
Turn Offs

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I don’t consider myself terribly picky about women, but I do have standards.

Some qualities (or lack thereof) can absolutely kill my budding interest in an otherwise attractive woman.

STUPIDITY: I don’t care how sexy a girl is, if I can’t engage in conversation with her unless it’s about drugs, rappers or tattoos, I can’t be bothered to unzip my trousers. The most beautiful woman I ever dated (she was Victoria Secret model quality) was so dull and inarticulate, that we were still working on our salad at dinner when I decided I couldn’t wait to get her back home (to HER place so I could drop her off and forget about her).

FAKE BOOBS: I’m not a boob-guy. Sure, I like titties, but they don’t have to be enormous. Regardless of their size, I insist on titties being authentic and to be in full compliance with the Federal Code of Titty Regulations ( https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=… ).

OBESITY: I just don’t do fat girls. Life is too short to dance with or fuck fat girls.

EMACIATION: I don’t do emaciated girls either. If I ever get in the mood for an emaciated woman, I will hop on a flight to Somalia.

ALLEY-OOP ANKLES: This is an absolute deal killer for me. A woman is supposed to have delicate ankles. I don’t care if she is a world class tennis player or ice skater. If she has Alley-Oop ankles, I will scratch her off my “to do list.”

HALITOSIS: A beautiful face with soft, luscious, kissable lips is totally wasted on me if I can’t swoop in for a kiss without gagging. This concern eliminates all women who smoke.

VAGINOSIS: I’m a guy who likes to make out with a woman at both ends. Vaginosis is a deal killer for me. There is nothing I hate more than a pussy that reeks of last week’s leftover tuna casserole.

UGLY FEET: I have a thing about feet. Bad feet have knocked women who were otherwise serious contenders out of consideration. Feet can be ugly in a number of ways. They can be too big. They can have too many callouses. They can have too many visible veins or ugly toenails. Missing or deformed toes are a deal killer. Feet can be of a peculiar color. I was involved with a woman once who pushed all my buttons. She was smart, funny, articulate, smelled nice ... she was gorgeous from the top of her head all the way down to her ankles. But there was something about her feet that I just couldn’t stand. BLECCHH!!!

TATTOOS: There is no such thing as a tasteful tattoo. Yes, it’s true that a tattoo can be considered documentary evidence of a woman’s ability to make decisions she will regret in the morning, but I until such time (if ever) that I get a tattoo of my own, I’ll pass on all women with tattoos.

GINGIVITIS: Fucking forget about it!

PECULIAR FETISHES OR REQUESTS: I would immediately ditch any woman who asked me to invite half a dozen of my friends so we could all slap her around for a while before running a train on her. Likewise, if she asks me to talk dirty to her about Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Esotericism or Rosicrucianism I will immediately tell her that we are not destined to be but that I can introduce her to a guy in San Jose who will gladly talk dirty to her all night long in the back seat of his Prius about that kind of shit.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    We disagree on tattoos.

    Several of your points fall under the umbrella of 'hygiene', which we agree on.

    I don't get on with dancers who smell like an ashtray.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Have never dated a smoker on a continual basis - the few times I've made out with a smoker it made me wanna throw up - I tolerate it with dancers bc o/w I'd be bypassing a lof of dancers

    I could not date someone into drugs bc I've never had interest in that - I don't find anything sexy about seeing a woman rolling up a joint and then having a joint hanging from her mouth

    I just don't like them and I could not see myself continually being with a woman with fake boobs

    I need to have something to grab/hold-on-to - being with a flat-chested no-ass woman would leave me constantly wsnting - I need both, good sized ass and titties - I guess if I could only choose one I'd choose good-sized boobs with a flat ass vs a nuce-ass and no-boobs

    I admire intelligence but for w/e reason don't find it a turn-on - for w/e reason I find a bit-ditzy girl endearing - there is def a limit to how dumd she can be; e.g. if she thinks gangbangers and criminals are cool then that's not endearing - but if she tells me she has a PHd I'd be impressed but not necessarily turned on by that - if a dancer tells me she has a Masters degree it doesn't do much for me nor turn me on much if at all - I don't find a woman that can explain the Federal Reserve as something that draws me to her

    Have always preferred short women - have never dated a woman over 5'8 - a tall woman is def not an absolute deal-breaker but not my pref - I can get with very tall dsncers but probably wouldn't wanna date a very tall woman - much prefer a 4'10 girl with a body I like vs a 5'10 girl with a body I like

    Don't like very short hair that almost looks like a guy's hairstyle - perhaps not an absolute deal-breajer but more I'd be with her in-spite of her hairstyle instead of bc of it

    Def like full lips - not a must-have but extremely thin lips are a turn-off and probably couldn't be continuously be with a chick with very thin lips

    Don't like pasty white skin - def prefer naturally tanned or olived skin

    I like large round eyes - find it attractive

    Def like them on the large side - don't find small areolas attractive/desirable
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Agree on cleanliness. I hope thats universal and they probably feel the same way about us. They don’t want to be dancing close to someone with nasty breath, BO or someone who smells like crotch sweat in their nether regions.

