
What I Learned In A Year Of Serious Clubbing

Came to this forum about a year ago brand spanking new and wet behind the ears about anything having to do with strip clubs. Many of the opinions I held before have drastically changed during the year. I went from not having the faintest idea about OTC to having over a dozen OTC relationships. It's been an interesting year and I thought I'd take a minute or two to share a few lessons learned with the group.

1) Lots of people have been helpful. A few have been Jackasses. Don't waste time with the jackasses. Just block them right from the start.

2) I started by thinking like Rick D but have come to understand that approach is fundamentally flawed. Now, I believe that it doesn't hurt to treat the ladies with a little respect, flatter them a bit, play into their insecurities and dress a bit better than the average slump in the clubs. But when it comess right down to it, cash is king in strip clubs.

3) I started off tipping all dancers on stage. That is a habit I broke very quickly. Now I tip stage dances only when I'm interested in meeting the dancer. I usually carry some $2 bills expressly for this purpose. Unusual enough to make you stand out in some clubs.

4) Any dancer that I invite to sit down at my table I buy at least one drink. This does not apply to girls who take the liberty to sit down at my table uninvited.

5) I used to waste time, effort and dollars by asking the girls to dinner first, thinking after they got to know me better in a comfortable public setting, OTC would be easier. Waste of time. Best way to find out about OTC is to ask directly right in the club. Plenty of time for dinners during the "halftime break" during an OTC session.

6) I will always take a girl back for a private dance test drive before any mention of OTC. A girl has to show me she can turn me on in the dance room before I will give her a chance to turn me on with OTC. I know what I like to do in the dance room and what I like the girl to do to me in the dance room. Within three dances I can figure out if the girl is a keeper or not. I'd guess that out of every four dancers, I'll find one keeper.

7) I'll ask directly for their phone number. Most will give it to you. However having their number is no guarantee they will reply to your text. I never call the girl - always text message. Never blow up a girls phone with repeated texts. Send a message with a request. If no answer don't force the issue. Three no-replies delete the number and forget about the girl. Sometimes girls will offer to "friend" you on Facebook. Same rules apply.

8) Some girls will agree to OTC and ask for some or all of the money up front. This is a sucker play. Don't do it. Once you give a stripper money, it becomes "her money" without any further obligation. That includes money she will tell you is "a loan".

9) There have been some guys on this forum who have really been helpful. I'm sure I'll miss some but from the top of my head I'd like to thank Alucard, jestrite50, samsung1, clubber, farmerart, papi_chulo, MrPink and shadowcat.

10) One rule that hasn't changed is I NEVER bring a girl to my house. NEVER!

11) OTC timing is one lesson learned. If a girl says "maybe" to OTC you might decise to keep her around and see if "maybe" will turn into a yes. My experience is this hardly ever happens. 95% of the time, I consider a "maybve" a no and move on. Two "maybes" and 100% move on.

12) Cost of OTC. Know the market price and be willing to pay it. Some people pride themselves in getting below market OTC but them complain then the girl isn't enthusiastic during sex. Can't have it both ways.

Going to be out celebrating my 1 year anniversary tomorrow night. Maybe I'll see some of you at one of the finer north end Dayton clubs. Thanks to everybody. It's been a great ride!


  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    "I went from not having the faintest idea about OTC to having over a dozen OTC relationships."

    Wow......you have become quite the pro, huh Tenis?

    Really, it is a great article Tenis. I am jealous.
  • tenisbum1776
    11 years ago
    Couple of late additions:

    13) If a stripper tells you she is only doing something with you, better believe she's doing it with every single customer she has.

    14) For the most part stripper are all flawed mentally. They all have something in their backgound that has fucked up their mind and outlook on life. Usually it is a disfunctional family, douchbag boyfriend or drugs. It is the EXTREMELY rare girl that is in it short term for the money (usually to pay for college). You cannot expect to deal with them in the same rational manner you'd deal with most other women you might meet.
  • jestrite50
    11 years ago
    Thanks Tennis !
    Great Observations ! Thanks for your contributions to this forum. Some night when I'm in Dayton we will have to have a meeting of the minds !
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    What the tl;dr version of tenishomo's post?
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    Great post. Spot on.

