
Scariest Experiences Strip Clubbing

Strip Club Nation
What has been your scariest strip club experience?


  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    1) I was staying at a hotel one night in a city with about 300,000 residents. There was a strip club less than a mile away, and it was a pleasant evening. I figured I would get a little exercise and just walk over to the club from the hotel as it was starting to get dark. The area did not turn out to be the best part of town, but not horrible. About half way to the club, I was walking in front of a no-tell motel that had seen better days. All of a sudden a late model Buick shoots off the main road and stops right in my path almost hitting me. The car came within a foot of me; there is obviously some aggression. There are two middle-aged black guys inside the car. The passenger door swings opens and one of the black guys gets out mumbling some unintelligible jibber jabber. I did not know if this guy was going to shoot me in the head or something else.

    Just then on the other side of the street, a Mexican girl, about 15, goes peddling by on a bicycle faster than I've ever seen a bicycle ridden. The passenger shouts, "Dare dat bitch go!!!" and jumps back into the Buick. The men make a screeching U-turn through the no-tell parking lot and speed off after the girl.

    I stood there for a minute trying to piece together what just happened. I think these guys were some child abductors or pimps who were after this young girl. They must have thought I was the girl when they rode up on me walking down the street.

    I had a couple beers at the strip club and decided to call it a night. The city had banned rideshares, so I was not able to take an Uber or Lyft back to my hotel. I had the hostess call me a taxi, but it would be an hour because the few taxis were all busy on a Saturday night. There were a half dozen patrons from the club waiting outside for a taxi and they said they had been waiting forty-five minutes. I decided to walk back in the darkness. On the return trip, a homeless junkie came up from under the railroad bridge and asked me for a cigarette. Luckily, he took no for an answer and I got back to my hotel safely.

    2) I was leaving a strip club one night around 3am in Houston. I was in a 35 mph zone when an out of control Chevy Suburban came speeding up behind me around 80 mph. He tried driving around me, but ended up clipping the back corner of my rental car and lost control of his vehicle, driving it off the road, hitting another car, and then crashing into a business. The Chevy Suburban was totally demolished with all of the windows being shattered. I was almost certain the driver was killed, but that was not the case. The driver got out bleeding and ran away from the scene of the accident. A witness said he jumped into another Suburban that was following him down the road. So basically the guy was racing the other Suburban and probably high or drunk too. The police came and said that the guy likely ran away because he was an illegal. They said it was a common thing in Houston for people to flee the scene of accidents. There had not been insurance paid on the Suburban in 18 months, so they never were able to track down the guy.
  • JackAstor
    7 years ago
    My 1st ex , a psychopath , coming though the front door looking for me .
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’ve had several. I was in charge of getting my friend’s cousin to his wedding. His cousin was a fuck up. He basically go robbed as soon as he stepped out of a cab in Times Square.

    About a week before the wedding - we were leaving the bachelor party in Greenwich Village. He was in front of me on the escalator going down to the Path train. On the other side of the escalator - a random dude turns and cold cocks my friend’s cousin. Now my friend’s cousin is out cold - and bleeding - on the escalator. He must have made a stupid comment at the other guy - as the other dude is screaming at him from near the top of the escalator. The dude then turns and starts coming down towards us. I pull my friend’s cousin off the escalator. I drag him across the platform - and I get him on the Path train before the other dude gets on the train.

    I’m sitting there - and the cousin starts waking up. He’s complaining about his massive hangover - and he says there are some real assholes in NYC. I just shake my head. I then told him that he was the biggest asshole I’d dealt with in a long time. He then puked on himself and passed out...
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    Fat strippers are very scary to me. I once made the mistake of walking into Band-Aids in Phoenix, Arizona.

