Younger Dancers Attitude

I have always failed to see why the younger dancers always flock to the young boys that go into a club like flyies to poo. I have never gone clubbing without money to spend and have many times left a club without getting a single dance despite there being many dancers a few customers. Why are allowed dancers allowed to sit at the bar on their phones when there is potential $$$$$ sitting at tables. No one gets paid if they done get dances!
I also see multiple girls gather/sitting around young guys [with their pants around their knees] that sit there and "party" with the dancers but don't buy dances/drinks/tip.
I was clubbing recently where this was happening. The waitress (who was friendly, a looker, mid twenties and chatty) was complaining when she brought my drink about a table full of young guys surrounded by the youngest dancers that the cheap little boys were playing grab ass with her and not tipping nor were they buying the dancers drinks.
I did not care as there were plenty of other dancers and they were not to obnoxious but why do managers/house mothers tolerate this crap. I can tick off the customers with money to spend.


  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    The more rules management sets on what dancers can, can’t, or must do, the more likely they are to get sued for improperly classifying the dancers as independent contractors instead of employees.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Why is this hard to understand. New baby stripper just want to get paid on stage and then hang out with cute guys. They don't want to give lap dances to gross old men.

    That type of new baby strippers are my favorite category to find. I am young enough for them to not be repulsed by me and spend a decent amount.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Ironically, the longer I’ve been dancing, I actually prioritize the younger customers than I did first starting out.

    They require less in the way of conversation or anything before getting dances. It’s also very easy to filter them as time wasters or genuine spenders.

    When I was younger, I had these visions of older men being less pushy and demanding of extra services. And if I learned how to be elegant and refined, and be intelligent and a great conversationalist, it would be sipping champagne and making hundreds of dollars and barely doing much of anything.

    I’m sure it’s still possible to get to those men. I’ve just learned it’s a much larger hassle than I realized and I’m impatient. Or just being elegant and refined just simply isn’t my forte, lol.

    But why those table of douches in the OP? No idea.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    "sipping champagne and making hundreds of dollars and barely doing much of anything." AVOID!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    As DrE mentioned, dancers are supposed to be independent contractors that pay to work there thus can't really be told how to do their job such as when to dance for a custy or for whom.

    The type of issue described in the OP I find more-often on nightshift and in certain clubs more than others - as has often been posted on TUSCL one often gets better QoS on dayshift and why there is a good # of TUSCLers that prefer dayshift SCing sometimes exclusively. Besides the issue mentioned in the OP, I sometimes witness young nigthshift dancers carousing w/ each other (dancing with other dancers and partying like they were at a house-party) while ignoring the custies until 30-minutes b/f closing when it dawns on them they haven't made any $$$ that night; SMH.

    I avoid nigthshift in many clubs these days not only b/c of the inferior dancer Qos but the young guys that think they are the kings of the club and that the world/club revolves around them - a while back I was at Tootsies Miami on a weekend eve; a mixed-group of guys and girls of about 15 to 20 in their early early-20s where taking-up one-half of the main-room and high-fiving each other at seeing titties - half of them were sitting rail-side w/ a few of them standing behind them blocking the stage-view of custies sitting in tables behind them - I let one guy know he was blocking the view and he apologized and moved out the way but later was in the way again; ended-up having to try and find another seat in the club that was not as good as the one I had. Another time had this thick Latin guy going to say hello to his homeboys sitting rail-side - he's coming from the back of the club cutting thru the tables on his way to say hello to his homeboys as if they had not seen each other in 20-years - anyway he was cutting thru the tables w/ his fat-ass and bumps into me hard to where if I would've had a drink on that hand I would have spilled half-of-it, anyway he just keeps going w/o even looking back as if he could care less.

    On avg it seems to me in most clubs the older guys get more attention - when I first started to hit SCs at age 30 there were many times dancers would walk past me as if I was invisible and head straight for the middle-aged guy a table or two over, usually happened in the more upscale bigger-$$$ mixed-clubs - what the OP describes seems to happen in certain clubs that are more party-oriented (which are a lot of them) and more often on primetime nights (weekend nights) - and seems often it's the younger more inexperienced dancers w/ poor hustles - I've heard many experienced and/or older dancers complain that they can't stand the young often cocky-guys that often don't spend much and treat the dancers like they were trying to pick up chicks in a nightclub.
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    I am not a younger guy and I get all of the younger dancer's attention I want. They want money and attention and I have both in spades. If I am in a club and a dancer I interested in is with a group of PLs I just get her attention. Maybe flash some Benjamin's. She always comes running.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    "Or just being elegant and refined just simply isn’t my forte, lol."

    It's also overrated.

    Being a genuinely interesting person is going to top refinement any day. Some people confuse the two.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    Younger dancers usually don't have experience. Couple with the fact that they probably live with parents and need pocket money only. Unlike older dancers that are head of a household and must earn all living expenses from the job.

