STDs rising fastest among those 50 and over

avatar for samsung1
I have a question for you. No need to put on your thinking cap to answer it, just use your gut.

Ready, set, go: In the last 10 years, what group of Americans have seen STDs – sexually transmitted diseases – triple?

Think you've got your answer? The right answer is baby boomers and folks over 65. This group has had the greatest increase in STDs. I bet you guessed wrong.

Look at the numbers. In 2000, there were 5,500 cases of chlamydia, the most common STD. That number tripled to 16,000 last year. Gonorrhea and syphilis, same thing – tripled. And more than 15 percent of all new HIV infections were from people over 50.

STDs are booming in boomers.

And guess what medical breakthrough played a part in this epidemic. It wasn't the birth-control pill. I bet you guessed this one right: Viagra!

Viagra is not the whole story. We're living longer. We're healthier. It's socially acceptable to have a new relationship when you're older, and that relationship can include sex.

The fastest-growing demographic at online dating sites, such as eHarmony, is the “mature” adult. According to the New York Times, people 55 and older are visiting dating sites more than any other group – up 40 percent in the last three years. The No. 2 group is those 45 to 54.

I have many older patients who have divorced or lost a spouse and want to continue a vibrant lifestyle, which can include sex and intimacy. Love has no age barrier, and when you're older you have less time to waste.

Which brings me to the prejudice of “ageism.” Why is an older woman who dates a younger man not thought of as alluring? Why is an older man who dates a younger woman called “a dirty old man?”

Where did this come from? Who made up these rules? Shouldn't older adults who want to enjoy sex be allowed to enjoy it without these snotty comments?

But boomers and seniors, if you're going to have sex, be responsible. I know you don't have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy, but you do have to worry about an unwanted infection. It appears there are lots of “mature” adults who are just as dumb about STDs as teens. They have the same “it-can't-happen-to-me” mentality. A 60-year-old boomer should be just as responsible as their 18-year-old grandchild.

My spin: Sex is a natural part of life. It's not a dirty word. There is no age limit on sex or its sister, intimacy.

It may be hard to believe, but many older adults don't know about protection because they didn't have sex education when they were in school, and talking about sex is taboo for too many. Perhaps we need to have sex ed courses in senior centers. Considering these numbers, it's not a bad idea.

Final thought: Be responsible. Know your partner. Use protection. Wear your condom. Stay well!…


last comment
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
That's it. I'm not fooling around with anyone over the age of 35.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
The author missed one big point. Seniors are not as concerned about dying as younger people are. "So what if I catch AIDS? How much longer am I going to live anyhow". As the quality of life goes down with age we are willing to take more risks to get what we want. That includes going bare back. I'm not saying that I will go bareback with every skank hoe that I run across but I do take more calculated risks.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I had been hearing about this phenomenon for a few years now.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… and when you’re older you have less time to waste …”

Along the lines of what shadow said.
avatar for SuperDude
12 years ago
Also, some younger women are looking for boomer men with pensions to play sugar daddy. Guys with federal government and military pensions are prime targets. It's easy for some of us to believe the lie that we're attractive. A 65 year old guy with solid retirement can have a good time with a string of 30 somethings. Caution be damned--I'm ready to get all the actin I missed when----
And that's how boomers catch and spread STDs.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Arthritis makes it harder to slip the condom on
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Just ask your partner to put it on with his/her mouth.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Nursing home :


avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"It's easy for some of us to believe the lie that we're attractive."

Those that truly believe that are hopelessly lost & deserve the consequences. Anyone with the most minimal degree of intelligence realizes it is "All About the $$$$$$$$$$"!!! The dancers in clubs aren't doing it for free. But if you know one who is giving it up in a club for free to all cummers - I want to know where she is!!! LOL
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
There is a 60-something cougar secretary where I work that is dating the bosses son. I think he's in his mid thirties. Seems the sugar mommy thing is gaining in popularity, so I'd expect many of those STD's to be an equal opportunity provider.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I would love to be totally supported by a Sugar Mommy. LMAO
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Titty will support you Card.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Yeah that cougar ain't half bad, actually. I don't know if the boss knows what's going on, but everybody else does. I wonder if there is a discreet way I can hand her a flyer for the free clinic in town without explaining why, lol
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I'll watch out for older dancers trying to make a move on me. Thanks for the tip.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Lol - At the rate I'm going by the time I'm 50 I'm sure I'll be on a first-name basis with the folks at the clinic.
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
A good friend of mine, 74 and fellow strip clubber goes bareback with a lot of them. His siblings have all passed away at the ages of 76-78.

avatar for Cheo_D
12 years ago
There's another factor -- Boomers grew up and went through young adulthood in the time of curable STDs, so condom use was not ingrained in them. By the time of Herpes and HIV many of them were in their family-raising period, mostly monogamous mostly out of practical consideration.

