How much ?

avatar for JuiceBox69
In all honesty how much should be spend on a night out ? Ive read about the $250 avg on tuscl and it sounds good but it varies from club to club......if its an air dance club most of us wouldn't go and the ones that would I'm asuming would only spend $50 to $100....... A good one way club would get a good $100 to $200..... A good 2 way club would get $200 to $300 and I would only guess that at a good full sex club it would net $300 to bank account overdrafted ! me what you thank ?


last comment
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
$500 including drinks, dances, etc.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I could see myself being comfortable spending $3-400 on a great night. But it would have to be somewhere a hell if a lot better than the places I've been going.,,
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
If I'm planning on BBBJ &. BBFS then I plan to spend $700 to $800.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Detroit prices are coming down across the board and at mid range clubs a bbbj and cfs can be had for $150 total, give or take $50. $200 to $250 at higher end clubs.

If your paying more than that in this town, you need to work on your negotiation skills.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
So including drinks, valet, and cover charge; I'm spending about $200 per visit, but I don't go for fs.
avatar for Jackmd
12 years ago
I take $500 but have been known to get by with $200.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Depends on the club and the mood:

Min. ~$200. When I’m really in the mood to SC and not just killing some time, ~$400.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
I usually spend anywhere from 100 to 200 bucks a visit, and most of that money is spent tipping the girls on stage.
avatar for mayberrywell
12 years ago
$200 to more than $400 including drinks.
avatar for membernumber1
12 years ago
On my overnight trips to my favorite clubbing town I typically budget $400. That almost always includes at least 1-2 OTC experiences over the 18 or so hours I'm there plus a little bit of $ spent in the club. I never do ITC or VIP rooms beyond basic dances so spending anywhere close to $100 in a club basically never happens. I usually get a dance from 1-4 girls to scout and farm phone numbers.
avatar for dw.buck
12 years ago
i have spent anywhere from 60-200 in clubs getting bbbj

my first club spent 30 and teh dancers ground me for a dollar each and i spent over 5 hours in da club
avatar for wrcgtr
12 years ago
$100 to $200 including drinks, depending on the club
avatar for chairsky
12 years ago
if i decide to have the vip, it should be above 300, otherwise it goes ~150
avatar for jack0505
12 years ago
I've spent as little as $10 at a strip club and as much as $600.
avatar for jestrite50
12 years ago
I try to hold it to $100 ITC and $150-200 OTC. My OTC girls don't rush me and we usually spend a min of 1hr to max of 3hrs having full "blown" sex. I prefer OTC in my hotel room and spend only the minimum to get them out of the club and into my hotel room. Mr. Pink has it right on this one.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Anywhere from $100 to 700, depending entirely upon where I am and how the night is going.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
$200-400 depending on whether I do a VIP trip or not.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
I spend a gazillion
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Thanks all of you guys and joe does that mean 100 rollers
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
How much you got then I tell you how much it costs
avatar for cresetstidas
12 years ago
Average about $250, but often go up to the $500 to $700 range when I plan on a full on party night. On those party nights that amount includes drinks and often a nearby motel that I check into before hitting the club to avoid any DUI worries and have a set spot for any OTC opportunities that may arise.
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
I've been tryin' to emulate you my brother Juice. I spends me $20 on a bucket o' the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-par and a sugary soda (or maybe dip into my lifetime supply o' Jolt Cola). Then I show up at da club, drop trou, and face fuck the hottest stripper in the place, all while sodomizing her with a drumstick. Most strippers are willing to do this in exchange for some chicken and Jolt cola.

One sicko even ate the chicken I put up her ass.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
$200-$400 depending on the town. The girls for less are usually not attractive to me. Part of that is I am usually working in that town and am not a regular and have to shop around. I also am not looking for a 10 minute get in-get off-get out experience. I am looking for a fun evening out.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
I really dont mind spending whatever it takes. I have had short 30 minute sessions for 250 at the least. Anything less in this area is either nasty or diseased or reallt old. I go for the highest end girl I can find, and I make sure to take care of her and maybe 1 or 2 of her friends. Ive had a 2 hour anything goes session with three girls which I spent 3000 on. It was well worth it and it was a one time thing. However at the hotness range I prefer I average about 600-700, & Im ok with that every few weeks. But im going to experiment at lower prices, I guess ive been over paying which I will chalk up to inexperience.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
A bag of weed, $8, four fried chickens and a coke
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Juice man I probably avg about $250 or so. Sounds like motor has the right budget
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
if its an air dance, I should have known since I got a free entry pass (not that free until certain time, I mean a pass for free entry) for the club. At that instance, I spend at most, $50: near $10 for the single drink and $40 for two dances (or @20 for a 2 for 1 deal which I got lucky and received).
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
But a good regular club, I'd say I'd agree with the average 250. THey're just women, no need to spend double+ on them when there's also free pussy out there.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Thanks guys this info helps a lot with my ideas of spending...its nice to.see others perspectives....and lol to all you funny fuckers juice crew bitches......
avatar for JohnSmith69
12 years ago
I find that with experience I can have the same amount of fun for less money. A good night cost me 4-500 when I was a beginner. Now a good night is more likely to cost $2-250. Mostly the cost savings is from getting high mileage from a lap dance without VIP. If I spend $4-500 today, it usually means I'm getting extras in VIP.
avatar for StripReviewer
12 years ago
I've figured out I need $600 in my pocket to enjoy the night. I don't necessarily need to spend $600, though I could. In fact part of the reason I need that much is so I don't have regrets walking out with an empty wallet.
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