Lets be honest about the topic in this discussion. There are plenty of people in this country that mock strip clubs, people that work in them, and of course us the customers. I am not really going to get into the statements I have heard from people over the past few years, since I think we all know what people not in our culture think about strip clubs. If you want to know exactly what I have heard before, and had to deal with, check out my article I wrote a few months ago.
Anyway my main point is do you defend strip clubs, the dancers, other employees, and us the customers when people that want nothing to do with strip clubs talk down about them? I find myself defending them. I basically say even though they are after my money I still enjoy myself, and it is really exciting and fun to do. I usually say more and make plenty of good points. All in all I am looking for to some of the answers from my fellow regulars and any dancers (Even though there aren't many dancers on this site).
Most of my close friends know all about my strip club habits and for the most part want to know more about them. I very seldom encounter anyone who reacts negatively toward strip clubs. Most of my friends are not particularly religious, so that may explain the situation. To those that are deeply religious, or at least proclaim to be so, I just don't bring up the subject. If it did happen to come up, however, I would not be embarresed to discuss my "hobby" with them.
A lot of people mock a lot of stuff. I mock football and football fans. Sitting on the couch. Weighing 300 pounds of not muscle. With a beer in their hand. I think you can see where this is going...
I figure, if it's not their thing, it's not their thing.
I'm very used to having to defend myself verbally about my lifestyle, so if someone dares badmouth my sexy strippin' sistahs (or fellow PL bruddah's) they are sure as hell gonna get an earful from me.
I don't know about talking them down. Everyone I hang with is pretty laid back. If strip clubs come up it's pretty light hearted and we just make jokes. People are even light hearted when they talk about brothels. Guess that's just Seattle for ya'!
...if anything, I can only remember people getting pissed at the police during the crackdowns around '08. Of course, nobody ultimately cared enough to stop it, though. If it's like one waitress said to me "it's not a big deal one way or another whether they are in business or not. There are more important things in the world than strip clubs to worry about it."
I defend strip clubs because I defend the idea of free market capitalism in general. Strip clubs provide an entertainment people are willing to pay for. We would have 1000s more unemployed if all the strip clubs closed down.
Can't say it is something that comes up in my private life that is of any concern. Likely because in my private circles, it is just a part of the culture. I have a very separate work life and private life. Few, very very few are a part of both.
@bustanutz: I've asked strippers that and they tell me if it were not for strip club there would be more rapists and child molester in society. According to stripper logic, they provide perverts an outlet so it doesn't go that far. (I don't agree with the logic at all, but just telling you what they are trained to think.)
Jack defends strip clubs because of his commitment to free market capitalism. I agree. But more important for me is the concept of individual rights. With some constraints, people have a right to make a living or pursue happiness in whatever manner he/she chooses, even if it involves activities that some people find offensive or distasteful. The constraints?----- one person's rights end where another person's rights begin and you need to have consenting and capable adults to stick up for his/her rights. Assuming that strippers and customers are consenting and capable adults and respectful of each others rights, they have the right to make a living or spend their money in whatever manner they wish. For me, this logic also applies to prostitution-- sex should not be the only activity that is perfectly legal between consenting adults that becomes illegal when money is exchanged.
I hardly ever get into this situation because I know who the people who talk down strip clubs are at work and avoid them. Generally, they are female, but even some guys at work think they're disgusting. One guy I worked with used to give me crap all the time about it, but all he really has is a fat and ugly wife. (I had the dumb luck to run into them at Walmart once. He could have done better.) I don't want to get into an argument I'm not going to win even though I know I'm right. And as for my family, I avoid it at all costs. My dad thinks strip clubs ruined my dead uncle. Then again, my dad and my uncle had completely opposite views about everything. As far as I'm concerned, its a free country and we can do what we want as long as we don't interfere with others.
You're right Superdude, whats the difference between a dead lawyer on the road and a dead rabbit on the road?.......theres skid marks in front of the rabbit!
@doug. Yeah, ur on point. One prob with sc's is the girls make lots of money and they use the money to buy drugs. This is wasted years of their lives where they coulda been more productive. Also, many get into it clean and leave flat on their face. And there are typically kids involved too. I love skank ass hoe bitches.
Society tries to run itself more along the lines of utilitarian versus free market principles. In fact, the most credible arguments for free market seem to boil to down it is best for society overall.
Omega I seriously wonder who the fuck you hang out with to always being in combative conversation about strip clubs?
Young people today are more accepting of strip clubs than at any time. Strip clubs and the culture are mostly glamorized in movies. Even the infamous STilleto25 claims she has secret information suggesting Mormons love strip clubs. If the mormons love strippers, you know the times are a changin. You hangin around the wrong people bro.
Have to say I agree with pretty much all the comments as everyone makes some really good points. I don't really have combative conversations any more. In college, which was a small liberal arts Christian college, was where most of my combative conversations went down. Fortunately I don't have to defend my culture that much anymore.
@tortillachip- I dont believe Ive ever suggested that Mormons "love" strip clubs. Please find where I suggested that Mormons" love" strip clubs and post it for me.
One more thing Chip, cant believe I only just caught this, Am I infamous????? Do I have a bad reputation that I'm not aware of????? Or do you comprehend the word "infamous" in the same way you do other peoples posts????
Stiletto25 you don't have a bad reputation. I respect you and wish that you worked the KY strip clubs so I could meet you! VIP all the way :) You seem really cool and I always look forward to reading your comments.
Stiletto is definitely well-appreciated on this website. Her contributions as a dancer help us all understand strip clubs and related subjects much better.
Stiletto25 & I rarely converse, but she certainly strikes me as someone who wouldn't stop contributing just because of a thread started by an idiot. She seems more than capable of handling herself here. I'm happy in predicting that she'll stick around awhile :-)
last commentI figure, if it's not their thing, it's not their thing.
And this is why I love the clubs and the skank that works there.
Couldn't you make that argument about a lot of different businesses?
I love skank ass hoe bitches.
Young people today are more accepting of strip clubs than at any time. Strip clubs and the culture are mostly glamorized in movies. Even the infamous STilleto25 claims she has secret information suggesting Mormons love strip clubs. If the mormons love strippers, you know the times are a changin. You hangin around the wrong people bro.
Please dont take my posts addressed to you and intentionally misconstrue them like you've done on this thread.