avatar for steve3003

Comments by steve3003

discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Top 10: Brothels
Not sure guys visit Amsterdam for the prostitutes. It's mostly a touristy curiosity, now, increasingly swamped by tour operators catering to the Chinese. The sad part is the trend in imposing coffee house restrictions to non-Dutch (including EU), although a recent law was put on hold for a year or so. One thing I learned from a Dutch dame many years back (Yab Yum or elsewhere): that Kevin Costner dude is a cheapskate which sounded about right.
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12 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Do drink specials draw you in?
Sadly it seems to be a draw. Strippers complain to me that it draws in the money pinchers so they are not too enthused about it. Speaking of drink prices, the cheapest by far is a place south of Chicago (forgot the name, it's next to Club O) where a Heineken cost $1. The stripper sitting with said when they have specials it's 50 fucking cents. Not sure what their fucking business model was.
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12 years ago
avatar for emmett
New Jersey
Swiping driver's licenses?
Yea, seems there's an uptick in clubs that do that. No point in getting your license scanned. On to another club.
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12 years ago
avatar for gawker
Older than dirt
A new excuse
@jerikson: leave pride for business dealings. It's a stripper's job to bawl for money and our job to oblige, within limits.
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for Lionshare
Vacation with your ATF?
Spending time with a stripper on an isolated resort sounds like hell. She better be damn interesting. Unless you're in your 20s how much fornication (with the same gal) can a guy tolerate? Get a local stripper/escort in Waikiki and live it up for a few days. Then back to civilization.
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12 years ago
avatar for bman77
How do you tell your regular your not interested that night?
If she's a ATF-wannabe regular, then there's no easy solution. Simple answer: you gotta be firm, at the risk of breaking it off and causing some drama (depends on the girl). In my case: 1. 90% of the time: write it off as part of doing business. Spend some dough so she's ok for the evening, then tell her you need a break. 2. 5% of the time: she still comes back for more. Time to move on. Few clubs are worth the hassle dealing with overly clingy strippers. 3. 5%: be firm and show your business side. Last resort though cause there's no upshot to showing a stripper who's boss.
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12 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
$50 Man
I thought in the dressing room we're all called PLs, irrespective of how much we spend...
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for MondoGoGo
Here and Abroad...
Who the fuck goes to the banana bar and thinks it's worth raving about? It's a fucking tourist trap and boring as hell (yea, went there once but waste of time and money). jester214's got it right. At least in them western europe.
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I am NOT Gay
motorhead turns gay when his ATF goes MIA during spring break; kinda like those fuckheads that turn temporarily gay when inside the slammer.
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12 years ago
avatar for MondoGoGo
This just in...Rich People are Happy (Duh!)
Inconsistent with most recent studies that show there's a saturation effect beyond a "comfortable" income level. Maybe motorhead knows more about this dubious couple practicing the dismal science.
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12 years ago
avatar for jester214
North Carolina
Bad liars?
One dancer, in the span of three visits over a month, claimed it was her birthday on each occasion. Too fucking amateurish, ended up being cute. She was the hottest girl in the club, so became my ATF for a while.
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for MondoGoGo
Sugar Baby vs ATF
Georgetown followed by Yale... really? :-) Maybe it's the exception that proves the rule but it sure sounds like fantasy land.
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Who's your 10?
Many moons ago, at the O'Farrell place in SF, saw an exotic looking, beautiful stripper dancing in the main stage that blew my mind. Like that Tarantino vampire stripper movie where the mexican actress puts on a show, everyone was fixated on the stripper making (actual) slow dancing moves. But for the music playing in the background, you could probably hear a pin drop. And the place was packed. She was a 10. Lots of 9s since then but never a 10.
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12 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Unlimited Budgets
@farmerart: You seem to have a good thing going with your Toronto sweetheart (sugar babe wanna be?). It's probably a good thing she doesn't like the rural lifestyle. @Otto22: A $1,500 hj is indeed a tad overpriced. Then again am guilty of spending $2-3K in return for steamy petting and adoring eyes. Gullible fuckhead but still cheaper than drinking with them geishas in tokyo land.
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12 years ago
avatar for vips
Bartender better looking than Dancers
Fortunately, not uncommon. On some nights I drink a lot, so having pretty waitresses to flirt with ain't a bad thing. Unfortunately, competent waitresses are far less common. Then again, if they were pretty and competent, there'd be more lucrative avenues to pursue than waitressing at strip clubs.
