On my first OTC, which was last week. I found myself loving the experience, and maybe the girl as well if I am being honest. But, I quickly flipped those thoughts, Love how she treats me, Love how she looks, Love how she fucks. But I said never Love her. Then I kept saying that to myself everytime she did something that evoked any kind of feeling.
Fraudster: "Was before or after you had wrapped up development of "The System"?"
Kiddo, this was a popular dancer in an NYC club in 2006. No amount of "The System", as you continue to call it, was going to entice this girl into OTC p4p for a few hundred bucks. She was a big game hunter.
@RickyBoy: I'm sure she was, RickyBoy, and not interested in a mere salesboy such as yourself.
Just wanted to know when development of The System actually wrapped up. Before 2006 or afterward? Because The System is so incredibly dated now. Replaced by "just ask"!
"I'm sure she was, RickyBoy, and not interested in a mere salesboy such as yourself."
Indeed. :)
When one enters a SC he needs to check his ego at the door. Chasing the same tail that is being chased by high flying Wall Streeters is a fool's game. "The System' (as you dubbed it) saved me a lot of money by reminding me to conserve my resources for a place where I could be a bigger fish in a smaller pond. ;)
I think the 'falling in love with (yet another) stripper' is what keeps my heart from being broken. As long as little head gets what he wants the heartache from previous counters is kept at bay
Happened to me once when I was younger (though in reality, not THAT much younger), and before I found TUSCL.
I fell for this girl hard, and she didn't even do half the things that most other girls do/did to win the hearts of some of the guys on this board. I was convinced I had a connection, and then I read an article someone posted on TUSCL that might have set me straight. It was a rough shakeup, but a necessary one.
Since then, if I walk into a strip club it's all business. I guess I'm kind of jaded in that sense, but it's for the best I think.
I don't hate the RickyBoy. He's a RICH STUD who generously shared The System he invented for pay hookers for sex with the world. After it took him 10 years to figure out. Without that others here probably would have spent 100 years trying to figure it out. What is not to love?
But seriously, I constantly attack RickDugan, because I am a troll. I crave any kind of attention, and Rick has been kind enough to respond to my trolling. In other words, I don't hate RickDugan. I hate myself.
Close, D0ug. I definitely don't hate Rick. There are some people worse than him on here. At least the guy can is often funny, although, about half the time its him deliberately trying to be so and the other half the time just because he doesn't realize how big an ass-clown he is.
But the rest is true. He is certainly a troll who desperately craves attention and hates himself for his many limitations and deficiencies, which is made all too clear by his hypersensitivities and his need to spin fantasies in order to try to fit in. I've tried to treat him humanely, but much like an animal that has been beaten all its life, all he can do is lash out.
once, but I lost interest in her after a week. to be fair, she was my type in EVERY single way. Spanish, body perfect, pretty face and dark hair. Ever since engrossing myself within the forums of TUSCL, never happened since.
@RickyBoy: Lash out? I just point out true things about you that are all there in black and white for the world to see but which you try to deny.
Let's see, what is there in black and white about the RickyBoy for all to see?
BBFS with strippers despite the fact that you are married and hence putting your wife at risk of STDs and cervical cancer? Check!
Used to advocate that get a stripper to do OTC with you was a very involved process and you needed to spend 10 years of your life developing a system to figure it all out? Check!
Backed off above claims when the board consensus came around to what was always my POV all along that all you needed to do was "just ask"? Check!
You admitted to staying home for months on end on nights when both your favorites were working even though you wanted to go. After all, if you talked to one if might offend the other. Check!
The funniest thing is that when I confront you with all this, how much of a rage you fly off into - "Oh yeah, you've never been in a strip club at all! Every one of your reviews is phony! You're unemployed!" and, my all time favorite, "you're in a wheelchair!" No idea, where you came up with the latter, much less how you can say it and consider yourself "humane", well other than your obvious displacing angry feelings you had about your father or grandfather onto me. Guess he abused you as much as I like to, so you think everything else is the same about us.
