Comments by membernumber1
discussion comment
9 years ago
New York
I've had this happen before and this is my experience and what i'd predict will happen with you:
It is a civilian date. Just go, have fun, pay her way as you would on a date. Have a location in mind for after date fun. (I wouldnt have a hotel already booked unless you are traveling already, just have it in your mind)
Afterwards, she will humbly and awkwardly ask for just a little bit of cash because she's having a hard time. It might be $50. It might be $500. Who can say with these women, but unfortunately, they all see us as little more than ATMs. My response is always, "um...gosh..I really like you and I understand your dilemma but I dont really do the whole buying a date thing" If I dont give a shit about repeating, I leave it at that and send her on her way. If it's worth the $ she needs and I want to repeat, then I cough it up.
i've got a regular that kind of started that way. Now I see her every couple weeks for a flat 100. Sometimes we go out to eat or hang out, sometimes we just go to the hotel. We always have sex. She always gets 100.
My ATF is the other end. We hang out a lot. Sometimes we have sex, more often we don't. (BOO!) Sometimes she asks for cash, more often she doesn't (YAY!) It's basically, she doesn't see herself as an escort but just genuinely cant seem to be capable of funding her own life without help. Its confusing and stressful, but the sex is more than worth it!! haha!
discussion comment
9 years ago
Theyre fishing for regulars. Which does not mean that they will or will not go OTC, but to be honest the best money a girl can make is if she can land a half dozen or so guys each day that come into the club just to see her. If she can pull $50-100 out of each, she's making 300-600 for an afternoon with little work and almost no risk.
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9 years ago
I didnt read all the comments, but basically that question depends on so much. What is your current arrangement, what do you usually pay her, do you ever have non paid dates, do you ever have paid non sex dates, etc.
I've had a couple overnights but I've never paid extra. Basically they've just crashed at my place after a long evening. But, its never been with a girl that was completely 100% established as Pay-to-Play. It was always with a stripper i was "dating" but "helping out" occasionally.
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10 years ago
I met a girl at the Speedway down the street after closing recently. While I was waiting, it came to my attention that 90% of the girls all stopped there on their way out for cigarettes and munchies. I even had a couple proposals as I sat there. It made me wonder how much success I'd have if I just made my way there at the end of the night without plans in place.
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10 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
We never met in person, but PM'd a lot. He was a really nice guy who genuinely cared about everyone he chose to connect with. He will be missed by many!
discussion comment
11 years ago
I went into a club along the freeway in the mountains of PA. Nasty ass girl up front explained things to me, said that the back room is a mutual masturbation room with glass between us. The frankness of the offer surprised even me. I passed.
discussion comment
11 years ago
I think the consensus is right...most patrons aren't looking for extras nor aware how to get them. I clubbed irregularly for 20 years before landing my first OTC. Even then, I was under the false assumption that only a select few girls did OTC. Now I know that they all will, for the right price and the right circumstances.
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11 years ago
This happens to me quite often....but it's usually people absolutely amazed at my car and they ask me how I manage to keep it together in one piece with all the rust...
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11 years ago
What I do a lot is go to my regular club and flat out say, I'm not getting dances tonight...and try my damnedest to stick to it. I learn REALLY fast which of the girls do still hang around and who is gone as fast as a cockroach when the lights come on.
I also don't really enjoy dances anymore. To me, dances only serve 2 purposes now. 1. As an audition for potential OTC opportunities. 2. As a teaser to girls I've had OTC with in the past to remind them that I'm still around and they still have a way into my wallet....but I stay in control of that wallet! :)
discussion comment
11 years ago
Cat! I like that! Perfect!
Goer, I feel your pain. One of my favorites had an ex that wouldn't go away. They were addicted to heroin together and leech off of each other to this day. I figured out fast that he was sending out most of the booty call texts from her phone and it changed the way I look at a lot of things now!
discussion comment
11 years ago
Scenarios like this are exactly why I won't club near my house. I don't need the drama of friends, family, coworkers, clients, etc seeing me.