    Yikes! 20 fat strippers. I was very scared, and left soon after.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    The scariest moments in my strip clubbing career were back in my younger days closing time in the clubs when the lights came on and you were able to see what some of the dancers looked like Holy shit watching a girl that you thought was an 8 or 9 transform into a 2 in the blink of of an eye.
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    This happened about 20 years ago during the strip club heyday in Dallas/Fort Worth area.
    Was at Texas Showgirls off I35, enjoying the menu in the club. One dancer really struck my fancy, so we decided to OTC at my hotel.
    She actually checked out of the club and jumped in my waiting car. Suddenly, a crazy dude hits the passenger side window screaming for her to get out of the car. I threw it in drive and ripped ourf of the lot. We stopped at a store close by and watched for anyone following as she explained it was her SO. Seems he was in the club getting VIP dances from others, so she hot pissed enough to want to leave !!!
    She had the car keys, so he had no way to follow us. We decided to go on with our plans and as we were pulling out of the store lot we see him walking down the road. As we pass, this gal screams out the window at him that she won't be home for a few days !!!
    Even though it scared the crap out if me, it ended up being two days of outstanding retaliation sex !!!! AW the good old days!!!
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    ^you werent worried about this guy finding you??
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Getting the full menu from an ATF at in Detroit and not too long after walking out realized I lost a lens in my kinda pricey sunglasses. I head back to check the room and I see this guy with a flashlight looking in each of the VIP's for something and figure hey maybe this guy can help. I start to ask him if he can check my room and the bouncer/manager interrupts me and kindly says just wait a few minutes. I look around and all the VIP's are empty and realized "Holy crap this place is getting raided!". That would have been awkward lol.

    After that experience I almost exclusively see her OTC. Yep OTC can be safer than ITC with someone you know well.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    At the bar checking out all of the stage dancers and chatting up a girl who
    Came up to me after tipping, when all of a sudden my girlfriend at the time came walking by! Either she pretended not to see me or didn’t see me, nevertheless I quickly dodged out of their and headed home. 5 minutes later she comes home and is yelling at me while we were in the garage, all neighbors listening.

    I went to bed on the couch. We broke up a year later.
  • TheFword
    7 years ago
    When I pulled out after some hard doggie style banging in the VIP I saw the condom had broken. She said she was clean. I've had no symptoms.
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    Chessmaster.....Not really. He had no car. My hotel was 8 miles away and the gal turned her phone off because she left her charger in the car. She skipped work the next day and hung out at my hotel. I had a few days with no plans, so it saved me a ton entertainment costs.
    I dropped her off at the club only way to the airport on day 2.
    7 years ago
    Mine involved Hell's Angels, One of two times in my life I wish I was packing heat.
  • BigPoppa99
    7 years ago
    One time at a local club, took a dance with this hottie- a little BBBJ to end the evening, and while on the drive home, I noticed that my wallet was missing! I had all my credit cards, a little cash, and some other important stuff. Needless to say, I freaked out, and thought the dancer stole it!
    I race back to the club, tell everyone- managers, bouncers, and other dancers and custies.... I start hearing horror stories about the dancer with whom I was with. Other custies are advising me to cancel all my cards and put a hold on my bank....
    I know the owner, managers, and bouncers from the club. They start heavily pressuring the girl that gave me the dance to fess up.
    She comes out from the back, balling; crying- I didn't take it!
    They interrogated her. By this point I was shittin' my pants!
    Staff and the other girls were using their phone's light to search the ground.....
    Finally, one of the bouncers was like, let's go look at your car; I already searched there, I assured him. Ne persuaded me to go again.
    Sure enough, wedged in between the stick and the seat was my wallet!
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    "Yikes! 20 fat strippers. I was very scared, and left soon after."

    you probably just don't like thick women. i find it very hard to believe that you saw 20 FAT strippers all in one club.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Govikings i agree. I always thought and still do, some people just lump them all in the same category of "fat".

  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Some crayzee stories in here. I don't attract this type of drama IRL and even less ITC. Count me in as the scariest moments probably being an ugly dancer. Or maybe the literally one fight i saw, which was broken up before anything could really happen. Never had moments where i was genuinely fearful of my well-being though, even if the clubs i go to are in supposedly cop-killing war zones rife with AK-47s and Molotov cocktails if you were to believe a formerly prolific poster from a few years back. Maybe seeing someone i knew that i didn't want to see might raise my blood pressure a bit, but that's never happened either and seems unlikely after all this time.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    It wasn't my experience but a friend of mine.

