What do you say when she asks you what you want?

Pk11sweethardyoung, slim and naturally busty lover
At this non-extras club, I tried my damnedest last time for OTC with this girl, but no dice. Even did a $300+ private (rip off). A subsequent visit, I'm back at the same club and the same young hot girl is dancing. I proceed to get a semi private dance... and during, she asks me what I want. Again, it's clear ITC and OTC are not available...so my questions are: is it common to get this question during a LD? And when a girl asks this, what is it most likely she means by her question?
Alnd maybe most importantly, what do you guys usually say?
last commentGive your best effort!
I tell her what I want and we go from there. No sense beating around the bush.
More often than not you have to build up some cred with a dancer to get OTC. You have to understand she sees wackos everynight and she isn't so sure you aren't one of them. Take your time with this. In the end she may not be interested.
Search on here for the Guide to OTC. It has some good advice.aybe someone will link it below.
You already spent $300+ to find out she will not do OTC with you and it is a non-extras club and you went back anyways.
What was your endgame?
What were trying to get?
If it's the first song, I'll just say something like "I'll let you know" with some sort of compliment about how she looks or what's she's doing.
I tell her flat out what I want, whether it's ITC or OTC. Even in a non extras club, she won't be offended. Trust me, you're not the first to ask. And she'll probably say 'no' if you're asking for extras, but that's where you start negotiations. And, if what she offers is either not enough or too expensive, then you go find another dancer. Or, another club.
When that question is asked of me, I tell them “I’ll have everything you are offering!”
Sometimes a dancer will ask how you want/like your dances (RCG, FCG, fast slow, etc) - I'll usually tell her for her to dance how she likes - my rationale is that she'll do a better dance if she goes with her own flow vs trying to guess what I want - this is mostly in clubs where I know grinding-dances are the norm - in a club unknown to me I just tell them I want a lot of grinding.
Extras or OTC are not my primary objective when I hit the club but if that is what is on my mind that is what I'll ask since some dancers are willing but for w/e reason don't bring it up themselves - going with innuendos in strip clubs IME often doesn't bode well.
So, if she's not into ITC or OTC then her unsolicited ask must be creating a false sense of hope to entice for more dances and therefore more money, right?
Only other thing I can think of is what dance position I prefer ... or if I'm an ass guy or a titty guy. And then she'd dance in a way to allow better viewing angle or access to my favorite body parts (as she had no problem letting my hands roam).
Which of the two sounds more likely to you guys?
Regardless if it's an extras or "clean" club if she asks me what I want. I tell her exactly what I want. She'll either provide those services or she won't. OTC is tricky because she does meet wackos every night as mentioned above. More importantly you should be careful. There's no telling if she has a controlling boyfriend/pimp who'll Rob you. Think with muscle between your ears not your legs when it comes to OTC.
I do something crazy when some one asks me a question. I try to answer it clearly and accurately. Situation permitting of course.
Doing this works better than not answering accurately and clearly.
^^ this. Am I missing something? She's asking you what you want, why is it so hard to tell her.
When I'm asked, I answer. I try to be polite or humorous at times, but the basic gist is there.
Not sure where the confusion is coming from based on comments I'm reading. If she's not willing to do ITC or OTC (and I explicitly said exactly what I want), why would she ask unsolicitedly?
You've already lost on the opportunity with this dancer.
But in general my answer to that question is usually something like "Well, I'm a guy so I want everything" while grinning as though it's a joke. And then I continue with "So it's up to you to decide what I actually get. You are in charge."
If she's open to extras either ITC or OTC, she will lead the action and conversation in that direction. If not, she'll probably let you know as well, by her actions if not verbally.
In this situation, I might say that it looks like I can't get what I really want, but does she have any ideas. That opens up the a discussion of the limits of what she can or will provide. Maybe you can get a BJ but not FS ITC. Maybe for a big dollar amount her rules change. Let her tell you about possible options.
Or just say you want the chicken fingers.
Seriously, I once had a similar situation and told a dancer I wanted to make her cum. We were off to the races and I ended up getting a BJ from a "good girl". I about wore out my hand earning it, though.
If you are trying to make sense of strippers and their actions/words, then you haven't clubbed enough - and why most experienced SCers are direct w/o being rude - it's a business transaction, you're not courting her for a long-term relationship - most dancers are clear on what they want or don't want; they want as much of your $$$ as possible while hopefully doing as little as possible in return - it's up to you to get what you want; if you leave it up to the dancers 9 times out of 10 you get an empty-wallet and perpetually full-balls.
One never knows when a dancer will change her mind about something - one day she can be a total prude, another day she may decide to fuck the shit out of you - trying to read dancers is usually as successful as timing-the-market (probably less so) - dancers and custies have different agendas/needs in the club.
If the club does not allow extras, then it's a mute-point for the most part except for possibly OTC which usually has a pretty-low success-rate and often requires building some rapport over several visits but still no guarantee (OTC is more of an art than a science).
Bottom-line "wondering" about what a dancer says is not a good strip-club strategy - if she asks what you want then tell her what you want - if it's a club where what you want is not allowed, then either work within what the club allows or save your $$$ and find a better venue for what you want.
PK11 - So this girl isn't going to fuck you. Get over it. There are still a ton of other things you can do with her that are fun. She is asking you what you want/like. Sounds like she is pretty awesome.
If she's made it clear she's not open to more than a dance, how is it not clear she's asking you what you want from the dance?
Want her to straddle you and grind? Face away and let you grope her tits? Stand in front of you and shake her ass?
You're over complicating. Tell her what you want. If you don't understand, ask her.
When a girls asks me what I want, I tell her that I want topull her hair, smack her ass and fuck her skull.
Then I pause for a second and if she doesn't react, I start laughing.
It doesn't do any harm to throw it out there.
There have been a few girls that said, "Finally, a man that knows how to treat a lady!"
But mostly I laugh!
I think only certain guys can get away with that line.
I'm not one of those guys.
Depends on the club / girl / setting / reasonable-expectations-level. Therefore, adequate TUSCL research before club visit is most necessary!
I learned a long time ago that many (if not most) strippers are not interested in having P4P. Unfortunately the stigma is there and we need to respect their choices. If I’m asked what I want, I need to know what’s available. There are some dancers who will change their tune under different circumstances.
One of my all time favorites kept saying no to anything below the waist. For 7 or 8 weeks I came to the club when I knew she was there and bought 10 consecutive $20 lap dances. That was roughly 30 to 35 minutes. We talked, we joked, we enjoyed each other. Then she complained that she had a new apartment & needed furniture. I offered & she accepted to take her shopping. I bought her a $450 couch. We finally got it up to her 3rd floor apartment, put the legs on, covered the cushion and we were hot a sweaty. She said to wait 5 minutes while she showered. She emerged naked and I suggested that I take shower. She said no, my sweat turned her on. Well it was seventh heaven. After that I bought a kitchen set, hair extensions ($450), dental work, etc. she rationalized that she wasn’t a whore. I was an older gentleman who she liked very much. And I liked her both in and out of bed. And she beat me at chess twice. I was 70 and she 22 when we first got together.
^lol. Thats awesome gawker