Long time lurker here. I hail from the pink site otherwise known as StripperWeb. Now, I know how some of you guys feel about SW, but fear not. I am here just to say...thanks for keeping it real. Its nice to get a perspective from the other side of the coin.
^Nah, I saw enough of those already from lurking. I've just been browsing the site a lot. It's pretty interesting to get both perspectives, especially if it's a review about a club I want to work at. It gives me a good idea of what to expect.
Sometimes I'll read threads (new or old) from the pink site and notice conflicting posts. Then I came to this site and read some posts about SW. For example I was reading this thread: https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
"The StripperWeb site is interesting as the SC reality put forth by most of the strippers that post, conflicts with the reality I see in the SC. For example, it seems any stripper that posts about the prevalence of extras and OTC is shouted down as if that is the exception rather (in my reality) the rule."
"None of the Dancers I have met and gotten to know well is living the RICH life.
I don't doubt that many are not being truthful on StripperWeb, just as many posters here aren't being truthful. It is SO easy to Lie on the Internet. You don't have to look the person you are lying to in their eyes!"
Forgot how to HTML quote. Anyway, when I read those posts I thought that it may be true, pretty much the reality based on what I've seen working in clubs. Kind of like how one night in the dressing room after an ordinary shift, one girl blurted out (within hearing distance of EVERYONE in the room) how she made $2,000 that night with "hard work". Most of us don't earn anywhere near that much. I was skeptical, but who knows. It does depend on the dancer and the club. But us girls do get jealous and have tendencies to want to "one up" each other.
Anyway, I forget where I was going with this. Uh, I are not that smart stripper right now, think too much (tired, post-work). But yeah, I'm going to keep lurking the site for more info.
If anything I'd say it would be interesting just to get the input of a dancer. We can inform everyone here on our experiences and you can inform us about things on your end. Anything you would like to share you are welcome to be a member of tuscl.
First of all, we're not all "sirs". Secondly, our attitude towards SW is deeply ingrained here. If you can put a more positive view on that place...more power. Thirdly, a very guarded "welcome". Let's see how long you stick around.
Welcome yegi, nice to have you. Most of us are pretty open people and are willing to hear all points of view, but we"re also pretty honest with our viewpoints as well. Of course, you already know that if you've been lurking since 2008.
Now for the important part, how about posting some pictures?! ;)
As others said, welcome. The biggest word of warning goes with pretty much any site on the internet: Remember that the loudest and rudest voices do not represent the majority. There are some VERY extreme personalities here. Don't be fooled into thinking everyone here falls into that demographic. This site has a huge viewership of lurkers and rare posters. The daily discussion posters don't represent them.
As I've said before there are two main world views as strippers.
Line 1: Those who think it is their job to find suckers to hustle and provide minimal, hopefully no services to.
Line 2: Then there is another line who think they must actually work hard and provide desirable services to customers.
The first line I'll call the anti-social line and they seem to be the vast majority of girls on SW. Now that might have been all they need back to make money at the peak of the dot com boom. I remember meeting girls here in the 4-6 range who told me they were pulling down at $200,000 a year working during those times. Heard that enough and the stories were consistent enough that I believed it.
Now the primary things about anti-social are that they have no scruples about lying, they want to be viewed as the predator in a predator/prey game, and their superegos are either highly impaired or non-existent.
I think those views explain the worldviews we see on SW. The girls just do not tell things like they. For instance they have no problem with lying, think because they are predators they can make their prey believe whatever they like through their oh-so-shrew deceptive skills. In particular anything that would make them look like they aren't the predators in the game, for example, they had to resort to jerking off fat middle-aged PLs to make money when their con games didn't work, they won't share.
For us experience customers here on TUSCL its really comical how much what they claim they are differs so much from what they really are. At the same time, since their worldview is all fantasy, it is of little value to read which leads to what is superficially the paradox that the more strippers you have around talking the less you really learn about what they are like (group re-enforcement of their non-sense - one of them tells a lie about how she never does extras, another chimes in the same, the third sees many girls are getting away with this claim now, so she tells it too).
Over here on TUSCL, the only stripper I can remember offering decent insights was KittyKate. Maybe one day though, someone will come along and bring that number up to two... Here's hoping!
Welcome. As people have mentioned, we have no reason to believe you're a stripper, but, at the moment, no reason NOT to believe you're a stripper either.