    He went to a club in Puerto Rico as part of a bachelor party. It turned into an ugly 2amer outside the club. One guy in his party was killed, and the groom-to-be got shot.

    From my understanding, my friend got very, very lucky not to get killed himself.
  • clubdude
    7 years ago
    My coat check slip fell out of my wallet during a VIP session. Had to go back to the VIP room and look for it. The coat check sign said no ticket/no coat. Luckily I was able to find it!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ That's why I take the least to a strip club and that includes leaving my wallet at home or hidden in my car - I don't even take my regular cell ph in the club and take a cheap prepay burn smartphone I've had for a few years.
  • TheDude954
    7 years ago
    Scariest moment for me at a SC was twenty or so years ago back in college, can't even remember what club it was. Was sitting at the bar and I noticed a hottie get on stage that I'd seen earlier but must've disappeared into VIP or the dressing room for a while. I sat at the tip rail and gave her a couple bucks during her first song (fully clothed), a few more during her second song (top less)... But then when she took her bottom off for the third song it happened... she bent over and we all saw the tampon string dangling down. Learned my lesson right then and there that whenever possible, it's ALWAYS beneficial to be able to see a dancer take her set at the pole before taking her back for a private LD.
  • eyeofodin
    7 years ago
    To go along with the shittiest SC thread --- Pinky's in Cleveland.- right before they closed the doors for good.

    I pulled into the parking lot behind a Chevy P/U and as the guy was backing into a parking spot, a guy comes around the corner with a gun shooting behind him. A few seconds later a stripper in heels and only a t-bar comes around the corner shooting at the guy. LE must have been setting up an operation on the place because out of no where..... a couple of set of blue and red light from unmarked cars come on and the cop take the guy down on the hood of the pick-up with the guys gun pointing at the driver and take the girl down on the parking lot surface. The look on the pick-up drivers face as the male shooter was thrown on his hood, gun in hand was pure terror.

    I was able to not have to give a statement to the police but the guy in the truck was not so lucky. I beat it out of there and never did find out what was the cause on the gun play. Never went back either.

    The only bright side to that shit hole was it was open latter (24 hrs I think from Thurs to Sunday morning) than other clubs because it was a juice bar and all the GPS dancers that did not make their nut at the nicer clubs would show up around 3 am Friday and Saturday, the dancers that would not give you the time of day at the nicer clubs would be a great service for 25% of the cost at the nicer clubs.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago

    I absolutely hate fat women! How did you guess? Yes, I most definitely walked into a Phoenix club and witnessed over 20 fat women in a strip club.

    I never went back, and never will.
  • trapdoor
    7 years ago
    Was leaving a club with a few buddies of mine in Seattle and these two cars goes racing down the street. One car was chasing down the other and overtakes that car, slamming on it's brakes to stop the other vehicle.

    The driver chasing the car gets out and pulls a gun on the guy and that car books it in reverse and pulls one of those controlled spinouts and raced away. We all hit the deck when we saw the gun. Once the car sped off, the driver got back in the car and proceeded to chase him. Was a truly sobering moment when you see a gun get pulled on someone while you're less than 20ft away. After that, I didn't even feel buzzed anymore (probably from the adrenaline) and we called it a night.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Back in the early 70's my best friend and I converted a '55 VW into a dune buggy. We drove the Baja 1,000 with it and the took the ferry from La Paz to Mazatlan and continued down to Acapulco. Then we drove back home on the mainland side crossing back into the us at San Luis.

    One night we found ourselves in a strip club/bordello in the town of Culiacan, MX the marijuana capitol of Mexico. While I was out back getting laid, he took a couple of the local guys out for a ride in the dune buggy. When he got back he said to me "I think we better get the hell out of here right now. They want to buy the dune buggy and are offering $500 cash & $500 worth of weed. I think they may get pissed if I tell them no".

