
Comments by TortillaChip (page 8)

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    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCL for Dancers ?
    You guys are paying strippers to perform various levels of service for you. Needing to "gain insight from dancers’ points of views" is what makes one a pathetic loser. To each his own though, I guess.
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    12 years ago
    17 yr old boy had sex with nfl cheerleader
    Had it been a male teacher and female student, they would have been throwing the book at the teacher. This bitch doesn't even have to register as a sex offender. Our court system is designed to treat men and women offenders unequally.
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    12 years ago
    I love anal sex!
    I left Dougster out because everyone knows he is a troll. You other guys aren't usually but for some reason you think the rest of the message board wants to see you fight like children with someone who is trolling. At least you've picked a special thread to do it in, so I don't feel so bad about being foulmouthed in this. Usually you dumbfuckers are ruining good threads with your childish fighting. Yeah thats people like you Mikey, fucktard. Grow the fuck up, maybe if you do you won't have to pay for sex like Alucard all the time fucktard. Estabackdoor, bro you make me laugh. lol thx
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    12 years ago
    I love anal sex!
    You guys are fucking amazing and stupid at the same time. I expect a douchebag troll like Alucard to chime in on a thread like this but not many of you other established members. How do you stupid pissant fuckfaces even have money for strip clubs or fucking bitches? HOW? I understand Alucard, that stupid fucker spends his entire income so he can get fucked, literally and figuratively, twice a month. He's going to be homeless and commit suicide once he retires or, more likely, gets fired. The rest of you guys should be homeless too, you're that stoopid. Feeding trolls. You dumb motherfuckers wonder why trolls abound on here, its because of your stupid fucking asses feeding them. Understand? Motorhead, Mikey, Vincemichelle? Get a fucking clue fucktards. Jesus christ. 5 year olds have more sense.
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    12 years ago
    People that Talk Down about Strip Clubs
    Omega I seriously wonder who the fuck you hang out with to always being in combative conversation about strip clubs? Young people today are more accepting of strip clubs than at any time. Strip clubs and the culture are mostly glamorized in movies. Even the infamous STilleto25 claims she has secret information suggesting Mormons love strip clubs. If the mormons love strippers, you know the times are a changin. You hangin around the wrong people bro.
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    12 years ago
    Multiple Aliases
    Having multiple aliases is the way of the Internet. It isn't right, it isn't wrong, it just is. You guys really think facebook has almost a billion unique and active users? lol Alucard doesn't need multiple aliases because he is one of those types who get their non-paid social interaction exclusively from the Internet. That is why he enjoys the fighting on here and is caustically and critically judgemental of anyone who's viewpoint or lifestyle he doesn't agree with. Douche bag IRL and on the Net. I don't think I'd be bragging about a return on my investments that barely beat inflation either. I dunno, thats just me. Maybe if you bought 100oz of gold in 2002 and just offloaded it for a 600% gain you could brag about that ;) But you didn't cuz back then gold was for fools and Dr. No. lol!
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    12 years ago
    BJ or FS in NYC
    u fulla shit dude, hope storytelling ain't your dayjob cuz ya suck...maybe have a go at your "friend" since he prolly haz blueballs.
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    12 years ago
    UFC Fight Night at your favorite Strip Club
    LMAO @ Sinclair. Say that to a fighter's face if you aren't a coward lmao I'll bet you are.
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    12 years ago
    Pet Peeve
    This happens quite often at rural clubs.
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    12 years ago
    OTC prices with a stripper
    I've never paid more than 200 and usually around 150 for a fuck. The girls are good looking, some are even good fucks. It depends where you are. In Iowa, pussy doesn't cost the same as Seattle. Given that, if she cuts her price in half at the drop of a hat like that, she will go lower yet. Most of these girls live far beyond their means, and passing up 3-4 hundred easy bucks isn't in their genes, particularly if you're the stud you said you were in the other thread, ranukam.
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    12 years ago
    BJ or FS in NYC
    lmao I'm sure your unemployed "friend" stopped the blowjob because he's got all those other options for chicks and sexual activities and doesn't need to be gettin wit those nasty girls.
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    12 years ago
    Media portrayal of strippers
    If media portrayal's of the strip club industry were accurate, the strip club industry would receive 10x the heat it does currently from politicians and LE. Be happy those people are too busy eating donuts or lying to voters to actually pay attention.