I don't care one way or the other, but either way it's nice to know there is information on here worth reading, besides the trolls and flame wars.
I don’t think you’ll last very long on here and I would not blame you.
Even many of us “sirs†sometimes get fed up w/ the drama some perpetrate on here.
Personally, I don’t think this is the site for a lady and would not blame you at all for not sticking around. Just like most “sirs†on this site can’t stand the estrogen on SW, I don’t think most “madams†can stand the testosterone on this site.
But, if you *are* a dancer, then I am sure you can gather some intel and insight into the male, and more specifically, the SC goer, mindset, that may be of use to ya.
After waking up I came back to check here and I did not expect so many responses.
<i>No one here believes that dancers know how to use the Internet.</i> LOL this might be true for some of us.
Someone asked for a picture, here you go: http://anonmgur.com/up/dfb5733… I actually like the name Yogi, I wish I could change my handle to that. I'm not going to post face or full body pictures though, I'd rather keep things anonymous.
About lasting long here (posting wise), it's possible, not due to trolls, drama, or anything like that. I'm a stripper after all and I witness that stuff on a day to day basis at work (and try to stay out of it). Personally I'm more of a lurker and not a regular poster (this includes SW and other forums). I made this account so long ago and it's my first time actually using it to post. And sirs or not, so be it. Some people are sirs, some aren't.
I work in the East Coast.
Dougster you make an interesting point.
<i>For us experience customers here on TUSCL its really comical how much what they claim they are differs so much from what they really are. At the same time, since their worldview is all fantasy, it is of little value to read which leads to what is superficially the paradox that the more strippers you have around talking the less you really learn about what they are like (group re-enforcement of their non-sense - one of them tells a lie about how she never does extras, another chimes in the same, the third sees many girls are getting away with this claim now, so she tells it too).</i>
I've worked in many places and I've seen some things. Sometimes when I browse very old threads of SW I might find a user who said that they don't do certain things, but in another post they have admitted to doing whatever it was. Some members do catch on though. When I seriously started browsing the discussion area here I found a lot of it to be pretty relevant. There probably is a groupthink going on, I think it's pretty common on a lot of websites.
Hello Yegi! I'm a stripper/usual lurker as well. I prefer this site to stripper web, though it is nice to have a place to vent once in a while. No one will believe you're a stripper, even if you do post real pictures, provide them with your club/name/shifts/etc. I just roll with it and enjoy the discussions. I wish more ladies posted on this site! ~Michelle
People what really is the point of singling any one person out and pointing out they may not be who they say they are. True of all of us, goes without saying. None of us are even who WE think we are, to one degree or another.
Like Papi, I appreciate photos. But think about it HARD before showing your face or unique tattoos. You may think now that you'd just say "good riddance" to any guy who'd dump you cause his friends found out you dance or use to dance. But you've got a lot of years and changes ahead of you. If nothing else, you want to keep your option open to be employed among the tight-asses in the future.
[QUOTE=Michellemarie;]Hello Yegi! I'm a stripper/usual lurker as well. I prefer this site to stripper web, though it is nice to have a place to vent once in a while. No one will believe you're a stripper, even if you do post real pictures, provide them with your club/name/shifts/etc. I just roll with it and enjoy the discussions. I wish more ladies posted on this site! ~Michelle[/QUOTE]
Hello, I agree with this. This website has been a really good resource for finding new clubs and I wanted to come out and say thank you to you guys for keeping me updated. It's nice to get a customer's insight on clubs rather than a dancer's sometimes. Its kind of like going to a club itself as a customer and watching everyone and thinking if I could work there, what can I do to improve/stand out to the customers (moving more sensually on stage, making eye contact, smiling, especially if the other girls don't do that). For example I might read in customer reviews that the house girls at whichever club I'm interested in seem unfriendly and mechanical to get an idea and do the opposite if I ever choose to work there.
I recently worked at a club that I read from one of the reviews (and the reviews were fresh, which translated to me as more business=more customers) and I did really well there. However when I looked up the same club in the club reviews section on SW, I saw some conflicting posts. Many of them were spot on based on my experience after working at said clubs, but I wouldn't be surprised if some posters aren't being terribly truthful in order to deter competition.
The thing is no one here is entitled to believe me because for all they know I could be a bored old man in panties typing this. It is the internet after all and I kind of miss the days where everyone was anonymous.
