80% of the strippers I meet give it to me. Only thing is the girls keep using larger and larger strap-ons! My ass is getting sore! Anyone (maybe the girls), know of a good lube?
I had a dancer whom I was seeing OTC ask me if I would buy her a strap-on so she could "do" me. I kept forgetting to acquire such goods, and after a while she dropped the idea.
Maybe txtittyfag and Dogster should go on a date. Both seem to want to be bottoms though. Maybe need a more manly fag like VinceMichaels to be the top.
Ok Vince, just because you suck dicks at the drop of a hat and have taken over 1,001 cocks in your ass there is no reason for anyone to say you are a faggot. Got it!
You guys are fucking amazing and stupid at the same time. I expect a douchebag troll like Alucard to chime in on a thread like this but not many of you other established members.
How do you stupid pissant fuckfaces even have money for strip clubs or fucking bitches? HOW? I understand Alucard, that stupid fucker spends his entire income so he can get fucked, literally and figuratively, twice a month. He's going to be homeless and commit suicide once he retires or, more likely, gets fired. The rest of you guys should be homeless too, you're that stoopid. Feeding trolls. You dumb motherfuckers wonder why trolls abound on here, its because of your stupid fucking asses feeding them.
Understand? Motorhead, Mikey, Vincemichelle? Get a fucking clue fucktards. Jesus christ. 5 year olds have more sense.
this site gets dumbeer and dumber. Now we have a new asshole, way to climb the dumb ladder tortilla. Never find myself really insulting people on here, but what he said was really unnecessary. Did you know tortilla by what you just said, you're also feeding. idiocy.
ANYWAY, doug.....why. What the hell is up with everyone. Matter fact....i don't even know what to say at this point. Wait here's something.
If a bitch ever asked me if she could use a strap on, I'd smack her and tell her "fuck no, idiot. I have a dick for a reason"
Well as we all know, Dougster and all his "aliases" craves attention. He's on his knees practically all the time begging to suck our dicks. You crack us up, Mr. Shit for Brains "Dougster"
Come on, Tortilla, if you insult the working poor like Vince and Mikey you will never get elected to office. They are able to not only afford their $600 apartments if do a bit of overtime each month (quite a fit in their 40s and 50s when most own a house by the point) but they can even go out for a beer twice a month (except in winter month when the heating bill can get kind of high). No savings mind you, but they'll worry about that when the time comes. Or have the government take care of them.
@Estafador: Dogster is obviously not me (duh! yeah i'm going to create multiple aliases so I can insult myself. Guess Dog is right, dropping the "u" was enough to fool their little pea-brains).
I do understand the motivation though. "Some men just want to watch the world burn", shortened, in net-speak to lulz. Anyway, carry on. Quite amusing!
I left Dougster out because everyone knows he is a troll. You other guys aren't usually but for some reason you think the rest of the message board wants to see you fight like children with someone who is trolling. At least you've picked a special thread to do it in, so I don't feel so bad about being foulmouthed in this. Usually you dumbfuckers are ruining good threads with your childish fighting. Yeah thats people like you Mikey, fucktard. Grow the fuck up, maybe if you do you won't have to pay for sex like Alucard all the time fucktard.
ROTFLMMMAO !! Seeing as how you have not ever met me, " txtittyfag " , fuck off, moron. That applies to you " Dougster " or whatever of your multiple aliases. Your lack of knowledge is amusing, morons.
Haha! Yep $1 is about all that Mikey has left for savings after he pays his hydro bill, $600/month rent, and treats himself to two beers a month! Hey, maybe he'll get tittyfag to invest it "risk free" for him for a year and then it will $1.04!
tittyfag may have a point, Vince. If you don't have diabetes already it is a big risk at your age if you are obese. Plus looks are big in the gay community, so it may be harder to find guys who will let you suck them off. (Mikey and tittyfag will always be there for you, but what about more discriminant gays?)
Well Dougster (or txtittyfag, or what ever other alias you use,gay boy), seeing as I am not fat, nor am I at risk for diabetes, once again, dumbass, you don't have a clue) The offer still stands, coward, PM me and tell me about when we allegedly met. I strongly doubt you will, coward.
Who knows, Vince. I'm just taking tittyfag at his word that you are a fatass. But you also deny being gay which it is pretty plain you are, so I have my doubts about your veracity.
Sounds good to me, Alucard. It's been quite entertaining so far. Dougster is so stupid. It is rather entertaining to wind up the asshole. And Dougster. . . . Bend over. There are plenty here that will give you the butt-fucking you crave, you moron. Not me. I am not gay, never have been, never will be.
Right, Vince, you've taken over 1,001 different cocks in your ass during your life but your not gay. Got it! Aren't you worried about what having both HIV and diabetes will do to you?
No, not at all, my wonderful friend, Dougster the moron seeing as I have neither of those illnesses. I am in great health. Your pathetic posts are entertaining. That is one of the things we love about your stupid ass, Dougster. You keep posting this nonsense over and over and over.
Well those are both terrible diseases by themselves, Vince and the the combination must be especially deadly (e.g. does it complicate your choice of anti-vitals?) You are very brave to fight so hard to try and maintain your health in the face of all that. Bravo to you!
Damn, there is no hope for you, dumbass. Do the world a favor, Mr. Shit for brains Dougster. Kill yourself. ROTFLMMFAO Obviously you are lacking in so many areas. Goodbye and good riddance,moron.
You're leaving vince? Did your HIV progress to full blown AIDS? Sorry to hear that. It was nice knowing you. Congratulations on the valient struggle while it lasted!
Sorry hun but i am neither one. I dont know who tittyfag is but i know he isnt me. Anyone with a bit of sense can see that tittyfan is dogster. Yes i posted a mean post in one of the threads and i instantly felt bad about it and said i was sorry. Sum of you guys are really childish and thats why i posted it and i made a mistake by coming down to their level. I stopped reading and posting here because of that when i first joined this forum then i started reading posts again and i think i should just stop reading and posting here and let the children have their say.
last commentAre you a Dougster alias?
How do you stupid pissant fuckfaces even have money for strip clubs or fucking bitches? HOW? I understand Alucard, that stupid fucker spends his entire income so he can get fucked, literally and figuratively, twice a month. He's going to be homeless and commit suicide once he retires or, more likely, gets fired. The rest of you guys should be homeless too, you're that stoopid. Feeding trolls. You dumb motherfuckers wonder why trolls abound on here, its because of your stupid fucking asses feeding them.
Understand? Motorhead, Mikey, Vincemichelle? Get a fucking clue fucktards. Jesus christ. 5 year olds have more sense.
ANYWAY, doug.....why. What the hell is up with everyone. Matter fact....i don't even know what to say at this point. Wait here's something.
If a bitch ever asked me if she could use a strap on, I'd smack her and tell her "fuck no, idiot. I have a dick for a reason"
I do understand the motivation though. "Some men just want to watch the world burn", shortened, in net-speak to lulz. Anyway, carry on. Quite amusing!
Estabackdoor, bro you make me laugh. lol thx
Yes i posted a mean post in one of the threads and i instantly felt bad about it and said i was sorry.
Sum of you guys are really childish and thats why i posted it and i made a mistake by coming down to their level. I stopped reading and posting here because of that when i first joined this forum then i started reading posts again and i think i should just stop reading and posting here and let the children have their say.