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    LOL, strippers with thin skin *rolls eyes It wouldn't be funny if a fireman voted for an arsonist. A policeman voted for a guy with a felony rap sheet three pages long. It certainly wouldn't be funny if a stripper voted for a Mormon, considering that stripper claims to have information about Mormonism that she can't reveal(maybe that mormons in secret love strip clubs, drug abuse, wanton sexual activity and wouldn't condemn or try to abolish that way of life), we just have to trust a stripper. (LOL!) Sorry baby, but your thin skin is either funny or stupid. You choose. In light of our exchange, I already have LMAO. I can tell you're a last word kinda gal too, so go ahead, I'm done here lol
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    Stilleto if you don't see the funny in that, look in the mirror for stupid, or maybe a sense of humor.
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    12 years ago
    Rap/Hip Hop and the GFE
    I'm not black and I do liston to rap and hip hop. Having said that, I think anybody who says rap and hip hop don't go to great lengths to project an image of thugism is in denial or perhaps delusional.
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    haha! Thats funny, a stripper defending Mormons. I guess when Mormmons live in sin they do it with strippers and divulge information that can't be repeated.
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    Snowtime that isn't correct at all. Are you suggesting that the entire 47% of voters who don't pay taxes or receive government assistance are all democrats who vote for obama? That is patently ridiculous. If that is the case Obama should win in a landslide from people with jobs or wealthy who happen to be democrats or independents voting for him. Come on. There are lots of "Republicans" receiving government assistance of some kind.
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    As an independent voter, I see Romney as quite possibly the poorest candidate the GOP has put forth in my entire lifetime. His stumbles on his big foreign trip a few weeks ago and his recent mideast speak before you know whats going on bumbling has convinced me that man is pure 100% clown. I don't want a silver spoon like that in charge of the military. Obama is bad enough but Romney has made it clear as day that this election is a choice of two evils and we have to decide the lesser. Romney is not the lesser. The GOP should be ashamed for nominating such a poor candidate. If they wanted a Mormon the other one was far more qualified and somebody I could vote for. I could even stomach Santorum and his cocky mouth. I can't tolerate a clueless flip flopping piece of shit like romney though. My biggest decision will be can I vote for a disaster like Obama or should I waste my vote on someone else? Stupid GOP.
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    12 years ago
    I went to a place in beloit, wisconisn a couple years ago that had drug dealers in the parking lot and drug users as dancers. Every single dancer looked like a career drug abuser complete with perforated elbow joints that they don't even try to cover up. I feared for my car in the lot, my life walking from my car to the front door, and I wanted a hazmat when I went inside and saw the condition most girls were in. I'll never go back.
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    12 years ago
    How Good is your ITC/OTC Intuition?
    This should be a good thread but its 90% trolls like alucard, mikey, steve, txtitty who apparently don't like trolls coming onto this board, from the comments they make, but they have no problem getting into flame wars and ruining discussions for the rest of us who aren't interested in your petty little schoolgirl squabbles. Why don't you all shut the fuck up, pull the cocks out of your asses, and put Dougster on ignore? But no, you have to fuck this place up for everybody. You all fucking suck, assholes. Rickdugan did have a good comment that I agreed with before he went off on the flamewar track. Put the guy on ignore if you don't like him. Otherwise go fuck yourselves and quit ruining the fun for EVERYBODY, dickheads.
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    12 years ago
    Need to find this Girl - Stardust Cologne
    You had sex all night with a babe and you didn't get any contact info from her? Maybe use that reward money and buy a ticket back to koln, unless, you know...you were deported for stalking.
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    12 years ago
    Reviews by Owners
    There was a shooter on the grassy knoll too, dammit.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    In Your Experience What % of Strippers Have Sex For Money?
    In many of the clubs I go to, there are two kinds of dancers: 1. Travelers 2. Local girls Amongst group 1 it is extremely high, 7 or 8 of 10. Group 2, much lower. 2 or 3 in 10. My experience with group 2 is you have to establish yourself as a regular with her, or at least well known at the club before she'd consider it. Group 1, its basically ask is there a menu, that is if they don't beat you to the punch and offer themselves up. I club mostly in Iowa/Wisconison/Minnesota. Generally non-extras friendly places.
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    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Ass lovers
    14 because of the girl its attached to
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Treasures strip club can continue to operate with new limits.
    Who is this judge? The inspiration for Judge Smails?