[QUOTE=ibbaicnl;]Like Papi, I appreciate photos. But think about it HARD before showing your face or unique tattoos. You may think now that you'd just say "good riddance" to any guy who'd dump you cause his friends found out you dance or use to dance. But you've got a lot of years and changes ahead of you. If nothing else, you want to keep your option open to be employed among the tight-asses in the future.[/QUOTE]
I've been in the business long enough to know that posting my pictures or revealing my identity is not a good idea. For all I know someone here could recognize me, and I don't mean just customers either. Maybe the club owner (if I ever mentioned or reviewed clubs I've worked at) or even worse, fellow dancers. The last thing I need is a drunk girl finding a picture of me or my posts, taking it the wrong way, and stirring shit at work. There's also been high profile cases, Sarah Tressler for example. She ran a blog that I followed for years, but it made national headlines because someone ratted her out. I hope she profited from that.
[QUOTE=ibbaicnl;]People what really is the point of singling any one person out and pointing out they may not be who they say they are. True of all of us, goes without saying. None of us are even who WE think we are, to one degree or another.[/QUOTE]
I'm not really worried about being singled out. I see this kind of stuff happening all the time over at SW, except the reverse in the Customer Conversation section and sometimes I do think some of the SW responses to a customer are unfair. At the end of the day it really just boils down to the same thing and this is the internet. Sometimes people take it way too seriously.
I did really enjoy the feedback though in this thread and I got a good laugh out of some of the comments, especially the shoe fetish one. Hell, I probably have a heel fetish myself because I own so many of them (and two more are on the way from an online order). Shoe fetish guy, check this out. You're going to love this: http://anonmgur.com/up/3f885c1…
Ironically I have been thinking of selling those black heels I posted to a shoe fetish guy, I know a couple of girls that did this and made a couple of hundred. But I've gotten quite attached to them and I'm going to give them a go before I decide to part with them.
Yeah the pink ones are my favorite, they're the kind that glow under the UV lights. I eventually want to get more of them in other colors. I ordered this shoe which I'm waiting for: http://www.attractivewear.net/…
Very cool looking shoes. Unfortunately I don't work around any casinos at the moment, but I might check out some places during the summer. I wanted to have a pair of heels for the occasion.
I'm not interested in a dance, but if you got nice pics of tits to post, I'll be happy to look. lol
As far as rumours that strippers don't know how to use a computer, that may be true when you ask some. I guess they have to stick to their smart phones. lol
<i>I'm not interested in a dance, but if you got nice pics of tits to post, I'll be happy to look. lol
As far as rumours that strippers don't know how to use a computer, that may be true when you ask some. I guess they have to stick to their smart phones. lol</i>
I've worked alongside a lot of girls who would surprise me if I found out they knew how to use a computer (or knew what one was for that matter).
<i>kudos to the stripper keep on doing watcha doing cause we all love</i>
Yegi - I figure there is probability you are as you represent yourself. In which case I hope you appear in one of Austin's clubs some night when I'm out practicing. Admittedly that is unlikely, since I don't get to the clubs as often. (Let's see some new moves!)
<i>Yegi - I figure there is probability you are as you represent yourself. In which case I hope you appear in one of Austin's clubs some night when I'm out practicing. Admittedly that is unlikely, since I don't get to the clubs as often. (Let's see some new moves!)</i>
Unfortunately I haven't worked in Texas, but I would love to try out the clubs there someday.
That's not exactly what I had in mind when asking for a pic, but at least you're witty :). You seem to have a cool personality that I'm sure lots of us will welcome in any conversation.
last commentSometimes I'll read threads (new or old) from the pink site and notice conflicting posts. Then I came to this site and read some posts about SW. For example I was reading this thread:
"The StripperWeb site is interesting as the SC reality put forth by most of the strippers that post, conflicts with the reality I see in the SC. For example, it seems any stripper that posts about the prevalence of extras and OTC is shouted down as if that is the exception rather (in my reality) the rule."
"None of the Dancers I have met and gotten to know well is living the RICH life.
I don't doubt that many are not being truthful on StripperWeb, just as many posters here aren't being truthful. It is SO easy to Lie on the Internet. You don't have to look the person you are lying to in their eyes!"