Bullshit kiddo. I've addressed all of that largely fabricated nonsense a dozen times over, even as I knew that it was bogus and that you were posting it for effect. As far as my speculation about you, what else is anyone to think about a guy who rides the boards day and night posting absolutely nothing but nonsense? Over 3000 posts in a year just under this screen name and not a single one with anything remotely useful from a club standpoint.
I want to believe you - I want to treat you as something other than a shut-in with nothing to add but BS, but in 4500+ posts you've done nothing but make shit up. *shrugs shoulders*
RickyBoyDugan: "Bullshit kiddo. I've addressed all of that largely fabricated nonsense a dozen times over"
Maybe, but only, if by "address" you mean to make up whatever non-sense you think you can get away with in any given moment based on how you gauge the audiences and its current mood. One little thing that doesn't come into play, in anything you say, however, is the truth, and this is quickly demonstrated by how easily you contradict yourself on here.
Here's something you better look out for RickyBoy:
I finished downloading all your posts on her finally, and am about to prepare an archive on you. For starters and for fun, I perused what came up under the topic of BBFS, and here your shiftiness is quite blatant and amusing.
In the early days you would make jokes about how you got tried of constantly hearing girls tell you not to cum inside of them, so you just did it anyway and gave them a phony name in case you got them pergant. Then you admitted in another post that you were "generally" up for BBFS. In general it was a joke to you and something you liked to thump your chest about. Now all this occurred when there when there was nobody here to police you on the matter.
Once I came on the scene, however, and started policing you your entire attitude seemingly switched overnight.
Now it was something you had done only a few times when you "slipped up". In another post you further admitted that you lectured someone else that strippers doing BBFS mostly likely had STDs. What a radical switch, but completely consistent with your MO of never telling the truth, but just what you think you can get away with in any particular moment.
Anyway, hope to have that archive complete in a week or two, then I may just resort to respond to whatever current non-sense you spew, by direct quotes showing how it contradicts things you said in the past. That is going to barrel of laughs!
RickyBoyDugan: "As far as my speculation about you, what else is anyone to think about a guy who rides the boards day and night posting absolutely nothing but nonsense? Over 3000 posts in a year "
Good logic Rick. Yep the only explanation is the person must be unemployed and in a wheelchair. No other explanation is possible!
Oh wait, just thought of one little problem. juicebox posted even more than me in the last year. So I guess that means the only possible explanation is that he is unemployed and in a wheelchair right? Hmmmm... I'm sure when I pose that to you, you will miraculously suddenly be able to think of another explanation.
Now could you really not be able to think of another explanation in the first place? Are your logic facilitates really that damaged or is it just you, once again, following your usual MO of telling the biggest lie you think you can get away with in moment.
No skin off my teeth though. What you don't know, actually what you keep forgetting is that I've got the textbook on you.
In past posts you have alluded to your troubled early life, and it's pretty clear whenever you chose to displace your feelings about the semi-mystical handicapped, unemployed person you are just covertly telling me about the person in your life who made you what you are today. Yep, I like abuse you, and so did he. Since we have that in common, it you think that by lashing out at me (what psychologists call displacement) you are getting even with that person from your early life.
So keep on about him. I actually find it quite interesting in the case study I'm doing about you. I'm almost to the point of having some sympathy for you if this person was truly as terrible as you say. (Only problem is that since lying and splitting is your primary mode of thinking and acting I'm sure some of the thing you r tell me about him are little, uh, "strechted.)
You looking forward to when I've finished the archive on you, RickyBoy? :-)
LOL. You keep compiling there kiddo, as you've been claiming that you are doing for months now. If you actually did go through that exercise, you'd see that I am as consistent as the sunrise. Why? Because I post about what I actually do and experience. It is a beautiful thing when one can simply tell the truth. I spend a ridiculous amount of nights in a lot of clubs each year and I share the best of the good, bad and the ugly.