    Adding to number 3 - I used to tip too much at the rail until I noticed that the broke ass thug tipping a buck was getting the same amount attention I was after tipping a five. Took awhile but the light finally went on.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    3) I tip the dancers that I want to notice me.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    The proper P4P etiquette is that the money is on top of some piece of bedroom furniture at the start, and is collected at the end. Yes, some girls will pick up the money right away, just as some custies will stiff the girl if she waits till the end for payment. The "wish I hadn't" rate for P4P is at least 50%, so if you don't have money to burn, you have to become a repeat customer.
  • VeryBigDawg
    11 years ago
    Nice article!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "A few have been Jackasses"

    MORE than a FEW!!!
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Agee there is one of them^^^
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ tenisbum1776 & I are TUSCL friends. He was referring to Assholes like you Moron.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "3) I started off tipping all dancers on stage. That is a habit I broke very quickly. Now I tip stage dances only when I'm interested in meeting the dancer. I usually carry some $2 bills expressly for this purpose. Unusual enough to make you stand out in some clubs."

    An interesting idea, I may try it. Regarding #4 - I will buy a dancer a drink if I'm interested in getting VIP interaction.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    alutard: "tenisbum1776 & I are TUSCL friends. "

    Either homosexual lovers or two aliases used by the same retard.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    Good comments! I have some minor disagreements here and there, but overall solid thoughts. The main place I disagree is:

    12) Cost of OTC. Know the market price and be willing to pay it. Some people pride themselves in getting below market OTC but them complain then the girl isn't enthusiastic during sex. Can't have it both ways.

    I generally negotiate to much-less-than-market, and IMO have a better time than guys paying more (I have 3 guys who do OTC who I exchange notes with, to compare). In a way, I think the opposite of you -- if she demands market, it's 100% a business arrangement; if she'll take my offer, presumably she at least finds me a little fun or values me higher as a customer overall for some reason. Since I'm not particularly handsome or charming, I think it's a combination of the way I SC (I'll see her as often as once a week, and usually during the absolutely slowest part of the shift), and the fact that I'm pretty fucking fun. Anyway, that's what's been working for me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Nice – should’ve submitted it as an article but it’s all the same I guess.

    Only part I slightly disagree w/ is the $2 bills thing – I rather tip her 2 singles (or more) instead. I’m kinda being anal or picky; but I don’t like $2 bills – it’s not a common denomination and can be easily confused w/ singles – also; the dancer may not notice you are being extra generous by giving her $2 bills and may assume you were giving/tipping her w/ singles.

    Thanks for the thread.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I typically only tip a dancer I want to sit with me single $1 bill. A bigger bill is used if I think more persuasion is needed.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    I mentioned here before when the $2 bill was mentioned. As you stated, not common, and therefore most cash registers, cash tills, whatever are not constructed to handle them.

    I knew an old timer some years ago that would always carry $2 bills, along with $1 coins, $.50 coins, and anything else odd he could acquire. Just loved to see the reaction of others, I guess.
  • HungryGiraffe
    11 years ago
    tenisbum1776, nice post. Agree with others that it would be a great article.

    Started clubbing seriously around the same time you did last year. Have had just three OTCs with two dancers. Cost was meals and gifts. More outings with other dancers could have been arranged. Plenty of opportunities to just bust a nut. OTC isn't as difficult as some make it seem. I like taking the route of building a bit of a friendship with dancers who are truly beautiful inside and outside. More aligned with the GFE I enjoy.

    I generally agree with your follow-up point #14. But, the reality is that many of us hobbyists are flawed as well due to stuff in our past. Many of us think we're better that most strippers, looking down on them the way society views sex workers of any type. Reality is that many sex workers are great providers for their families, and are intelligently pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. No different than lots of lower tier socio-economic level workers. My ATF told me once, "You try hard to be perfect. I'm not trying to be perfect! I'm enjoying life." After a year of clubbing, I'm less judgmental of strippers.
  • micjunior
    11 years ago
    What is OTC?
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    OTC = Outside The Club

    Typically meeting the Sex Worker somewhere away from the club and having sex or some other personal interaction.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    OTC = Outside the Club

    There is a glossary at the bottom of the page.
  • membernumber1
    11 years ago
    I have a feeling #12 is directed at least partially at me. I used to pay $200-300 for otc and have been working much lower prices lately. In many situations, I try to work dates for free. Even if I do offer $, I try to keep it around $100 and usually succeed. But...my experiences have been very unsatisfying lately. I've had a couple situations I've declined because the price was too high, maybe I need to rethink it.

    VH....you should've contacted a couple of the Dayton regulars when you were in town. The only time I don't get OTC when I try is if I overthink things and/or reject sure things when I'm hoping for a more interesting challenge.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "I've had a couple situations I've declined because the price was too high, maybe I need to rethink it."