Forgot how to HTML quote. Anyway, when I read those posts I thought that it may be true, pretty much the reality based on what I've seen working in clubs. Kind of like how one night in the dressing room after an ordinary shift, one girl blurted out (within hearing distance of EVERYONE in the room) how she made $2,000 that night with "hard work". Most of us don't earn anywhere near that much. I was skeptical, but who knows. It does depend on the dancer and the club. But us girls do get jealous and have tendencies to want to "one up" each other.
Anyway, I forget where I was going with this. Uh, I are not that smart stripper right now, think too much (tired, post-work). But yeah, I'm going to keep lurking the site for more info.
Jacklash, what would you like to know?
Anything you would like to share you are welcome to be a member of tuscl.
Secondly, our attitude towards SW is deeply ingrained here. If you can put a more positive view on that place...more power.
Thirdly, a very guarded "welcome". Let's see how long you stick around.
Now for the important part, how about posting some pictures?! ;)
Line 1: Those who think it is their job to find suckers to hustle and provide minimal, hopefully no services to.
Line 2: Then there is another line who think they must actually work hard and provide desirable services to customers.
The first line I'll call the anti-social line and they seem to be the vast majority of girls on SW. Now that might have been all they need back to make money at the peak of the dot com boom. I remember meeting girls here in the 4-6 range who told me they were pulling down at $200,000 a year working during those times. Heard that enough and the stories were consistent enough that I believed it.
Now the primary things about anti-social are that they have no scruples about lying, they want to be viewed as the predator in a predator/prey game, and their superegos are either highly impaired or non-existent.
I think those views explain the worldviews we see on SW. The girls just do not tell things like they. For instance they have no problem with lying, think because they are predators they can make their prey believe whatever they like through their oh-so-shrew deceptive skills. In particular anything that would make them look like they aren't the predators in the game, for example, they had to resort to jerking off fat middle-aged PLs to make money when their con games didn't work, they won't share.
For us experience customers here on TUSCL its really comical how much what they claim they are differs so much from what they really are. At the same time, since their worldview is all fantasy, it is of little value to read which leads to what is superficially the paradox that the more strippers you have around talking the less you really learn about what they are like (group re-enforcement of their non-sense - one of them tells a lie about how she never does extras, another chimes in the same, the third sees many girls are getting away with this claim now, so she tells it too).
Over here on TUSCL, the only stripper I can remember offering decent insights was KittyKate. Maybe one day though, someone will come along and bring that number up to two... Here's hoping!
I don't care one way or the other, but either way it's nice to know there is information on here worth reading, besides the trolls and flame wars.
I was thinking the same thing – but one needs to give the benefit of the doubt I suppose.
Even many of us “sirs†sometimes get fed up w/ the drama some perpetrate on here.
Personally, I don’t think this is the site for a lady and would not blame you at all for not sticking around. Just like most “sirs†on this site can’t stand the estrogen on SW, I don’t think most “madams†can stand the testosterone on this site.
But, if you *are* a dancer, then I am sure you can gather some intel and insight into the male, and more specifically, the SC goer, mindset, that may be of use to ya.
After waking up I came back to check here and I did not expect so many responses.
<i>No one here believes that dancers know how to use the Internet.</i>
LOL this might be true for some of us.
Someone asked for a picture, here you go:
I actually like the name Yogi, I wish I could change my handle to that. I'm not going to post face or full body pictures though, I'd rather keep things anonymous.
About lasting long here (posting wise), it's possible, not due to trolls, drama, or anything like that. I'm a stripper after all and I witness that stuff on a day to day basis at work (and try to stay out of it). Personally I'm more of a lurker and not a regular poster (this includes SW and other forums). I made this account so long ago and it's my first time actually using it to post. And sirs or not, so be it. Some people are sirs, some aren't.
I work in the East Coast.
Dougster you make an interesting point.
<i>For us experience customers here on TUSCL its really comical how much what they claim they are differs so much from what they really are. At the same time, since their worldview is all fantasy, it is of little value to read which leads to what is superficially the paradox that the more strippers you have around talking the less you really learn about what they are like (group re-enforcement of their non-sense - one of them tells a lie about how she never does extras, another chimes in the same, the third sees many girls are getting away with this claim now, so she tells it too).</i>
I've worked in many places and I've seen some things. Sometimes when I browse very old threads of SW I might find a user who said that they don't do certain things, but in another post they have admitted to doing whatever it was. Some members do catch on though. When I seriously started browsing the discussion area here I found a lot of it to be pretty relevant. There probably is a groupthink going on, I think it's pretty common on a lot of websites.
