That's what the words "no thanks" are for."
"The "to approach a stripper is to bend over and call her daddy" part is complete and utter bullshit. Your assertion makes it sounds like there's no other possibility, which is...ahem, complete and utter bullshit."
I'm not seeing the correlation to how you assume what I said is utter bullshit when you just said the same thing. Do I mean they literally bend you over and have them call you daddy of course not. They just do exactly what you said, overcharge because they think I'm desperate because I asked them. And never did I said it was fair either just to cover any lingering thoughts. I think you've overstepped my thoughts there ol' chap.
Have to concur with those saying never approach. The one time I went out of my way to get a dance from the hot new girl, the dance was horrible and I ended up just waiting for the 2nd song to finish so I could pay and get away from her. If she wants to give you a dance, it doesn't matter the reason, she'll give you a better dance.
@gmd - everything you mention is true, but in the junior high school mentality of a stripclub, the obvious rules of society are often out the window. What I have come across is that if a dancer ignores someone because that person is in her "undesirable" category, she has already mentally closed the window on that person. If that customer were to approach the dancer in the nicest way possible, she most probably (in her narrow and limited way of thinking) has decided to blow them off or if she does decide to grace them with a dance, it will no doubt suck. The exception to this are the cripplingly shy dancers who just can't bring themselves to approach someone that they are intimidated by. Sometimes those types of dancers turn out to be keepers because she is relieved that she didn't have to do the asking.
last commentNO reason to not approach them directly (again, they're generally lazy--that's why they're strippers to begin with.) Here are some tips
* Tip on stage (see me after your set)
* Ask different staff members to flag dancer down(doorgirl, bartender, other strippers, etc)
* Ask her directly if she's alone
* Smile/eye contact/open body language when she walks by
If none of the above
* Dress NICELY and flash large denomination bills in plain sight, or
* Dress the way a DRUG DEALER/loser jailbird boyfriend would dress
Also, just like the dancers, you have to be there Consistently in order to make inroads.
There. If still having problems, then they simply don't wish to make $$$.
Why don't you people lay off mocking rickdugan and offer some solid info & ideas, if you have any about the subject at hand in this thread.
i even told the one dancer that sat with me that i had traveled from my city to get there, because the clubs in my city suck, i figured this would let her know that i was serious about having some fun there and she would ask any minute if i wanted a dance, but instead she left my table a couple minutes later and went and started talking to some guy at the bar,
so i dunno maybe this was the wrong strategy for me, maybe she figured i had already spent all my money on gas just to get to that club, or maybe she just doesn't like outsiders, i dunno, maybe i should pretend to be a local next time?
i'm kinda thinking now that i should have just asked a couple of girls there for a dance, but i guess i was kinda caught off guard since, like jack, i've normally had to beat the dancers off with a stick (regardless of what city i was in) although i've never really had much luck with that and would just buy as few dancers as possible from the dancers i wasn't interested in just to get rid of them and still keep my wallet relatively intact, but i've also had plently of hot dancers approach me as well, so i've always just taken the good with the bad, i was expecting last night to be the same, oh well, live and learn i guess,
i might take another trip down there in a couple of weeks and maybe visit a different club, and maybe take matters into my own hands if i have to using some of the suggestions you guys have made in these two threads
Renegade - your finding out that no two club visits are the same. Sometimes you get mobbed and other times you get ignored. Roll with either and find a way to make it work.
Since it was at my regular club, I could probably try to "reach her" another time, but I've got plenty of faves right now at that club and a couple of others, locally.
As far as option one goes, outside of walking up and directly asking "may I have a private dance please" there are many ways of getting a dancer to come give you her sell via a direct approach. If she's on stage, ask her to come by for a drink or come by to chat for a while. The success rate there is significantly lower than a "wanna dance" style approach, but still much higher than sitting on your ass doing nothing or what seems to be the other alternative - turning down every stripper she sees coming up to you while you wait for her to do the same.
To answer the question directly, I think its a variation/expansion of your reason but as far as I'm concerned the only reasons not to walk up and ask for a dance is that you don't get an opportunity to feel her out/determine her limits/make a connection before you feel her up, or if you enjoy the foreplay that precedes the dance. Like I said though, I don't think the two are mutually exclusive.
I think the reasons for dancers not approaching customers have been well discussed recently here. It's not just that they are lazy, although I'm sure that's a good part of it.
@ Shadowcat: Excellent point!
My ATF says, why should I bust my ass to entertain some local yokel who's tipping me $1 or $2 on stage and maybe get $20 for a lap dance when I can earn $200 or $300 just for sucking your dick?
My Cf says, every dollar adds up. If I work the crowd and flirt with anyone who expresses interest in me I'll make enough to make it worthwhile. And then, if I do have some regulars who enjoy seeing me with no expectation of a blowjob, I can still have some really good nights.
The CF tells me even on a slow night she'll make $400 to $500. My ATF made $47 one night recently before tipping out. But she also made over $1400 on another night.
And no offense, shadowcat, but if it asking for a dance, as opposed to "making" her come to me, affects my negotiating ability, I'm doing it wrong.
Lap dances with strippers? Not rocket science. It is mere frivolity, just go for it - no twisting yourself into knots.
Complete and utter bullshit. At least in my 35+ years of strip clubbing. As farmerart so eloquently put it, this ain't "rocket science". If I wasn't in the habit of approaching dancers, I wouldn't have had a *quarter* of the sex I've actually had, and I definitely wouldn't have met the girl who eventually became my ATF/SB.
Do some of them try to use their popularity and my approach as an excuse to charge me too much, thinking I'm desperate? Of course they do. That's what the words "no thanks" are for.
As opposed to *never* turning out well when one does *not* approach, right? :)
As for any "reason" she might have for ignoring me, it depends on what that reason is. Many strippers wear blinders. They see a customer, and within seconds have categorized him. If he happens to fall into a non-desireable category (whether that's "no money", "ugly", "creepy", or whatever), she might not even *see* him after that, and will only pay attention if he does something to break out of the category into which she's put him.
A simple, direct approach, such as "if you're free for dances or drinks, come see me" may serve as that breakout, without being pushy or aggressive, and gives her a chance to keep on ignoring you if it doesn't.
"The "to approach a stripper is to bend over and call her daddy" part is complete and utter bullshit. Your assertion makes it sounds like there's no other possibility, which is...ahem, complete and utter bullshit."
I'm not seeing the correlation to how you assume what I said is utter bullshit when you just said the same thing. Do I mean they literally bend you over and have them call you daddy of course not. They just do exactly what you said, overcharge because they think I'm desperate because I asked them. And never did I said it was fair either just to cover any lingering thoughts. I think you've overstepped my thoughts there ol' chap.
What I have come across is that if a dancer ignores someone because that person is in her "undesirable" category, she has already mentally closed the window on that person. If that customer were to approach the dancer in the nicest way possible, she most probably (in her narrow and limited way of thinking) has decided to blow them off or if she does decide to grace them with a dance, it will no doubt suck. The exception to this are the cripplingly shy dancers who just can't bring themselves to approach someone that they are intimidated by. Sometimes those types of dancers turn out to be keepers because she is relieved that she didn't have to do the asking.