    Hence younger dancers prefer the comfort of "accepting" younger dudes who are there only to drink, gawk and chill.

    I'd notice the same thing. But then some of the young dancers were so sexy on stage - that I'd tip them on stage and invite them for drinks and dances. Sometimes, I'd ask the waitress or manager to invite a dancer. This worked - largely.

    Lately, I'd walk up to the dancer - engage in some light banter and tell her that I'd like her company and some dances. Even with such gentlemanly approach, a few numb skulls will decline. But most will be relieved that a ready customer simply landed on her lap. Just sayin - so us customers don't get butt hurt by being rejected by a one-off dancer.

    A few more things that have worked for me - when the prized dancer in on your lap. This has fallen in two categories.
    Category 1: Young dancer opens up. Already wild, inhibited and ready to fly the skies. The initial hurdle was the only thing holding her back (horror stories of creepy customers who come in solo)
    Category 2: Still tentative and scoping customer out.

    Category 1 - enjoy!

    Category 2 - I always put on ideal customer behavior (as a dancer would perceive). Express my desires but playfully seek permissions and assure payments. This is really not hard. Most customers already do this. Just be expressive and cool about the process. Many dancers start to ease in and start to relax. Dancer persona comes out - and subsequent session, if not this one, become more enjoyable.

    This is also the place and time where non-performers get weeded out. One or two dances is all I need to gauge the real personality and attitude of a dancer.

    Seems like a bit of wind - but skirt chasers usually do go the miles to seek most beautiful women.

    ****** story *****
    Was in a nude club. Saw a young, sexy thing picking her songs at the DJ booth. Asked Waitress to get her for me. Waitress said - it's her first day! L*** comes over. She says she is nervous dancing nude. I told her dance any way you want. With top on, or with panty on, or even get your winter coat from the locker room and put it on. Just have a smile when you dance.
    Had a laugh. No wintercoat, but top and bottom both stayed on the first day. ok.

    But next visit I was her favorite customer. I had really good times with her over next few months and cherish fond memories.

    She is married and a professional singer now. God bless her and her family.


  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    As this is a social business, it is natural for the inexperienced to gravitate towards those of their perceived social group.

    The successful quickly realize where the money is and focus their attention toward those customers.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I still can't fucking stand most younger customers. But I can sorta see what nicespice is saying in regards to old motherfuckers aren't always all that great either. It just depends on all kinds of things.

    I think my problem with younger customers is that I am a bitch, and I don't pretend otherwise. And the younger customers are too sensitive like "millennial snowflakes" or whatever. Oops I guess I am offensive and abrasive in how I talk, and don't really give a fuck.

    Usually 35+ guys so not necessarily "old" guys are better at seeing my humor and aren't such pussies like these little boys that come in acting like fucking children.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Don't get me wrong, I am not always a bitch to everyone. Like I am not completely stupid, surprise, surprise. Usually, I can tell if someone is just really shy or whatever but seems nice enough/ready to spend if you just be nice to them.
  • boomer79
    5 years ago
    I think the best skills a dancer can learn are to identify who is spending and who likes them. Some of it may be profiling but I think successful dancers are pretty good at it.

    Honestly I do think younger dancers are actually more concerned about rejection. I think this keeps them from circulating more. In my experience they tend to socialize more but don’t mind people coming to them.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I feel like identifying who is spending and who likes you varies. Like I do better in some regions than others. *le shrug* I am sure it has something to do with my looks/attitude too.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    "And the younger customers are too sensitive like "millennial snowflakes" or whatever. Oops I guess I am offensive and abrasive in how I talk, and don't really give a fuck. . . . Usually 35+ guys so not necessarily "old" guys are better at seeing my humor and aren't such pussies like these little boys that come in acting like fucking children."

    I really like the way you think. (Except this part: "old motherfuckers aren't always all that great either.")
  • mjx01
    5 years ago
    Well... I guess my comment is that this 'problem' isn't limited to 'younger' dancers. I frequent plenty of clubs where dancers come off stage and sit with (presumably) a regular for ever and I don't ever see them sell a dancer to that regular or anyone else.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ Is it a club with an expensive vip or vip options? Generally, with that kind of hustle, one has to invest a longer amount of time in the hopes the customer gets one. Sometimes it doesn’t pan out.

    If it’s a regular, it could well be he is tipping her for her time. OR she is just sitting with him because she has written off the room as a group of nonspenders and she’s just sitting with him to pretend to look busy and waiting for the next customer to walk in the door.
  • Bamaeight
    5 years ago
    Younger guys are easy marks. The girls know how to play them and see what’s up. The older more experienced have lots more experience and expectations are lots higher in the vip.
    Also for the party girls young guys have what they are looking for
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    I used to think the same as OP but ive learned to just be more aggressive on the initial encounter. Ive had to walk an entire length of a club to get the girl ive wanted. Then buy them a drink, be respectful and tip well. On your next visit you wont be surprised if they leave a customer to come talk to you
  • woodstock
    5 years ago
    Had several hot dancers sitting with me at a table after a bachelor party came roaring in during day shift at an Austin club a month ago. They were all sitting around the main stage, where two dancers at a time were doing sets of 3, and one of the dancers who came over and sat down said that the entire group of a dozen or more was only tipping $5-10 per set.