You, on the other hand, are relegated to ankle biting. Since you don't have your own experiences to share, yey you seek attention on this board for some reason known only to you, you are forced to dodge any hard questions while instead making up nonsense. Sad dude, just sad.
Whomever is the long standing member who is responsible for your character ought to be ashamed of himself.
Well I posted some examples above about how shifty you have been on the subject of BBFS. Are you claiming, for the record, that I am wrong about how shifty you have been on that subject?
Btw, it was about one month ago when I came up with the idea of compiling an archive on you to deal with your shiftiness here. By saying "months" just another example of you telling the biggest lie you think you can get away with in the moment. But feel free to show me a post of mine on the matter from "months" ago, if you feel I am wrong here. I will not hold my breath ! :-)
Actually closer to 2 months ago Dougie (March 1). :) Fortunately the word "archive" is unique enough on this site for an easy search because I had no intention of wading through the hundreds of posts you've created since then.
I know your anxious, Rick. But it's a very week here - you are going to have to sit tight another week or two. Don't worry though, i promise it will be worth the wait!
In the meantime, you never did answer my question as to whether you want to confess to being as shifty on the subject of BBFS as I pointed out above. I guarantee you the the posts are there and that is just one of the four subjects I've looked at!
last commenthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v…
To this day I have never met another one like her and probably never will.
Was before or after you had wrapped up development of "The System"?
Kiddo, this was a popular dancer in an NYC club in 2006. No amount of "The System", as you continue to call it, was going to entice this girl into OTC p4p for a few hundred bucks. She was a big game hunter.
Just wanted to know when development of The System actually wrapped up. Before 2006 or afterward? Because The System is so incredibly dated now. Replaced by "just ask"!
Indeed. :)
When one enters a SC he needs to check his ego at the door. Chasing the same tail that is being chased by high flying Wall Streeters is a fool's game. "The System' (as you dubbed it) saved me a lot of money by reminding me to conserve my resources for a place where I could be a bigger fish in a smaller pond. ;)
Like a dive club in butt-fuck Kansas where you could be the only one wearing a suit? Ok, got it! The System is really something.
RickyBoy: "When one enters a SC he needs to check his ego at the door."
And you probably hold up the whole line behind you for like 10 or 15 minutes since your ego is 10 times the size of anyone else's! :-)
(remember the mantra: findem fuckem forgetem )
Dancers don’t love their custies – they just love their $$$
I fell for this girl hard, and she didn't even do half the things that most other girls do/did to win the hearts of some of the guys on this board. I was convinced I had a connection, and then I read an article someone posted on TUSCL that might have set me straight. It was a rough shakeup, but a necessary one.
Since then, if I walk into a strip club it's all business. I guess I'm kind of jaded in that sense, but it's for the best I think.
www.youtube.com/watch ...â€
Tried to listen to the video but could not understand a word– watched the lyrics version and barely understood anything either LOL.
But there *was* one good line in there that one could use in a SC:
“… Got a brinks truck in my pocket …â€
Do you mean in LUST for a stripper?
*Sigh* Oh well, no good deed... ;)
Let's see, what is there in black and white about the RickyBoy for all to see?
BBFS with strippers despite the fact that you are married and hence putting your wife at risk of STDs and cervical cancer? Check!
Used to advocate that get a stripper to do OTC with you was a very involved process and you needed to spend 10 years of your life developing a system to figure it all out? Check!
Backed off above claims when the board consensus came around to what was always my POV all along that all you needed to do was "just ask"? Check!
You admitted to staying home for months on end on nights when both your favorites were working even though you wanted to go. After all, if you talked to one if might offend the other. Check!
The funniest thing is that when I confront you with all this, how much of a rage you fly off into - "Oh yeah, you've never been in a strip club at all! Every one of your reviews is phony! You're unemployed!" and, my all time favorite, "you're in a wheelchair!" No idea, where you came up with the latter, much less how you can say it and consider yourself "humane", well other than your obvious displacing angry feelings you had about your father or grandfather onto me. Guess he abused you as much as I like to, so you think everything else is the same about us.
