I got a PM the other day from A TUSCL member/dancer. The valediction read " Love XOXOXO". This got me to thinking about the usage of the word in strip clubs and in relationships with strippers.
In this case, I know that she ment the friendship kind of love and not the romantic type. With my ATF and there can only be one ATF, we both frequently told each other we loved each other. I'm pretty sure that it was not the family type of love but maybe stopped just short of the romantic type.
So counting my original ATF there have been 3 strippers that have used the "L" word on me. I belive that they ment it. Have you ever encountered a stripper that used the word on you and you thought that it was just an attempt to separate you from your money? Have you ever used the word in an attempt to further your mileage?
My ATF says she loves me. I believe she likes me very much. I don't think she says it just to get more money out of me, but she is a stripper. What she means by "love" may not be what most people mean.
My ATF tells her boyfriend she loves him. I have heard her on the phone with him, saying, "I love you, sweetheart," while she and I are at my house for OTC. Does he know I've just fucked her or am about to fuck her?
A relationship with a hot, young stripper may include passionate love and even caring for each other. But you can't expect sexual or emotional fidelity.
I know who you're talking about and I also know you have a very different from "normal" relationship with her. Now, in answer to your question, my ATF and I have also exchanged "loves" with each other. I think it was closer to family than romantic love. Why, you might ask, because of the vast age difference, I believe I am more a father to her. Just my thoughts.
I've had a few dancers use that word. I initially didn't think dancers took it too seriously. One dancer who I said goodbye to who had been using that word broke down in tears and told me without smiling she was in love with me. I wasn't. Then I moved. Usually I don't think dancers are serious when they use the L word but most do not use it. The same dancer who started using the l word early on, I believe was just saying it trying to separate me from my money. She had a boyfriend she never told any guys in the club about until she got pregnant, then he left. She said she thought he was going to stay with her. Unfortunately for her, I probably didn't help with her perception that her friends kept leaving.
So about 99.99 percent of the time, L word is not serious.
Between my ATF (but no longer even a current fave) and I, we had each other's addresses and would mail each other birthday, Christmas, and some other greeting cards. She usually signed hers, "Love . . ." But I would say it meant what Jackslash mentioned in his first paragraph, above. I didn't take it to mean anything special.
All 3 of my favs have used it. I never have. After having kids and knowing how powerful "love" is, i don't know that I'll ever feel that intensely about a companion to be honest.
One time early in our "relationship" my ATF and I were in a hotel, I was flat on my back as she knelt between my legs performing the most wonderful act of fellatio and between my moans of pleasure I said, " I love you." She immediately stopped looked me in the eye, and said, " you don't love me, you love what I do with you." She's not all wrong.
Above, pablo asked,"What is Love?". It can mean various things, or at least a degree of the same thing. Some meanings, an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person. An abiding liking for something. A caring attraction towards someone. The object of one’s romantic feelings. A friendly address, regardless of feelings. A sexual desire; sexual activity, and a closing in a letter or some other medium.
Anyway, when we are talking about person to person love (dancer and customer), we will all agree it does not mean the same as one would love their family. I would go with the third above.
I've had a few stripper gf's of which two were already involved. One said I loved you as friend or phyiscal attraction. The other said it because she REALLY loved Me point blank. I recently gave a gift to a stripper for VD and she said I love you in a happy stripper sort of way. Out of respect for beiong thought of on VD. All the other stripper gf's I had loved Me unconditionally.
I've heard "love" from a fair number of strippers. All the way from the girl I just met 5 minutes ago who apparently thinks I'm going to drop all my money in her lap just for saying it, to my current SB, who seems to mean it in a "good friend" sort of way, i.e. the same way she uses it to her best friend, *not* what she means when she says it to her kid or boyfriend.
For a sufficiently vague "I'm not going to leave my wife for you" kind of way, I guess I probably do feel something akin to "love" for her. I don't recall ever using the word "love" to her, though.
i am the eternal optimist and like to think maybe a dancer and a customer could fall in love after meeting in a club and live happily ever after
the realist in me thinks its just SS 99% of the time... they may say it "in this way or that way" but bottom line is their true love is with the dollar
I do not use the L word with them nor they on me. I did have one I was doing early on who used the L word but it would be followed by high pressure sales tactics like "I need 1000 by wednesday of next week or me and the kids will be evicted."
When they use the L word with you it is for manipulation. Fall in love with a stripper, then kiss your money and retirement dreams goodbye....
The L Word. Great dyke drama that ran on Showtime a few years back. Had some pretty steamy love scenes as I recall. Good stuff. Dancers use that L word all the time to try and get into my wallet. And they usually do.
I have heard it too often. My former ATF swore she truly loved me. It ended poorly told her she was just a cheap crack whore. Told her to go back to her bf.... well two weeks later the L word pops back into her daily text messages. She says she really meant it and was sorry she went back to her bf. I have to say though she is one of the hottest looking women in NYC. Its going to take all my strength to NOT take this girl back. She uses the L word very well... most guys think I'm nuts for giving her up. To top it off...she now wants to pay for all the dinners she wants us to have. Help me guys!!!
I usually text with my CF before and after my club visits to see her. And each group of texts includes at least one "love" or "boo". While I know it's not genuine, I appreciate that she's trying to stroke my ego.
last commentMy ATF tells her boyfriend she loves him. I have heard her on the phone with him, saying, "I love you, sweetheart," while she and I are at my house for OTC. Does he know I've just fucked her or am about to fuck her?
A relationship with a hot, young stripper may include passionate love and even caring for each other. But you can't expect sexual or emotional fidelity.
I know who you're talking about and I also know you have a very different from "normal" relationship with her. Now, in answer to your question, my ATF and I have also exchanged "loves" with each other. I think it was closer to family than romantic love. Why, you might ask, because of the vast age difference, I believe I am more a father to her. Just my thoughts.
So about 99.99 percent of the time, L word is not serious.
Anyway, when we are talking about person to person love (dancer and customer), we will all agree it does not mean the same as one would love their family. I would go with the third above.
For a sufficiently vague "I'm not going to leave my wife for you" kind of way, I guess I probably do feel something akin to "love" for her. I don't recall ever using the word "love" to her, though.
the realist in me thinks its just SS 99% of the time... they may say it "in this way or that way" but bottom line is their true love is with the dollar
I do not use the L word with them nor they on me. I did have one I was doing early on who used the L word but it would be followed by high pressure sales tactics like "I need 1000 by wednesday of next week or me and the kids will be evicted."
When they use the L word with you it is for manipulation. Fall in love with a stripper, then kiss your money and retirement dreams goodbye....
Is "luv" different than "love"
My ATF always texts me but uses luv
I think it's code to ask for $500