    Pretty easy for me to slide into a cabana with one, then both, for much more fun than any of the bachelors were having. So, now I say "bring on the bachelor parties!" Better experience for me. The dancers find it easier to recognize who's willing to spend, and the dichotomy works in my favor.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I assume that not every dancer enjoys being rejected, especially when they first start, so hanging out with peers whom you know won't be buying dances not only avoids rejection and gives them a chance to relax, but it also means that by being "busy/taken", they will be more attractive to spenders when they hitt he stage.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "I did not care as there were plenty of other dancers and they were not to obnoxious but why do managers/house mothers tolerate this crap."

    Because it's not the managers' or house moms' place to tell these girls how to spend their time when they're off stage. They're ICs who pay to work in the clubs, a system which benefits all of us in a number of ways. Truth be told, I'm not very interested in the very young dancers anyway because I have trouble relating to them, so the ones who do that are usually doing me a favor.

    But I don't buy that it didn't bother you or else it wouldn't have been on your mind still, nor would you have been motivated to write and submit that post. This smacks of similar complaints about girls being locked down by regulars, being on their cell phones, hiding in the dressing room, etc.,etc. The feelings behind all of these complaints seem to be disappointment and self entitlement, along with perhaps the misguided belief that the customer knows better than they do how they should spend their time and who they should spend it with.

    As we all know, they are selling access to themselves, which is different than almost any other sales situation we will ever come across. So while I agree that some of these girls don't do a good job of maximizing their economic opportunities, it's entirely possible that many of them are doing as much as they are emotionally equipped to handle at that moment in time.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    For once I completely agree with rickyboy.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    For once paulieboy doesn't have his head completely up his own ass - or some else's.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    Going a bit OT, but it always amuses me how people cite the IC argument as though it were some golden trump card. It's not. May be "technically" so, but there are enough holes to drive a fleet of trucks through.

    While some scheduling flexibility exists, club can tell new dancer to start off on day shifts, but to see night mgr about working night shift. Then some clubs require dancers to work a certain (token) number of off peak shift(s) as a condition of being allowed to continuously dance there. In a way, paying escalating scale of fees for showing up later in shift controls dancers compensation ($$) to a certain extent.

    Lastly, dancers get "fired" still. Things like fighting with other dancers, being overweight, etc. Then how many times have you seen bouncer intervene when dancer went (or allowed customer to go) a bit too far ? I saw shift mgr "counsel" a dancer who was a bit too "liberal" in stageside interaction with me. How many stories have you heard of dancer being fired for being "too nasty" in the back.

    Point on off stage down time well taken. Club can't micromanage dancers like one transportation/delivery company micromanages it's delivery driver who prescribes every motion down to the second to be followed (like where to park, how to get in and out of vehicle, etc to insure the most time efficient method for multiple deliveries.) But pure IC, dancers ain't.

    Enough of this labor/contract law stuff, time for my afternoon swim
  • rockie
    5 years ago
    I've never found that it's necessarily the young dancer that fails to work a room. I've found that 30 percent of all dancer demographics fail to work the room. While I understand the phenomena that TT describes, some of it can be overcome by stage tipping and asking dancer to stop by after. Quite often half the dancers that don't work the room in general, happen to be duds when they eventual do get to you.
  • iknowbetter
    5 years ago
    I have always wondered why young guys were in the strip clubs in the first place? Not that I mind, but when I was their age (I love starting statements out like this), I was out chasing civilian pussy at night clubs, not paying for it in strip clubs.

    With the young dancers sitting around on their cell phones, my only complaint is when they take up prime seating from paying customers. I have on occasion asked a floor manager to break up a group of inactive dancers to free up seating for myself and others.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I really don't see the problem. They spend time with who they want to. If you want their company then ask for it. If you pay they'll give it to you. Most stripper hoes hate their jobs and partying with guys they may feel more comfort with is a way for them to disassociate from what they're doing.

    But I love partying with stripper hoes like that
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    And chasing stripper pussy like it's civvie pussy is a rewarding hobby and ego boost when you're successful at it lulz
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    @Minnow reading your post for some reason made me think of the 5 seeing habits and 10 point commentary. Not sure why........

  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I feel ok saying that minnow was way off topic after seeing TFP already said it. Generally I don't like hanging out with newer dancers because they end up feeling like they're doing something wrong when I don't respond the way they're expecting. It's not game playing. I'm just too impatient and bored a lot of the time to go along with them trying to sort out their hustle, and it's gotten to the point where I've stopped tipping as much just to keep unwanted awkward conversation at bay.
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