I want to believe you - I want to treat you as something other than a shut-in with nothing to add but BS, but in 4500+ posts you've done nothing but make shit up. *shrugs shoulders*
Maybe, but only, if by "address" you mean to make up whatever non-sense you think you can get away with in any given moment based on how you gauge the audiences and its current mood. One little thing that doesn't come into play, in anything you say, however, is the truth, and this is quickly demonstrated by how easily you contradict yourself on here.
Here's something you better look out for RickyBoy:
I finished downloading all your posts on her finally, and am about to prepare an archive on you. For starters and for fun, I perused what came up under the topic of BBFS, and here your shiftiness is quite blatant and amusing.
In the early days you would make jokes about how you got tried of constantly hearing girls tell you not to cum inside of them, so you just did it anyway and gave them a phony name in case you got them pergant. Then you admitted in another post that you were "generally" up for BBFS. In general it was a joke to you and something you liked to thump your chest about. Now all this occurred when there when there was nobody here to police you on the matter.
Once I came on the scene, however, and started policing you your entire attitude seemingly switched overnight.
Now it was something you had done only a few times when you "slipped up". In another post you further admitted that you lectured someone else that strippers doing BBFS mostly likely had STDs. What a radical switch, but completely consistent with your MO of never telling the truth, but just what you think you can get away with in any particular moment.
Anyway, hope to have that archive complete in a week or two, then I may just resort to respond to whatever current non-sense you spew, by direct quotes showing how it contradicts things you said in the past. That is going to barrel of laughs!
RickyBoyDugan: "As far as my speculation about you, what else is anyone to think about a guy who rides the boards day and night posting absolutely nothing but nonsense? Over 3000 posts in a year "
Good logic Rick. Yep the only explanation is the person must be unemployed and in a wheelchair. No other explanation is possible!
Oh wait, just thought of one little problem. juicebox posted even more than me in the last year. So I guess that means the only possible explanation is that he is unemployed and in a wheelchair right? Hmmmm... I'm sure when I pose that to you, you will miraculously suddenly be able to think of another explanation.
Now could you really not be able to think of another explanation in the first place? Are your logic facilitates really that damaged or is it just you, once again, following your usual MO of telling the biggest lie you think you can get away with in moment.
No skin off my teeth though. What you don't know, actually what you keep forgetting is that I've got the textbook on you.
In past posts you have alluded to your troubled early life, and it's pretty clear whenever you chose to displace your feelings about the semi-mystical handicapped, unemployed person you are just covertly telling me about the person in your life who made you what you are today. Yep, I like abuse you, and so did he. Since we have that in common, it you think that by lashing out at me (what psychologists call displacement) you are getting even with that person from your early life.
So keep on about him. I actually find it quite interesting in the case study I'm doing about you. I'm almost to the point of having some sympathy for you if this person was truly as terrible as you say. (Only problem is that since lying and splitting is your primary mode of thinking and acting I'm sure some of the thing you r tell me about him are little, uh, "strechted.)
You looking forward to when I've finished the archive on you, RickyBoy? :-)
You, on the other hand, are relegated to ankle biting. Since you don't have your own experiences to share, yey you seek attention on this board for some reason known only to you, you are forced to dodge any hard questions while instead making up nonsense. Sad dude, just sad.
Whomever is the long standing member who is responsible for your character ought to be ashamed of himself.
Down goes Dougster...Dugan wins again by KO for that line alone...that is one of the funniest, most inspired, clever, apropos, poignant lines ever...
And when you posted it you said it would take a week to build. Still waiting...
In the meantime, you never did answer my question as to whether you want to confess to being as shifty on the subject of BBFS as I pointed out above. I guarantee you the the posts are there and that is just one of the four subjects I've looked at!