    So we got the hell out of there as fast as we could. 2 gringos had no business being there in the first place.
  • zef8mich
    7 years ago
    In Detroit, on 8 Mile, someone forced their way into my car with a gun, pushed the gun against the side of my head, and got the money from my wallet. He told me to drive my car across the street and to stop. Then he jumped out and ran.
    Just down the street from there a dancer was shot when she left her club after closing time. It’s a bad area that’s been getting more attention lately.
    Other clubs on 8 mile have several valets and should have enough security. Inside the clubs the bouncers will normally stop anything from getting out of control.

  • whodey
    7 years ago
    A couple come to mind:
    The first was back when I was 18 and still in high school. I was coming out of a rather enjoyable vip and literally walked right into my girlfriend's father as he was on his way into the vip. I had been dating his daughter for about 2 years and I expected him to go nuts. Instead he didn't even look ip from staring at the dancers ass long enough to see my face.

    Second time was about 5 years ago. I was at a club in Cleveland and after talking to a girl for about 30 minutes we come to terms for vip and she excuses herself to the restroom to freshen up first. There were only 2 other customers in the club were a couple of guys that looked like retired steel workers and as soon as she is out of sight they walk up to me and tell me "I'd regret it" if I took her to vip. I asked them what they meant by that but before they could answer the bartender came over and told them to stop running off customers or she would throw them out.

    We went back and had a fun vip including cfs and bbbj. After coming back into the bar area I walked up to the two guys who were talking to the bartender and told them I don't regret a thing about that vip and started walking towards the door. One of them stopped me in my tracks when he said "of course you don't right now but just wait until you get the test results."

    The bartender could see the look of fear on my face and waived me over. She reached into a drawer and pulled out a business card for a free clinic. She told me to let the girl at the desk know that I had been with C**** so I needed a full workup. C**** then walked up and asked what was wrong.

    I couldn't find any words so I just handed her the card. They all burst out laughing and C**** smacked one of the guys on the back and said "I told you to stop with that joke before you give some out of towner a heart attack." They all assured me it was a joke but I was so scared I got tested once a month for a year just to be sure.
  • mikepure11
    7 years ago
    After a club (Roxies, in East St Louis), I got in a taxi and the guy started driving. About 2 miles down the road, he tells me its $30.00 to take me to my hotel (Crown Plaza). I tell him to go fuck himself, and I only paid $20.00 to get here. He kicks me out of his cab on that desolate road between the bridge and Brooklyn, IL/Roxies (If you have driven there from St. Louis, you know the road I am talking about) and I start walking (drunk as fuck, by myself) on the side of the road. I walked for about 15 minutes and by some grace of God, I see a cars headlights (this is like 3am in the morning, mind you) and it was a taxi. The dude told me that it was my lucky day and that he NEVER stops on this road to pick anyone up (I'm a regular looking white guy...maybe helped my case?) and that I was a fucking idiot for being out here this late by myself. At the time, I was so drunk I didn't realize how dumb I was, but now that I look back, I was REAL fucking dumb! All on principle of an extra $10.00 to get me back to my hotel, lol. Never again!
  • skinnywhiteboy
    7 years ago
    Not really scary for me but I was at a club once and apparently one of the dancers stole money from another. the Dancer who claimed to have had her money stolen sucker punched the dancer she claimed stole her cash and mounted her after she fell to the ground........by the time she was pulled off there was a pool of blood, and I'm pretty sure a few teeth left on the floor
  • skinnywhiteboy
    7 years ago
    oh and a funny one. Was at a club once and a drunk Asian man in his late 40's ended up getting kicked out (not sure what for) a few minutes later all the bouncers start running to the door. I was curious as to what was going on so I go to the door myself. I see the same Asian man standing outside only now wielding a samurai sword. two things blew me away about the situation 1. Asian man with a samurai sword.....could you be any more stereotypical then that? and 2. The dude was so small and drunk that even with a possibly deadly sharp samurai sword the bouncers were simply laughing at him and had zero worry that he could actually be successful should he actually try to swing the sword.
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