
Comments by Sowhatt (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Dakota's Boomtown Strippers Wish The Media Had Never Found Them
    They're both still terrible, terrible clubs. Thank god I got out of there, I feel sorry for the guys with literally no other options for hours in any direction.
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    12 years ago
    Minot ND
    as SC said, there's two in williston. they are terrible. TERRIBLE. Do not go unless all you're looking for is a smoky room with some boobs you can't touch.
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    12 years ago
    Need advice from those that have visited the Mexican strip clubs...
    If you're gonna try to get here off property for the night then your Spanish had better be pretty good. They normally expect you to stay in the club or in the rooms next door for an hour.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    There's definitely a playbook with many options that end up in a touchdown. A lot depends on 1) How good looking are you 2) How much money do you have 3) How ballsy/shy are you Any one of these can dramatically affect your chances, and which play you should use. For example, some girls just won't bang ugly dudes for any amount of money, but if you're even average looking, you have a shot. Some girls just have a price tag, and some girls you just have to approach the right way. If you're a top 10% guy physically, go to a bar and get a normal chick you won't have to pay nearly as much for. If that doesn't do it for you (been there done that) and you're specifically after a stripper, standard woman rules apply. Confidence, charm, etc. Don't spend too much money on her, or you'll get into the #2 zone, which wastes what you got going on. For #2, a good play to run is to find your target, get a couple of lappers, and when you find one that already pushes the boundaries a little bit on lappers, give her a big tip, and let her see the wad. She'll inevitably ask after what she thinks is an alignment of the zodiac event, something along the lines of a VIP, a CR with "more fun" or a "really good time". This is where you drop that you're not comfortable doing what you'd like to do to her (make sure you emphasize TO HER), in public. You'll get your answer really quick with this play. Just like at the bar, you're hitting for average here, so if you have to go through 3 or 4 girls before you get on base, that's just what it takes, which is also why you're only getting a couple of lappers per girl. Add in correct timing of attacking during the day/night shift change or waiting till the very end of the night, and your average will go way up, this is when girls are either thinking to themselves that they're happy with how much they made that day or not.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Who makes the rules?
    All of the above. Usually management stays out of it unless they're enforcing local or state ordinances that could impact their business/liquor licensing, or trying to "class up" the place. The girls are always free to make their own rules as independent contractors. Generally what you'll find is a general range of mileage within each establishment, since the clubs themselves have reputations and the girls tend to work where they're comfortable. For example, a lot of the time the truly gorgeous ones will go to the nicest clubs where it's the most conservative rules because they know they can still make money. The more used up ones can often be found in the total dives where the back corners are petri dishes. Sometimes they break the molds though, a true stunner who works in one of the divier/ higher mileage clubs can make a truly astounding amount of money if she doesn't particularly care who touches her or where. Just keep going out to different places and you'll pick up on it real fast.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Whats the awesomenest place/time you've every had sex with a stripper?
    I like how even if these were true, you are OK with your wife fucking totally random dudes every night AND are anxious to be the next guy to "enter" the VIP with her.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    More Venting: Stripper Ignorance
    Her: So what brings you to town? Me: Business Her: Oh ya? Whatcha do? Me: (Lying) Porn Her: REEEEEEALY!!! I've always wanted to meet someone in porn! Me: Interested in getting into it? I'm a producer Her: Oh I dunno. Would I have to do anal? Me: Only if you want to get paid honey, only if you want to get paid. It went on like this for awhile, but that was the best part.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best laps in Denver?
    Also, Willie's can be dangerous, there have been shootings and big brawls, recently I believe. If you've got the money saved for a big splurge, I recommend Diamond Cabaret, it's full contact, and full bar.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Shoe Shines & Lap Grinds - or how to never leave a girl waiting
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best laps in Denver?
    Diamond Cabaret for the older crowd, more $$. Turns into a lap dance only club 18+ after last call until 4. Get out of there at that point, all the kids show up. Smoky inside, no poles, $20 lappers upstairs. Good restaurant too. Best deal is VIP by the half hour, should start at 250, and you should be able to get them down to 200, fully nude in a semi-private room (no door or curtain, cameras), full contact, full nude. Shotgun Willies out in the burbs if you're feeling adventurous.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Hotlist... for user names???
    GMD: Sarcasm conveyed in text fail. I was failing at being whimsical.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Hotlist... for user names???
    I'd love an ignore list to where I could flag people and their discussions wouldn't show up for me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Club Rules for Dancers
    Most clubs I go to I straight up ask the girl what her pay structure is like, and hint that the more I know, the more I'm more likely to take care of her in whatever manner gets her the most money. They're almost always honest about it. Some clubs is a flat fee + tip outs, others have mixed structure with lower flat fees but they lose a portion of dances/VIP. Most VIP areas in my experience the dancer either keeps a % of the fee (usually half to 75%), OR you pay the house all of the "rental" + bottle service fee, and the dancer works for the tip only. As with many other things, always better if you ask, and let her know that you've got her back. Makes for better dances, I promise you.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Speaking of dread diseases
    Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I need to vent..... No need to respond
    In all fairness, there's 3) Minor ink with personal significance. I don't mind these. Commemorating a lost friend, military service, etc. But I do agree with your 1 and 2.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    choosing my name..need some ideas plz
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    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    What happened to the reviews?
    a.m. tuscl surfing? I'm so proud of you guys.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    So this is what "Policman" has been up to.
    Wonder what this "sexual activity" was, especially considering the dancer had to know there was a camera in there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    It's Cold Outside
    small brown. on a somewhat similar note, what's up with all the dermals lately? dancer had a few on her upper sternum that were bothering her so much it was affecting the dance
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC confusion
    I know I know I know! Oh please dear TUSCL lords and ladies, forgive me my sin of PL'ness. It won't happen again! (Maybe) At least not with this girl. But some good came of this. Eyes opened, ideas planted, intentions bolstered.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC confusion
    I'm not currently comfortable with p4p. And I was apparently buying hook line and sinker a bunch of SS that it was going to happen OTC just cause of how awesome I am. Like I said, a PL moment that won't happen again.
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    13 years ago
    OTC confusion
    You know rick, you're totally right. I think I may have just added a tally mark on my own personal PL scorecard, and now I'm going to erase it. Thanks for the tough love. Now onto the solution. I think I'll start branching out a bit (I'm not cutting her off ITC, the value there for what I get is too good) and sampling some of the other local wares instead of treating her like an exclusive ATF. We're talking about Dallas here, so not like there's a dearth of opportunities.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC confusion
    Steve: Yeah but that's why I specifically say that a no is ok and wont affect our club time or spending. I guess she might just not believe me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC confusion
    GMD: Just dances and VIP, anything beyond that that's ever happened has been her initiative and no extra money was given. I thought I was pretty clear, but it could've been muddled, she's eastern european. I think you're right though, next time I see her I'll definitely make things very clear: No is a perfectly acceptable answer, but if the answer is yes I expect her to follow through, there's plenty of other dancers that I can develop relationships with. (And yes, google voice, god bless that shit)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Looking for Dallas advice
    B-Dolls, Spearmint Rhino, Cabaret Royal, Fare Club