
Comments by membernumber1 (page 2)

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    11 years ago
    Austin, TX
    A stripper called me for asking 20 dollars
    Ive got a girl who I've known for a little while. We've gone out to dinner & such 3 times, but never OTC and never paid for my time. Occasionally I get a weird text asking for 20 bucks. I've sent it to her because its very rare and we've hung out enough that its no big deal to me.
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    11 years ago
    How to juggle Favorite Dancers
    A year ago, seeing two girls I've met OTC used to freak me out completely worried about drama. Last week I was at my favorite club and there were 4 girls I had previously enjoyed and one I've been working overtime to get her to meet me. As discussed in another post, two of them actually sat down together and figured out that they had both banged me. I don't make promises. I don't claim exclusivity. In fact, I tease them all the time when I see them talking to another guy "WHAT? I thought what we had was special and you weren't dancing for anyone else" in a very sarcastic tone of course. I lay the groundwork with most of them that this is what it is. Also, once I've met a girl OTC, I almost never get dances from her again. Hell, I don't really get dances from anyone except as an audition for a new girl. I always tell the girls I like to save my money for outside the club. Then, when I'm in the club and I see one or more girls I've met before, I simply say something like, "Im not up for meeting tonight, just hanging out. Feel free to sit here and have a drink if you'd like, or, if you want to stalk the room and make some money, I won't be hurt" If they mention a dance i just remind them that that's not my thing. Now.....sometimes I do play the dating card and act like there's a connection. that makes juggling a little harder. But, to be honest, I'm close enough to those girls that they rarely even go into work when I'm in town. If I make the trip into their city and they go into work instead of going out with me, then they made their decision to dance for other guys over me so I have no qualms about talking to other girls in front of them.
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    In love with.a stripper
    Rarely more than 3 times a night.
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How much ?
    On my overnight trips to my favorite clubbing town I typically budget $400. That almost always includes at least 1-2 OTC experiences over the 18 or so hours I'm there plus a little bit of $ spent in the club. I never do ITC or VIP rooms beyond basic dances so spending anywhere close to $100 in a club basically never happens. I usually get a dance from 1-4 girls to scout and farm phone numbers.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Google is your friend
    Experimental, no. But a google of her real name turned up a site where someone was pissed at her & posted a couple pictures of her. In the comments below, someone else posted her porn name. I actually feel kind of bad for her...kinda. She obviously didn't do a LOT of it, and no FS hardcore stuff. Now a quick google pulls up everything. That's gotta suck!
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    11 years ago
    Google is your friend
    I've seen some threads here take some weird turns but i really don't know where this is headed
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    11 years ago
    Advanced Marketing Techniques
    A recent OTC brought quite a bit of cocaine and I was offered as much as I wanted. She had a flight in the morning and needed to use it up. I declined.
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    11 years ago
    The secret code?
    Southernboy, Yeah, I was lucky. Both of these girls are VERY reasonable and straight forward. I was really waiting to talk to #2 when #1 sat down. If I had predicted drama, I wouldve immediately told #1 I was waiting for #2 to deflect a possible confrontation. In fact, I had been sitting with a girl who was currently on stage and told #1 that info so she would vamoose when the set was done. I've definitely learned to juggle...its an important skill on a night like that where there were actually -4- girls working that I had met OTC previously. In addition, my prime next target was the girl on stage, so I was bouncing around a lot! :)
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    11 years ago
    Google is your friend
    I Googled Dougster. I wasn't impressed.
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    12 years ago
    The perfect Valentine's gift for the lazy guy
    Wait, should you buy her a London escort? I'm so confused!
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Hello Sirs, from a Stripper
    As others said, welcome. The biggest word of warning goes with pretty much any site on the internet: Remember that the loudest and rudest voices do not represent the majority. There are some VERY extreme personalities here. Don't be fooled into thinking everyone here falls into that demographic. This site has a huge viewership of lurkers and rare posters. The daily discussion posters don't represent them.
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    12 years ago
    So disappointing
    Dougster never gets ripped off. He goes into any club anywhere in America and finds a 10 who will fuck and suck for $50 within 10 minutes
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    12 years ago
    Every now and then a stripper asks if Im married in the first 90 seconds. Im usually done with her at that point.
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    12 years ago
    Have you been here before ?
    Papi, just a few weeks ago a girl plopped down on my lap and we both commented that the other looked familiar. I knew 100% I had never gotten a dance, etc from her, but something about her just rung a bell. So, I said, "You do look really familiar. Have we had sex?" Her response, "No. Want to?" We were in my room within 45 minutes! :-)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How can I make the most of my strip club time?
    Budget. Decide before you go how much you plan to spend on tips, drinks, dances, etc. I usually allocate about $20 for tips & drinks...but I dont drink so that's easy. Then, depending on how much I have, I decide how many dances i'll get. if I only have enough for one dance, then I'm damn sure its with the right girl. If I have enough for, say 4, then I can be a little less discretionary. But knowing going in is the important part.
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    12 years ago
    What is this 1-10 rating system?
    Obviously everyone's ratings scales are different. Hell my rating scale at 8pm is VERY different from my rating scale at 1:45am and I don't drink. It's just as the night wears on, someone I'd have turned away earlier looks mighty good when the 8s and 9s have gone home already!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    well I'm happy
    Agreed, definitely not Top 100 let alone Top 10
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    12 years ago
    umm...there used to be reviews around here somewhere...where did they go?
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    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    How many "strikes" do you give your ATF?
    Yeah, I'm with gatorfan...they're usually ATFs for the good things they do, not for the bad things they don't do. The amount of shit I've put up with from my 3 favs is beyond ridiculous. And I keep going for some dumb ass reason. Well, not entirely true...I've actually finally written off all three. I no longer have any expectations from any of them and won't make plans with them. If things happen and we hook up like I did with one last week so be it, but I don't schedule around it anymore.
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    12 years ago
    Between the legs between work?
    Im like Clubber. I work on the road and I'm my own boss. I can club whenever I want during the day plus get away about 2x/month overnight. That being said, I hate the local clubs, so don't go to them often at lunch or otherwise.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The "L" word.
    All 3 of my favs have used it. I never have. After having kids and knowing how powerful "love" is, i don't know that I'll ever feel that intensely about a companion to be honest.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Maximizing or throwing it away?
    Ive never made it rain...never will (with an asterisk). I can see occasions it might make sense. If you're dating a stripper and the money is coming back to you anyways, why not draw attention to her just to see what happens, especially in a busy club when she's having a bad night. When I went to DC, there are no lap dances, just stage shows...apparently the only way the girls make $ is stage tips. The guys who made it rain had steady companionship at their table. The rest of us PLs just had to watch. I suppose if you're planning to drop $100 in a night at the club, why does it matter how it goes?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Eating Pussy
    deogol, yeah, sorry. Out of your comfort zone, huh? :)
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    12 years ago
    Eating Pussy
    Maybe one day we can compare lopaw! :)
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    12 years ago
    Eating Pussy
    My secret? Basically move around to different spots on her, find out what is most sensitive/pleasurable for her, it seems to be different on most girls. Push hard with your tongue and move in a circle while pressing against her pelvic bone. Once you're determined to make her come and the teasing is over, don't let up. It's kind of like when a girl finishes her intro on the BJ and starts to get into it, then tires out before the pop...ruins the whole thing.