    I don’t like super skinny girls with no ass.
    Also can’t seem enjoy a woman with super short hair. Like pixie or boyish cut. I love long feminine hair. I can appreciate their body if their hair is short, and of course tip at the stage, but that’s a no go for VIP time.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Via Papi, I can safely add 'drug addiction' to my list of turn offs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I've grown to like some small ones bc it gives her a bit of a bad-girl look - don't like large ones like sleeves nor like them on certain areas like forearm or calves
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Bad Breath, Too Tall, Too many tattoos, Overweight, out of shape, talks too much, stupid.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    It occurred to me that I might seem unreasonably squeamish with my list of turn offs.

    I am willing to occasionally compromise on some of my criteria when it comes to strippers precisely because I DON’T intend to have a lasting relationship with any of them.

    While I’m at it, I will confess that I also occasionally relieve myself in public urinals.
    5 years ago
    money is very good
  • samiel
    5 years ago
    I too like cleanliness!

    I also want a face I can look at. A great body but a bad face just doesn't do it for me. So many times I've approached a girl, only to find that the makeup and distance and lighting had fooled me!
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    In regards to dancers, if she treats me well and does a good job, I will look past the tattoos. I used to be against tattoos but the new CF had them. I just focus my attention on her beautiful face.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Too much makeup will ruin her appearance for me, and I can’t stand GPS.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Nobody has mentioned piercings yet. I hate them. Especially nipple and tongue piercings. I don't want a mouthful of metal and metal tongue piercings scare the hell out of my dick.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    Some of the turn offs mentioned by others are not quite disqualifiers for me. I prefer women with some color but girls with glow in the dark white butts are not automatically disqualified. I am not fond of body piercings but I can look past them if they are not too numerous and are not on her face.

    I failed to mention freckles.

    I don’t do freckles.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    - fake boobs
    - fake ass
    - flat chest
    - flat ass
    - bald head
    - more muscles than most men
    - more tattoos than bare skin
    - bad hygiene
    - too much ribcage showing
    - waistline bigger than bust and hips
    - flabby
    - "mailing it in" attitude
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Not into a lot of piercings but they aren't a deal-breaker - don't like nipple piercings bc they get in the way of me fully enjoying a nice pair of boobs
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Not big on piercings either, though on my last visit I enjoyed a pretty lass with one little nipple bar. It was fun to gently compare/contrast.

    One of my sexiest dances ever was stopped at one & done due to mild halitosis.

    I'm evolving on tattoos; in the SC it's a rare wonderful body with none.
  • JohnSmith69
    5 years ago
    I have never cared much about what a woman’s ankles or feet look like. I’m also fine with her being dumb. But otherwise I generally agree with most of the other turn offs listed.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Not too too much on my end.

    I would say bad breath, fat, mean, no ass. And to me that’s all fixable. Otherwise I’m really open.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago

    ^ LMAO @Papi it's INTELLIGENT

    And @reverend they're called "cankles"
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    Unable to hold a conversation, bad hygiene, short hair and a gut. Those are my main turnoffs.

    Tats are not a deal killer but not a turn on. The bad girl vibe they give off can be nice but the judgment that has gone into some tats seems to often reflect bigger issues of judgment. Not always though.

    Drug use is like tats in that it’s not an automatic deal breaker. But it can be depending on how it manifests itself.

    I guess I’d also add overdone makeup to the list if likely deal breakers. If she needs an excessive amount of makeup to look good, I’m not 8nterested. Or if she doesn’t need it but it’s her idea of what looks good, I’ll pass.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    I am with you guys on most of these. Some exceptions:

    KINKY: major turn-ON, not a turn-off

    STUPID: No big deal. My major measure is how fun she is. I've met strippers who are not the sharpest tool in the shed, but they're fun, funny, charming, and interesting in other ways.

