avatar for sonic_r6


joined Nov 2012last seen Jul 2016

Comments made by sonic_r6

11 years ago
IronFox22: I was doing research for a road trip to Columbus Ohio; West Virginia is on the way, and my research showed that Fantasies in New Cumberland West Virginia is a high mileage club.

I will be there in 4 weeks; so PM me or if I remember I will report back. Also, Columbus Ohio, is a hot bed of affordable ($150) TER reviewed escorts. It is kinda far at 3 hours, but a weekend road trip for fun would make sense.

In short, where there is a will there is indeed a way. Have fun. Always.
11 years ago
Columbus Ohio has a high concentration of well reviewed TER escort girls in the $150 range.

Point being, you don't have to travel across the world for affordable pussy. And this approach, you have a better idea of what to expect.

Strip clubs in Columbus Ohio are secondary to the potential fun.

To fly to Germany is $1,000 right now with 2 months ahead booking. Having done travel hobby vacations before, in general they are not at fun as people make them out to be.
11 years ago
Wised up for sure, in my opinion. This is coming from someone that goes to strip clubs and sees reviewed providers from TER.

The only hobby trip that I took outside of the country was to Cuba about 4 years ago. I was in the Cayman Islands and Cuba was only 45 minutes away. Long story short, the girls were hot, but it got frustrating not being able to bang due to logistical problems; language barrier, transportation etc. Probably with better planning it would of been much better experience. It was somewhat of a surprise that there were blonde hair blue eyed hotties there.

Without a trusted guide, you don't know what to expect; and even then.
So on TER I did searches and found that Columbus Ohio apparently has a lot of 8/8 type of girls who are in the $150 range. One girl with 8 reviews only does BBBJTC, but man her pics are hot; body and face. And reviews pretty much confirm it. Apparently the strip clubs are nice there too.

So for the amount of money I would spend on a hobby trip outside of the U.S. I can fuck for 4 days and up to 8 girls for about $2,000, and that includes air, car and hotel. There is less mystery since the girls are reviewed and you kind of know what to expect. And there is entertainment via good strip clubs in between.
There is less travel time too. Don't get me wrong, if I wanted to do touristy stuff or was going to be in Europe anyway, for sure I would hit up the FKK in Germany.
11 years ago
@steve; Thanks for sharing. What is the name of the club down the street that you like, if you mind me asking?

I probably will check out Paper Moon just to check it out, despite the high cost everyone keeps talking about.

This year I will be giving the SD/SB thing a try and will write an article about it; although I can pretty much predict what will happen. A few months of frustration finding one and when I do find one the sex will get old after a while, and I will find my way back on TER looking for variety.
11 years ago
In the Baltimore metropolitan area there is not much in the way of 9's or 10's. Mostly 7's and 8's in the top tier clubs such as Scores.

I agree that years ago, there were more 9's to be found. Or I could just be not as impressed as I once was, as stated above as a possible reason.

One thing for sure, the best strip club I ever been to was Spearmint Rhino in Vegas. Simply marvelous.