    Well Sir only you know the relative worth of the possible experience versus what other uses the $$$ can be put towards. It is a balancing act we all have to engage in, unless you're like Art & have more $$$$$$$$$$$ that you know what to do with!!
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    I should also clarify regarding cost ... When I say I negotiate for $200-$300, I mean as a flat fee, not per hour. I don't negotiate per hour, I preface everything by trying to develop a solid stripper/customer relationship that she seems to be enjoying, then just describe the entire scene "lunch, drinks, strip club, then BJ". Obviously, it's up to her how long she wants to hang out outside the sex part, but if I've done my relationship-building right, the whole thing usually takes the whole afternoon or evening ... I couldn't possibly afford this if I negotiated per-hour rates. The way I try to get the girls to think of it is, the $200-$300 is for the sex, and I'll wine and dine and stripclub her for free for as long as she'd like, which she'll by if she likes hanging out at some level. The "downside" is that I only OTC with girls who I can essentially convince to look at things that way; the upside is, the sex is waaaaay better IMO.

    My jackpot girl was from a couple of years ago. I was definitely her ATF customer, so I knew it was time to go OTC. I picked her up at the end of day shift, we ate and drank then went back to a hotel room for the sex. Well afterwards, it turned out she had a 1.5-hour commute home (and she was still buzzed, and she already had a DUI on her record), and then another 1.5 hour commute back first thing in the morning for tomorrow's day shift (which she HATED), so she asked if she could just crash in the room with me. That became our once-a-month tradition: pick her up after work, eat, drink, sex, cuddle all night, breakfast, and then for her back to work. Total cost: the $200 I had originally negotiated for the sex. She looked at the hotel room as a bonus for her, plus it saved her her late fees the next morning, and she pleased her fave customer, so win-win.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    Er, sorry, total cost: $200 for her, plus hotel room & drinks/food. way more than $200 total, but nothing compared to if I had negotiated this as an overnight, or even a 4-hour thing, from the beginning.
  • tenisbum1776
    11 years ago

    No, not directed at anyone in particular just a general observation. However in a buyer friendly market like Dayton when you offer $100 for sex and the lady accepts, you're sure to have heavy narcotic user who is more interested in purchasing her next fix than being enthusiastic when she performs the service.

    Me, I'd rather have one that passed the test drive in the private dance room and pay a little more to incentivize performance.
  • tenisbum1776
    11 years ago

    My suggestions is to START at market value. If the girl becomes part of your regular starting rotation she will often times be open to negotiate price lower based on the regularity of income stream to her and how pleasurable she finds your company.
  • tenisbum1776
    11 years ago
    @Hungry Giraffe:

    I don't look down on strippers but I recognize the issues they have that have lead them to this lifestyle (add less than high school education in most cases to my list above). In fact, a little bit of dignity and understanding can sometimes go a long way to softening the heart of a stripper. However, it's been my experience that more often than not she will see it as a sign of weakness and will try to parlay that weakness into more cash from your wallet into her purse.
  • tenisbum1776
    11 years ago

    Just saw your follow-up. Exactly. That's the way I do it. Often times it's meet at the hotel (nice one - not some cheap dump) sex, then out to dinner and drinks and back to the hotel for more sex. About half the time they stay the night which means a late night wake-up call and/or a nice early morning greeting.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    tenis: I understand what you're suggesting. No insult intended, I just suggest a different approach, and one that works much better for me than starting at market value. Which doesn't mean it will work for you, maybe I've just gotten good at doing things my way. On the other hand, I'm not so good at doing things your way -- for example, my experience is, once negotiated, the price is the price; back 10 years ago when I had an approach more along the lines of yours, if it was $350/hour for OTC, I never got her to agree to $250 next time, or the time after that, and totally forget a flat fee for an open-ended "date". On the other hand, I've been going >5 years with my current approach -- angle to become her ATF customer, negotiate for a HJ or BJ (lower price) but plan a fun multi-hour meeting, and just let things run their course. I'm often treated to verrry long dates, sex well beyond what we negotiated, etc, all for my original asking price of flat $$-$$$. My guess is, this is because to agree to this in the first place, she has to enjoy my company (or not be repulsed by me) in the first place. Again, only downside I've found is variety, I put in a long investment to get to this spot, so in any one year I might go OTC with 2 different dancers total.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    tenis: ha, we cross-posted ... maybe we're not so different! Except for NOT negotiating per-hour rates
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