As they reach old age it's difficult to "reprogram" themselves to habitual condom use. And an older man will often have "ups and downs" during the session, rather than staying up all the way through -- potentially making the condom ineffective.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Isn't it obvious that older people would have a higher incidence of STD's solely because they've been around longer? I mean you don't expect 16 year olds to have much incidence of STD's because, well, they've only been banging chicks for maybe a year or so.

Or maybe I'm missing the point....
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I think you missed part of the point. The article is trying to point out that older people are increasingly infected as compared to older people maybe a decade or more ago.
avatar for steve3003
12 years ago
samsung1, you sound like one of them reporter types who throw around numbers without regard to semantics. If disease X is present in 1000 and increased 100% to 2000 over a span of a few years, it ain't a big deal. If it's present in a population of size a million and increased by 10%, then it is a big deal. There are lots of fuckers in my age group so the numbers you cite are minuscule in comparison.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
Keep getting bareback blow jobs!!!!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
shadow: "I'm not saying that I will go bareback with every skank hoe that I run across "

No because if you did that, you would be - RickyBoyDugan!
avatar for D0ugster
12 years ago
^^^ I routinely attack people in threads where they haven't even posted, so what does that make me?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
^^^ no different from you, sick_liver/jester214/alutard!
avatar for Dougsterr
12 years ago
Oh wah wah wah! No one pays attention to me anymore!! Wah wah wah! Someone please come and change my diaper!!! Wah wah wah!!!!! Oh please come to my rescue tittyfag!!!!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Looks like one of the people who always complained about me using multiple aliases is now using multiple aliases himself. Got to love the hypocrisy!
avatar for D0ugster
12 years ago
How can I possibly tell which of the dozens of people I've attacked here using my multiple aliases is behind this? Looks like I'm fucked now. It's so unfair! WHY ME?????
avatar for Dougsterr
12 years ago
Oh no! I've got to stop posting so much in the same thread or everyone will realize how many aliases I really do have! But then again everybody has me on ignore so why do I bother? Because I'm an attention whore with nothing better to do!!!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Looks like sick_liver/jester214 got really upset after I outted him as the Vegas alcoholic that he was, so now he going on this multiple aliases posting rampage against me. But it is fun to watch! Let's see if he adds "Dugstir" to his collection of aliases he posts from!
avatar for D0ugster
12 years ago
"Fun to watch" only for Dougster/txtittyfag and my other aliases, because I'm the only one following this farce at this point.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Ah, come on! Is that as mad as you can get sick_liver? Just have another drunk, and I bet you can up it a notch! Might further destroy your liver but that thing is already shot anyway!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
sick_liver? sick_liver? Yoo-hoo, sick_liver! Don't want to play anymore? Guess the bars must have opened for morning drinking in Vegas already. Well was fun, anyway. Come back and play again soon!
avatar for D0ugster
12 years ago
^^^ News flash: I HAVE NO LIFE.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Oh, come on sick_liver - you get up, go for a drink, work a minimum wage job in the vegas hotels, then go for a drink at lunch, get home out at night for a real binge. Don't be so hard on yourself. That is definitely quite the life. Your liver might hate it, but I'm sure you'll be able to get that puppy transplanted once you are an old man anyway, right?
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
That is not exactly news, but it is good to see you finally owning up to it. ;)
avatar for Dougsterr
12 years ago
Wow it really gets boring arguing with myself. Won't anyone else out there play my game??? Pleeeeaaassseee?
avatar for Dougsterr
12 years ago
Oh don't lower yourself to my level, know that I'll just take a cowardly cheap shot because I have the anonymity of the internet to hide behind!!!!
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
OK, I'm punching out of this thread now. Too many aliases running around here now, even by Dougie's standards.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Thus speaks sick_liver as he posts from behind his "Douugster" alias. Too funny!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Oh, come on RickyBoy. We all know your just another sick_liver/jester214/alutard alias yourself! Who you think your kidding?
avatar for Dougsterr
12 years ago
Awwww now I just scared away the only person that would actually talk to me!!! Wah!!! Wah!!!!! Won't I ever learn??? WahWahWah!!!!!
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Sorry Dougie, but you are barking up the wrong tree. I might be tempted if I had more time, but as is I barely have time to pop on here sporadically. Unlike you, I have a job and a life to live. Also unlike you, what spare time I do have is generally spent in clubs. ;)
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
RickyBoy: "I have a job and a life to live"

Yep, inventer of The System. Quite the job and life, it is true!

RickyBoy: "what spare time I do have is generally spent in clubs."

Ah "generally". I see. Just not on nights when both your favorites happen to be working. After all if you did go and talk to one it might offend the other. Got it!
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