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12 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
Would you date a dancer for free sex or would you just avoid going there?
tumblingdice got it right. There ain't such thing as free sex. You always pay, one way or another. As the old saying goes, escorts (and strippers), you pay them to leave.
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12 years ago
avatar for farmerart
Stripper With A PhD?
Once in Tel Aviv, when a flood of Russian Jews were emigrating. She said she had a PhD in math from Moscow State. Just one night, so never verified. A number of Master's degree holders in the States (a few verified) but never a PhD.
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12 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
The No-Touch Rule
I hear that a lot from black dancers. Apparently there's a no touch rule when it comes to hair, period.
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for samsung1
STDs rising fastest among those 50 and over
samsung1, you sound like one of them reporter types who throw around numbers without regard to semantics. If disease X is present in 1000 and increased 100% to 2000 over a span of a few years, it ain't a big deal. If it's present in a population of size a million and increased by 10%, then it is a big deal. There are lots of fuckers in my age group so the numbers you cite are minuscule in comparison.
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12 years ago
avatar for Tiredtraveler
Solo PL
Televised Detroit Sting Operation
They should be greater than 18 but less than 1/3 my age. But there are hot ladies in my age group, just not in SCs. They can be as catty as the 20-year olds when scorned.
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Unlimited Budgets
Yea, Bullwinkle's got it right. Assuming "unlimited budget" means having at least a black amex card and a law firm on retainer for tax matters and such, outside of rappers or former enron employees you don't hang around SCs too much. Sugar babes are aplenty and trophy girlfriends (and wives) are what it's about.
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12 years ago
avatar for redxxxRose
Unusual rituals in Mexican strip clubs
@shadowcat: Can't be 100% sure cause I've never been to one, but donkey shows in Mexico seem to be real. Just not in SCs. Also, in a link to a SC book that samsung1 posted a while back (finally got to skimming it), the author (a SC operator based in NOLA and Vegas) writes about a stripper engaged in private dog shows. In the States. An odd thing to write about but there appears to be a demand in some sectors. @mmdv26: Toilets were not part of the deal (at least in that one club in ACA). If you go to one of the smaller FKK clubs in Germany (yep, those fellas are creative and direct when it comes to sex), a shower/bathroom may be shared with clients (in the larger ones, they are entirely separate). Once, while I was engaged in shower related stuff with a gal, another one was peeing on a toilet in plain view. Not my thing but the gals (both German, not Polish etc. from eastern block) didn't think much of it. But FKK and SCs are very distant cousins. For boring sex shows, Amsterdam tourist traps are always an option.
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12 years ago
avatar for redxxxRose
Unusual rituals in Mexican strip clubs
One of the two main SCs in Acapulco has an open floor plan with the girls dressing area exposed which includes showers. Isn't meant as a highlight feature though. Haven't seen it elsewhere which includes TJ, Cozumel (yep there's a US style SC in the outskirts), and MC. Of course have been only to a subset (bigger touristy ones) in those places. Shower shows have been an on-off US staple for many years.
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12 years ago
avatar for farmerart
Disconnects With Other tusclers
When Dougster starts calling me names, I must have screwed up. The personal references in my comments were in poor taste and crossed the line. When farmerart (or any other tuscler for that matter) shares personal experiences, it should stay that way and not be the subject of negative remarks. Alucard once remarked that different folks post for different reasons (or something to that effect). I had a reason to read the discussion board earlier last year (was thinking about quitting this lifestyle after a long run) and the posting was prompted by what I perceived as too much whining by some on the board. Now it's just crankiness on my part, so time to shut up.
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12 years ago
avatar for farmerart
Disconnects With Other tusclers
I don't get this "farmerart worship society" thingy on this board. I respect him cause he seems to be honest. At least he ain't that 13-yr old juicebox fuckhead who keeps staying up past his bedtime. By the same token, as a guy, farmerarts seems a bit unusual given the history of his very late sexual escapes he's described in some posts. Very difficult to understand for a guy like me who's in his age group. As to that disconnect thing, not sure about entrepreneur vs. salaried fuckhead distinction. As a former officer, I know there's a difference between us and enlisted men. We talk about that all the time. Then again, I'm turning on the fucking tv and many of them senator fuckheads who haven't served a day in the military are grilling Chuck Hagel, a purple heart veteran, at his confirmation hearing and my blood is boiling over. Hagel and McCain (how's picking on him too) are as good as it gets. And Hagel was an enlisted man. But he's better than any officer fuckhead (including yours truly) I ever knew. Returning back to farmerart's post, just disregard old geezers posting stuff. There's a reason why confiscating our driver's licenses (over my dead body) can seem a good idea.