Strippers asking for money

I recently met a stripper at The Men's Club in Charlotte, and had a decent enough time to exchange phone numbers. After a few texts the day after meeting, she messaged me yesterday with some story about needing money.
Under what circumstances would you help a girl out? Has anyone done it and had a positive outcome?
Under what circumstances would you help a girl out? Has anyone done it and had a positive outcome?
Totally different story with an ATF, who I've known for a long time and shows no signs of being an overt hustler, and is already giving me more YMMV than I think I'm worth. I've done things like send her the payment for the next OTC in advance so she can make her rent, and I've relayed here the story of seeing an old ATF driving around with tires where the steel belts were sticking through and I just gifted her new tires. But if she's an ATF, she's been blowing me away for months; I look at her as a person and am happy to help. The result is commonly that she ups her game even more
Run away or tell her you will help her but she is going to pay you in pussy.... none of this friends help friends shit. Think about it, last night did you text her and say, hey my dick is hard how about coming over and helping me out, I mean friends help friends right?..... bullshit run away or make sure you get yours first
If you are going to give it to her, expect no return.
Oh, there's DEFINITELY a return. The return is, now that she knows you're a soft-spined little bitch, she is going to start running her hustle on you in earnest.
Like I said, I have done an advance on an OTC, but that's as loan-y as I'll go
The only time I loaned a stripper any money was a dancer I had known for years who legitimately needed money for medical expenses and she gave me her boat as collateral. We wrote up a contract with a payment schedule to have it paid off in 6 months and ahe actually paid ahead of schedule and I got my money back over the next 4 months since she wanted the boat back by the start of summer.
I meant to say:
-->"If you are going to give it to her, expect no 'positive' return."
I didn't even bother responding to her ask, and would never lend money to a stripper. If they want money from me, they can provide a service ITC.
@papi - If you were insulted because I asked two questions, perhaps you should go back and read the actual questions. I wasn't asking if I should send her money.
The fact she exchanged numbers and asked you for money, shows it is scam.
Delete her number and find other dancers to spend your money on.
Now, if I know the dancer and she treats me like a VIP, I might advance her an amount equivilent to one visit, I emphasize, MIGHT.
I also know, any money I advance is money I can afford to lose.
So if she is hot, counter with an earning opportunity. If she is not, or if she refuses your proposal, blow her off. Simple. Never loan or pay in advance because stripper promises are about as reliable as a weather forecast 10 days out.
^^^ buy her this
But, in droid's case, any new stripper asking is insta-fired, and I also wouldn't do this with some run-of-the-mill CF
The answer is, of course you help her out, give her your credit card number and bank account information promptly.
If it's a gift then I don't see how one can get burned
(especially when the small small brain is calling the shots.)
If it was the first few times we had met then I would throw up all defenses. I would first want to make sure I wasn't enabeling something other than poor financial behavior. If it was a bill I would go to the place and pay it. Even then it would be a small amount knowing the reprocussions all discussed above. In the end it can be a slippery slope and usually you get dragged into SS.
Just have to be careful. We are all playing with dynamite.
It is rare I front the money. You can hand her a thousand dollars in a gold trimmed purse with a marching band behind you and an hour later some dancers will swear you never gave her a penny and you still owe her a thousand dollars.
None. Dancers get money from me in exchange for services. It's a friendly business relationship, not a friendship. Also, there's an old saying about feeding stray cats that applies here.
"Has anyone done it and had a positive outcome?"
I'm sure someone has, but I'm also sure that it's a bad idea to base your decisions on exceptions to rules.
Executive Summary: Don't do it.
1. Former fave asked for like $40 i thought nothing of it. I gave it to her
2. I went to tip another former fave and asked her if she needed gas money. She said yes but didn't want to take any money from me. I asked her how much she said $5
3. Current girl tried helping me find a new place to stay. I thought that was really sweet so i offered to pay her phone bill. She initially said yes but then recanted saying it was too much ($108). I assured her it wasn't bad and she told me she was worried about me. I came back later that week to give her the money and she was very grateful