If you wait long enough an ultra-HAWT stripper will spontaneously appear with her mouth on your dick. Why don't you try that and let us know how it works for you. Boltzmann stripper!!!
Not my first rodeo and brad's is overrated. I enjoy the working man's club like Silk and Rio can be good. Motorhead from a vet like you; great respect.
Avoid Hip Hugger. Horrible place with haggard old dancers. Its an old dump that smells bad and there is nothing good to be said about it. Wandered into once on a business trip and regreted it very quickly.
Moderate mileage can to be found but extras are very rare in Indy. Higher mileage used to found at Harem House and Dancers East (low quality dancers) but no extras. I have not been into Indy clubs for a while as I found most were a waste of money. Kokomo clubs are no better in my opinion.
From my personal experience day shift at Harem House. An extra $20 goes a long way insuring you get exactly what u want. Silk was a disappointment $100+tip for only stick shifting is very overpriced. Kokomo, one of the daddy bars, is your best bet still there are no sure things around here.
last commentI suppose that is why they call it YMMV.
What may be true for me may not be true for you.
I have gone to "high mileage" clubs where I was guaranteed by my friends to get "extras." I had a good time but went home with the blue balls.
Other times I have gone to "no to low mileage" clubs and was suprised with a beautiful dancer who gave great BJs ITC.
You never know.
Read the reviews.
Way, way, way overrated. Just my opinion.