    FAKE BOOBS: I am not a boob guy. I dislike fake boobs, but very easy to ignore for me, even bad boob jobs. I'm gonna have my face buried in her ass anyway

    Additions to turn-offs:

    NOT FUN: personality is huge. If she's not fun to drink with, she's out

    FLAT ASS: mentioned above, but worth re-mentioning :)


    FACE PIERCINGS ANYWHERE BUT HER EARS: lips nope septum nope labret nope eyebrow nope monroe nope. Nope nope nope. Dislike nostril but I'll tolerate it

  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    As papi said, drug addict is a major turn off. Once watched a girl on stage that I’m pretty sure just shot heroin. Watching her dance in a semi comatose state was a huge turn off.

    Also SirLapdance mentioned the number one complete deal breaker for me, for dancers and just women in general. But I didn’t even think to list it.

    When a woman’s waist is thicker than her hips or boobs. That apple shape, after menopause, insulin resistant, too much beer thick middle look on any size woman instantly turns me off. I like thick women mostly, but they have to have that hour glass shape. Even slender women, can get that thick waist around middle age usually from heavy drinking.

    I don’t care how awesome she is in every other way, that look turns off any thought of sex in my brain.

    Almost everything else I can over look with the right girl. Tattoos, piercing, fake tits...
  • SanchoRG
    5 years ago
    I love well-done fake tits y’all crazy.

    My biggest turn offs are bad hygiene, ‘thicc’ aka fat girls and short hair. Other than that I’m easy
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    I get down on my knees each and every night to thank god that I am such a perfect paragon of male virility that I can afford to turn my nose up at dim-witted, inarticulate women with big feet, thick ankles, tattoos and bad breath.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    - unattractive face
    - short hair
    - big lips
    - huge boobs
    - floppy or saggy boobs
    - large dark areolas
    - rough skin or non-shaved legs
    - non protruding nipples
    - facial piercings
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    Aside from fake boobs being a "DQI", agree with much of what Papi and Sir Lap say. In this day and age, making tattoos an automatic DQ will make one pretty lonely in most clubs. While I'm of the opinion that tats on a beautiful woman are like putting bumper stickers on a Ferrari, I'll make exceptions to that rule if the tats aren't too overdone.
  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    Smoking and smelling of smoke
    Poor hygiene
    Shitty attitude

    Beyond that I feel that I can vibe with most women. There are some 'types' that I am easily attracted to but it is fun getting along with and having fun with all kinds of girls.
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    turns off

    -unattractive face

    -fake breasts

    -excessive tattoos

    - cig smoker
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    - tall women

    That’s about it.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    -shailynn and his hilarious alter ego Mamisan having disappeared and not returned.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I also don't have patience for prude women that see getting freaky as some sort of sin.
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    I agree with most of the above. The one that is missing and is a turn off to me is a tampon string hanging out.
  • elmer
    5 years ago
    I was about to agree with the majority of your list until I got here.

    "Likewise, if she asks me to talk dirty to her about Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Esotericism or Rosicrucianism"

    Didn't want to embarrass myself by resorting to a dictionary
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    "I don’t consider myself terribly picky about women, but I do have standards"

    After reading your list and explanations, I too would not consider you terribly picky.

    I would consider you are positively picky.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    I agree with most things on Rev's list and others' lists.
    One thing I don't think has been mentioned is an overbearing personality, kind of like an alpha male -- bossy, has to be her way, thinks she can kick the shit out of any other female and quite a few males, too.
    Kind of like butch or Tom boyish, tough gal type. Fuck that shit, I want my gal to be 100 percent feminine, preferably soft-spoken and amiable, but one who will speak up for herself if need be.

    Also, I don't mind enhanced breasts one bit. I'm OK with tattoos as long as it's nothing ridiculous, like on her face, covering her beck or whole arms and legs. Same with piercings, it's OK if it's not out of control.
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    huge areolas - had a few dances where they take their top off and they are unproportionally big, no thanks.

    bad teeth - I always notice people teeth as soon as they talk to me. I'll still get a dance, but long term it's a no. Once I see them I can't stop looking so conversations will be difficult.