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11 years ago
discussion comment
11 years ago
I have a feeling #12 is directed at least partially at me. I used to pay $200-300 for otc and have been working much lower prices lately. In many situations, I try to work dates for free. Even if I do offer $, I try to keep it around $100 and usually succeed. experiences have been very unsatisfying lately. I've had a couple situations I've declined because the price was too high, maybe I need to rethink it. should've contacted a couple of the Dayton regulars when you were in town. The only time I don't get OTC when I try is if I overthink things and/or reject sure things when I'm hoping for a more interesting challenge.
discussion comment
11 years ago
I oo have had a very large range over the years. I've paid as little as a can of pop and as much as $425. I've gotten a wham-bam quick pop and I've gotten all nighters. It just depends on how well you know the girl, but more importantly, how desperate they are at that particular moment.
I found in my area, if you start $250-300, you're pretty much guaranteed to get any girl of your choosing from my favorite clubs. The last year or so though, I've balked at that and been keeping around the $100 price, pushing to $150 if needed. I got a solid 8 to agree to $120 this week (Then I had to back out, long story). I have found that the quality and duration of the experiences have dropped significantly lately as well. Is this a direct correlation to my drop in price? Or is it a result of the particular girls I'm picking?
It's not an exact science. I have avoided the high quotes because I don't want to get "locked in" like others have put it. I do have one girl that's decent, but we started at $150 and I cant get her to budge from that. I've had girls for $300 that were shit in bed. My 2nd best sex ever was a five hour romp with an 8 from Florida who just wanted $50 for spending money (she was flying home in the morning). All of my favorites have become unavailable recently due to moving or bfs so I'm hunting hard for new blood.
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11 years ago
I -almost- never do ITC. It's just not my thing. Twice Ive had FS ITC. Both times it was $200. I've never spent more than $100 on a girl in a club other than that, and I can only think of twice that that's happened as well.
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11 years ago
She plays tennis? Who knew?!
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11 years ago
I have also done both. I prefer the intimacy of strippers as well for the reasons noted. I've had flakes and rushers in both areas though. My latest run of strippers have actually been extremely disappointing in performance.
The way I look at it, keep both doors open. When you find a favorite, hold on to her. I'm finding there is more overlap between the two worlds than we think.
discussion comment
11 years ago
Theres obviously more details beyond the little blurb I wrote...I really have NO drama with #1, except for her isolated meltdown. She's a smart kid, well aware that she's a 10 and can write her own ticket whenever she walks in a club. While other girls struggle to make $100 offering discounts and extras, she just shakes her thing and pulls in 500+. Ive seen it and helped her hold/count her cash. The scheduling issues have been more mine than hers as I simply cant drive 3 hours away on a whim. (Of course, she hasn't driven to me either) I enjoy just texting her and see no reason to give up on it. It cost me nothing and brings me zero stress. Maybe one day I'll get some action, maybe not.
I guess where I'm stumped boils down to this: Lets say I do PtP with #2. It's a small world, especially with Facebook, I'm sure they both know I know the other by now. I really wonder how much these girls tell each other. #1 can probably figure that Ive gone out w #2. #2 actually invited me to go drinking with her last week and I declined bc of the distance and it turns out #1 was there with her. When the girls are fucking a guy, do they share with each other whether its dating or PtP?
discussion comment
11 years ago
I wouldn't consider it a big deal. Once upon a time, when the flats were hot, every bar/restaurant on the river threw up a little dock and a ladder for "boat parking". Christie's has been there since that time and obviously has no reason to tear it down.
discussion comment
12 years ago
I was told this week that I "was loyal". That was an interesting one.
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12 years ago
Pshaw! I LOVE women! No hidden agendas here.
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12 years ago
Anything that doesn't degenerate into personal attacks...
Anything started by Juicy...
Any topic I start...
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Calling Katie's Place a strip club is the biggest crime I see happening here....