Well I'm off for a coffee break.
I meant SW, forgot to make it clear.
Strippers don't do things for free.
I'm a stripper/usual lurker as well. I prefer this site to stripper web, though it is nice to have a place to vent once in a while. No one will believe you're a stripper, even if you do post real pictures, provide them with your club/name/shifts/etc. I just roll with it and enjoy the discussions. I wish more ladies posted on this site!
You'll find a lot of pretenders here. Welcome.
(shoe fetish, ya know)
I'm a stripper/usual lurker as well. I prefer this site to stripper web, though it is nice to have a place to vent once in a while. No one will believe you're a stripper, even if you do post real pictures, provide them with your club/name/shifts/etc. I just roll with it and enjoy the discussions. I wish more ladies posted on this site!
Hello, I agree with this. This website has been a really good resource for finding new clubs and I wanted to come out and say thank you to you guys for keeping me updated. It's nice to get a customer's insight on clubs rather than a dancer's sometimes. Its kind of like going to a club itself as a customer and watching everyone and thinking if I could work there, what can I do to improve/stand out to the customers (moving more sensually on stage, making eye contact, smiling, especially if the other girls don't do that). For example I might read in customer reviews that the house girls at whichever club I'm interested in seem unfriendly and mechanical to get an idea and do the opposite if I ever choose to work there.
I recently worked at a club that I read from one of the reviews (and the reviews were fresh, which translated to me as more business=more customers) and I did really well there. However when I looked up the same club in the club reviews section on SW, I saw some conflicting posts. Many of them were spot on based on my experience after working at said clubs, but I wouldn't be surprised if some posters aren't being terribly truthful in order to deter competition.
The thing is no one here is entitled to believe me because for all they know I could be a bored old man in panties typing this. It is the internet after all and I kind of miss the days where everyone was anonymous.
[QUOTE=ibbaicnl;]Like Papi, I appreciate photos. But think about it HARD before showing your face or unique tattoos. You may think now that you'd just say "good riddance" to any guy who'd dump you cause his friends found out you dance or use to dance. But you've got a lot of years and changes ahead of you. If nothing else, you want to keep your option open to be employed among the tight-asses in the future.[/QUOTE]
I've been in the business long enough to know that posting my pictures or revealing my identity is not a good idea. For all I know someone here could recognize me, and I don't mean just customers either. Maybe the club owner (if I ever mentioned or reviewed clubs I've worked at) or even worse, fellow dancers. The last thing I need is a drunk girl finding a picture of me or my posts, taking it the wrong way, and stirring shit at work. There's also been high profile cases, Sarah Tressler for example. She ran a blog that I followed for years, but it made national headlines because someone ratted her out. I hope she profited from that.
[QUOTE=ibbaicnl;]People what really is the point of singling any one person out and pointing out they may not be who they say they are. True of all of us, goes without saying. None of us are even who WE think we are, to one degree or another.[/QUOTE]
I'm not really worried about being singled out. I see this kind of stuff happening all the time over at SW, except the reverse in the Customer Conversation section and sometimes I do think some of the SW responses to a customer are unfair. At the end of the day it really just boils down to the same thing and this is the internet. Sometimes people take it way too seriously.
I did really enjoy the feedback though in this thread and I got a good laugh out of some of the comments, especially the shoe fetish one. Hell, I probably have a heel fetish myself because I own so many of them (and two more are on the way from an online order). Shoe fetish guy, check this out. You're going to love this:
Ironically I have been thinking of selling those black heels I posted to a shoe fetish guy, I know a couple of girls that did this and made a couple of hundred. But I've gotten quite attached to them and I'm going to give them a go before I decide to part with them.
The pink pair....+1
Very cool looking shoes. Unfortunately I don't work around any casinos at the moment, but I might check out some places during the summer. I wanted to have a pair of heels for the occasion.
As far as rumours that strippers don't know how to use a computer, that may be true when you ask some. I guess they have to stick to their smart phones. lol
As far as rumours that strippers don't know how to use a computer, that may be true when you ask some. I guess they have to stick to their smart phones. lol</i>
I've worked alongside a lot of girls who would surprise me if I found out they knew how to use a computer (or knew what one was for that matter).
<i>kudos to the stripper keep on doing watcha doing cause we all love</i>
Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately I haven't worked in Texas, but I would love to try out the clubs there someday.