    Girls that don't allow touching - if you're facing me during the lap dance, my hands are going to be on your ass. if you tell me no touching or move my hands, that's the only dance I'm going to buy from you.

    a floppity pussy - if your vagina looks like an M80 just went off, i'm just not interested. I know some girls just have vaginas that are that way, but I like them to look like they are about to go out to a 5 star resturant, not like they just woke up and need to be to work in 2 minutes. Tuck that shit in or something.

    pushy girls - if we've done a dance for 9 seconds and you're asking me if we can move to a CR, I think we're about done. This is an audition, work your ass off and then lets talk.

    repeat moves - i don't pay a lot of attention to how the girl is grinding on me, but if you have something cute that you do that's like your signature move, like lick my ear and purr, you better have a long routine, because the 3rd time you do it and we're just started the 2nd song, I'm paying attention and completely analyzing your moves. I'll probably do a 3rd or 4th song just to see if I can predict when the ear lick purr is coming, but then i consider you boring as fuck and I'm done with you. Sure the hell not taking you into a CR.

    liars - if you specifically tell me something is going to happen, that I can do something to you or you're going to do something to me when we go into a room, and that doesn't happen, you're black listed. I've had a few girls tell me how much they want me to play with their pussy. Go into a room and then they remember their on their period, or just lying about being on their period. Either way, you'll never get another penny from me again.

    along the same line as the liars - the blatant lying complementers. I know what I look like, and there are a lot of adjectives that I wouldn't use to describe me. Yes it's a fantasy and yes, I want you to stroke my ego along with other things, but when you're telling me I look just like Brad Pitt, you've gone a little too far down the rabbit hole, and I just snapped back to reality. Fantasy over and so is my time with you.

    the girl that orders the most expensive drink - I'm usually pretty good to offer a drink to anyone sitting with me, and don't often think about the price, but one time a girl ordered 2 drinks, and then asked me if I wanted to do shots. Her 2 drinks were like $27. bitch, you've been sitting with me for 97 seconds, what the fuck?

  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    The one I'll mention that I don't think anyone else has is an obviously fake hair color, particularly if that color is blond (looking at you, Cuban dancers at Tootsies). Even worse are the dancers at black clubs who'd be marked absent in night school unless they said something, but I don't see them that much.

    I'm a fan of pretty much any dancer who looks natural and proportionate. "Why didn't you list implants as a turnoff"...one, some implants make women look proportionate; and two, you pretty much have to give a pass on implants here because so many women have them.
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    My CF is the hottest dancer in a 7up club in a highly extra friendly market. She doesn't understand why she is the most sought after dancer in the club. It is because she is natural, honestly a good person, and it shows through with her attitude. All of the enhanced fakes in the club are so jealous of her. There are to a of hot girls in this club but being natural and genuine is what separated the best from the rest.
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    At the club right now, really don't care for the under-boob tattoo. Why draw attention away from your boobs?
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    I'll generally go along with the turn-offs listed here.
    But other than general hygiene (i.e., smell good) and expect to do her part in a topless/nude club - there is no deal killer for me. (tattoos, some belly fat, lack of ass, quiet type, etc - all ok for me)

    One thing I have not understood about many dancers. For over an hour a dancer will sit barside, or on the main floor waiting for a customer to approach her. Finally she wins a customer and gives him lappers or VIP. After that, she is on a roll. Right after finishing a stack with one customer - goes to the next table and offers dances/VIP - still topless and wearing just a thong and sweaty body. Finishes that up in 4-5 songs and immediately goes to the next - even more sweatier and more worn out.

    When such a dancer approaches me, I ask her to freshen up and come back.

    In this matter, I appreciate dancers who go back to locker room - freshen up or even change the outfit and come back to floor fresh, after each session with a customer.
  • dr_lee
    5 years ago
    -Talking too much; in a bar recently where dancer wouldn't shut up for telling her life story to a customer next to me

    -Always having a drink in her hand; again, I look up and it always seems like certain girls are sucking down a glass or bottle of something.

    -I don't like stick figures. No thanks. I actually like thick girls that are in good shape, but I won't turn away a thin dancer that's really fine and with great legs.

    -Dancers who dance everywhere but on the actual stage. They actually do solid dance moves on the floor, but when they get on the stage, they just walk around looking mean.

  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    As the ricks say, there are no turn-offs if you’re drunk enough. I once got my BSLC sucked by a ladyboy tiger. Am I proud of it? Not especially. But sometimes you’re all drunk and things just happen.

    However, I’m secure enough to admit everything I’ve done because I’m a rick and, by definition, things ricks do are monumentally great!

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    How did they make these lions, 4 of them? A mold, or individually?

    Imagine if I could make these 4 lions come to life. How much would such a lion weigh, 20,000 lbs?


    As they are, they each weigh 7 tons.


    They are made of bronze, and they are not identical.



  • AmeliaSmith
    5 years ago
    I’m hurt that y’all don’t like bald headed heauxs.
  • DandyDan
    5 years ago
    I really only have 2 things that are complete turnoffs, which are bad personality, bad hygiene and overly skinny. I suppose girls who are overly repetitive in their dancing would be another, but it takes getting a dance to learn about that.
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