avatar for TheFword

Comments by TheFword

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4 years ago
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
Worst Stage Names
I don't always remember their names, because I really don't care and it isn't their real name. I do some times make up my own name for them. I don't tell of course. A super hottie I began to refer to as Alexus, because if it wasn't for her I'd be driving one. Fortunately I haven't had to re-name anyone one Chlamydia.
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7 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Crossing into Canada back in the '80's on the way to the SCs just across the border I told them the name of the club we were going to. "Coming up for a little culture eh? Have a good time". Returning to the US regardless of how long I was in country or what else I did I found the answer to "Where have you been?" I would say I was just at the strip club.. They interpreted just as "only" while it really meant recently.
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7 years ago
avatar for BJ4015
Phone numbers
Unless we discussed OTC I usually tell them no when they offer their #. I'm not going to call/text you and I don't want you to call/text me. If she gave great ITC I sometimes get her number. I already have a regular who occasionally sends me a text even though we have an I'll call you, don't call me agreement. At least they are an innocent sounding hello, and she is in my contacts as a male name. That way if my SO checks my phone at the wrong time things look legit.
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7 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Why is a stripper like a math textbook?
Good one, I think I'll use a variation " She has more problems than an algebra test".
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7 years ago
avatar for gothamyte
from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
post your last text from a stripper
My arraignment was Monday, trial is set for a later date.
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7 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
A. Eileen
What do you call a Mexican Stripper with no legs? Cuntswaylo.
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7 years ago
avatar for TheeOSU
The brothel being closed is not The Bunny Ranch, but 1 of Hof's many other places The Love Ranch.
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7 years ago
avatar for gothamyte
from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
Top speed you ever drove
I had my ATF up to 68 1/2 then at 69 she blew a rod.
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7 years ago
avatar for joc13
firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
New SS line for me
"Baby, out here isn't the show, it's the preview of coming attractions. If it like the preview I go to the show."
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7 years ago
avatar for full_metal_RIL
I never made it to Vietnam
How can you tell if the stripper really likes you?
When she puts in her own money so you can go to the VIP.
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7 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Texas woman charged after posting Craigslist sex ad for husband's mistress
Must not be much of a divorce atty if he is still married to that bitch. You know the old saying "the shoemaker's children go barefoot."
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7 years ago
avatar for TheeOSU
You might have heard this on before
A PL was told by a dancer that she had a glass eye. When they did ITC she took it out and he fucked her eye socket. Her winking motion was the best sensation he ever experienced during sex. He tipped her well, asked if they could repeat in the future. "Sure," she says, "I'll keep an eye out for you."
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7 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Resume featuring ten-year stint as a STRIPPER
At the clubs I'm always conducting job interviews, you know hand job, tit job, blow job FS job. Some get hired, some don't.
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7 years ago
avatar for rogertex
Nude clubs can't serve alcohol - is as annoying as it gets
Washington state tried to ban strip clubs in the '70's. The clubs used the 1st amendment to keep them open. The lawmakers said you have the right to express yourselves, but you don't have the right to a liquor license. So after that all WA clubs are juice joints. It is like getting Al Capone for tax evasion when they couldn't nail him for racketeering.
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7 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Scariest Experiences Strip Clubbing
When I pulled out after some hard doggie style banging in the VIP I saw the condom had broken. She said she was clean. I've had no symptoms.
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7 years ago
avatar for TheFword
This is a re-do of a joke about 2 trappers and the object moose cock. The answer was yes. I debated about the yes or no for awhile, still not sure which would be funnier or more true to the majority of the forums thinking. While at the club I've had my tongue on the 'tang a few times and not that long ago. I usually think to myself," WTF why are you eating stripper pussy?" Because it is there, and she likes it.
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7 years ago
avatar for larryfisherman
Strippers wanting to do HARD drugs with you
I had a dancer in the VIP who asked me if I minded drugs. I said no to the blow, but yes to the ho. She did a bump of coke and then on to the blow job and the FS.
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7 years ago
avatar for Joe_yy
What am I doing.......
It's like if you went to a car rental place and paid for a car but didn't get the keys. You can look at it, talk to it, touch the outside, but you can't get in and drive it where you want to go. It is the coolest car you've ever seen, but you need to go places. Don't keep going back.
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7 years ago
avatar for larryfisherman
Best stripclub name
There was a place in Eugene OR called The Office. "Don't wait up for me dear I'll be at the office until late again tonight."
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7 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
ITC bad rap
ITC is fun, but constrained. I'd rather fuck in a bed than on a chair.
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7 years ago
avatar for larryfisherman
Boyfriends at the club
What did the stripper do with her asshole before she went to work? Dropped him off at band practice. If that were true in all cases we wouldn't be having this discussion.
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7 years ago
avatar for Cashman1234
He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
Do you use your real name when you club?
My real name. Most of the time they don't remember it anyway, even after a FS extras session. One time when asked my name I replied "Bruno, that's just my club name my real name is..."
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7 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
There can be draw backs to kissing strippers.
I wonder about the outcome if the girlfriend was kissing the stripper instead?
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7 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Some of you may want to consider changing religions.
@ shadowcat, my thoughts were that the marijuana was the motivation for the fund raising event. The girls wanted to atone for the bad guys hurting the cops, plus good karma all around.