New SS line for me

avatar for joc13
firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!

Got to my favorite SC/diner with about 1 hr left on dayshift. Saw this really hot dancer that I've never seen before come out of VIP and start walking around. I make eye contact and she comes over.

She immediately asks if I want to do a private room. I did not (haven't even seen her naked yet). She said she wanted to get one more private in before end of shift, so she heads out to make the rounds.

Does a lap, no takers, comes back by me. I know the food I ordered will be ready soon, but I'd like some dances before eating. So, I snag her and ask for dances again. She really tries to get me to do private, with the argument that:

Getting dances out here is unfair to you, since you pay for the dances and everyone else gets to enjoy the show.

First time I ever heard that justification for VIP. And, I'm glad I didn't do VIP with her cause it sounds like she thinks of them as just private dances, and maybe not much more.


last comment
avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

Too much hard sell - and too little benefit to you - so I’d avoid her too. Her plans didn’t meet your desires - so it was smart to say no.

avatar for bubba267
7 yrs ago

Joc, yes, I’ve heard that line before....girl proved to have a pretty bad case of GPS.

avatar for TheFword
7 yrs ago

"Baby, out here isn't the show, it's the preview of coming attractions. If it like the preview I go to the show."

avatar for Warrior15
7 yrs ago

I don't have a problem with her saying that. Basically, she is making a sales pitch. I've been in sales my whole life and I'm never put off by a sales pitch. But then again, I never have had a problem with just saying No.

avatar for TxVegas
7 yrs ago

I agree with warrior15. I don’t ever fault the sales pitch. Some are quite amusing after the fact.

I do have an issue with a dancer that won’t leave even after I politely indicate that I am not interested.

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

Not stripper shit, just corny sales pitch. When I'm quick enough to think on my feet -- usually because I've heard the line before so know what I'll say next time :) -- I'll say something like, "are you kidding me? Let's see if you can make them all jealous of me". These are all just corny sales lines that newbies fall for, but it's not like she's going to debate me into spending more than I plan to, so I'm usually not all that threatened by it... though I do wish she would just STFU and accept with appreciation whatever dance I'm offering her

avatar for Mainster
7 yrs ago

Yeah, run her off. Besides, your chackin fangers woulda got all cold.

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