
Comments by chowder (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    young, slim and naturally busty lover
    What do you say when she asks you what you want?
    More often than not you have to build up some cred with a dancer to get OTC. You have to understand she sees wackos everynight and she isn't so sure you aren't one of them. Take your time with this. In the end she may not be interested. Search on here for the Guide to OTC. It has some good advice.aybe someone will link it below.
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    5 years ago
    young, slim and naturally busty lover
    What do you say when she asks you what you want?
    I tell her what I want and we go from there. No sense beating around the bush.
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    5 years ago
    New York
    ITC with a bartender?
    Only dances. Convinced one to do a tandem with a CF. They were up for it and it was fun. Not a typical encounter though.
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    5 years ago
    Best food in Detroit strip clubs
    Flight Club has really good food. I am not one to eat at clubs but people are always eating in there. A dancer got me to order some stuff one night and it was good. I don't order food all of the time but I wouldn't hesitate there.
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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Do any of you like the plastic surgery (face) look?
    I prefer a natural 7 over a plastic 10. It isn't a deal breaker but it sure can be a turnoff.
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    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    I don't care about any of the details here. These types of situations never end well for the PL. Unless you like self torture and wasting shit-tons of money then and only then should you play with a loaded bomb. She is a pro. You are thinking with your dick. It isn't even a fair fight. In the end you are going to loose. The story never ends any other way for anyone. I learned this the hard way. I ignored many of the vets on here and had to find out for myself. Guess what - the vets were right. Quite frankly they rarely are they wrong.
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you justify paying for sex when she has a huge orgasm?
    I have had them tell me it was on the house after I induced a toe-curling out of body experience. Some of these girls have only been used as a fuck tool. Tons of them have never been with someone who knows what the hell they are doing. Especially the younger ones.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Oasis and Atlantis. Cheerleaders can be fun.
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    5 years ago
    New Jersey DFK?
    Most of the Brazilian's from PH went to Oasis in Philly. Talita was one of my faves at PH. DFK was always a go along with the typical PH handshake. Most of the braz were down with it. Haven't had a chance to check them out at Oasis but will first chance I get.
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    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    White Knights... Has anyone ever saved a ho?
    There was a thread a while ago about "You can't save them all" It was interesting. Even about the ones who don't want to be saved.
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    5 years ago
    Why she is my ATF.
    Some good list above. I will add... It is mostly about time and attention. How she treats me. It helps that I really like her personally. But she makes me a priority. Once she knew I had long term repeat potential she would go out of her way to make things happen. After a short while we just had an open conversation about what each other wanted out of it. We agreed on some things and really never speak about it anymore. She is a natural 10 to me and her personality is seductively fun. We have fun ITC and OTC. Sometimes we just hang out OTC. All endeavors are a blast. When we are ITC I lock her down and she turns down the hundreds of request from other PL's. It pisses them off so bad because she is in very high demand. I don't ask her to do it she just does it. In the end it is how she makes me feel and how much fun she is to be around. It doesn't hurt that she is off the charts hot.
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    5 years ago
    Strippers asking for money
    Papi & Subra that's the thing. It was a gift. But we have been friends for a while. If it was the first few times we had met then I would throw up all defenses. I would first want to make sure I wasn't enabeling something other than poor financial behavior. If it was a bill I would go to the place and pay it. Even then it would be a small amount knowing the reprocussions all discussed above. In the end it can be a slippery slope and usually you get dragged into SS. Just have to be careful. We are all playing with dynamite.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strippers asking for money
    I have given my CF money well over and above ITC/OTC because she was in a bind. We have had a good run for a while and I wanted to help her. I gave a good chunk to her and told her it was a gift. It didn't burn me and I don't regret it. It all comes around with my CF one way or another. If we did not have a past and decent level of trust I wouldn't have done it. Maybe a small amount with a newbie if she had CF potential. But those are rare birds for me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Younger Dancers Attitude
    I am not a younger guy and I get all of the younger dancer's attention I want. They want money and attention and I have both in spades. If I am in a club and a dancer I interested in is with a group of PLs I just get her attention. Maybe flash some Benjamin's. She always comes running.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Turn Offs
    My CF is the hottest dancer in a 7up club in a highly extra friendly market. She doesn't understand why she is the most sought after dancer in the club. It is because she is natural, honestly a good person, and it shows through with her attitude. All of the enhanced fakes in the club are so jealous of her. There are to a of hot girls in this club but being natural and genuine is what separated the best from the rest.
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    5 years ago
    Has anyone ever talked to dancer because you’re worried about their drug use
    If you care about her then do what you can. She is a person. You need to understand that you are playing with dynamite though. It has been said often here that you can't save them all. Most don't want to be saved. Just understand this going in.
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    5 years ago
    Older vs younger dancers—what’s the difference?
    Nidian nailed it pretty much. I gravitate towards the early 20's girls and am amazed about their perspective on things. My CF is 20 (I have seen her DL) but her life experiences have her at the maturety of a 30 year old. She is the exception IME. I do like having conversations with the 28-35 girls because I can relate more often and they get me. But for now my CF is doing the trick.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    I have had better luck transitioning a CF to a SB. We still see each other ITC but OTC even more, often times just dates or hanging out. It has been a good ride honestly. If I didn't have genuine affection for her I wouldn't keep this up. I would say this is a rare thing because I can't see me doing this with anyone else. I never met a CF who I would want to. So my experience may be somewhat rare but it happened non the less.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What are Cities/Regions best known for?
    The Bible belt is terrible. The Pony in Huntsville is a good LD Factory on Thurs-Sat. Lexington, KY has a couple good LDFs. Slim pickings in MS,AR,TN,AL,NC,SC
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Lap dance factory
    Lap Dance Factories can be a lot of fun. They often have hotter girls because the rarity of extras. Dances are typically $20-$30 and two way contact. You can get a bunch of handsy dances with hit girls in typically party-type atmospheres. They have a place and I enjoy them for laid back fun. Baby Dolls Dallas and Mons are two of my favs.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I have paid more and less. If it is just an 18 hr date sounds good. If more is going to happen that is a great deal.
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    5 years ago
    I miss Daytona beach !
    Pasco clubs are worth the drive and traffic. Day shifts are awesome as well.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Best city for strip club
    Denim - OH, TN, AR comprise the Bermuda triangle of strip clubs. KY would be in there but for a few good LD factories in Lexington.
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    5 years ago
    Seattle-The Worst City for Strip Clubs
    Sorry fellas, Cinci is bad. All of Ohio is bad. But Nashville and Little Rock are the worst in the country by far.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Do you CARE about strippers who DO NOT TRUST YOU?
    I care about my CF. We hit it off early and just developed a friendship over time. Don't get me wrong we have a business relationship as well. But we agreed to settle that and never discuss it again. We just have fun now ITC and OTC. Sometimes we just hang out non-business related. Mostlyy drama-less. As much as can be expected.....lol. But I genually care about her and try to do right by her, albeit with my guard up on many fronts. I have never connected with a dancer on a personal level. No bad intent I just never paid that much attention until I met the CF. Just kind of happened. Doubt it will ever happen again so I am just enjoying the ride while it lasts.